Friday, September 14, 2012

Tackling Some Field Slave Duties

In between some office related tasks, our two a day sex regimen, and a bracing bike ride in a chilly wind that whipped up from the north, Slave took on some yard work yesterday.

Our "grounds" are a little wild here. Clumps of alfalfa popping up that the horse next door likes to poach. A smattering of prairie dog compounds that I have made a little less hospitable this week, and a big stand of red willow that seems to spread a little closer to our house every year. Despite the dry climate, trees and shrubs just keep growing. So every now and then Slave needs to get out my saw and pruners and wack them back. (No, please don't confuse me with Dubya. It's not exactly "clearing brush".)

I think Mistress thought I was a chewing some loco weed when I took my saw to a tree limb abutting our patio. She let me know yesterday that one of my more annoying habits is that I can get a little carried away with the task at hand and be oblivious to it's potential impact on others. And she seemed a little startled when the sucker finally came crashing down.
But in my defense, I want to point out that unlike the lumberjack wannabes over at All Mine, I did not have to make an emergency room run after this task was completed. I made sure that I was in the right location when it came time to yell "timberrrrrr".

Further, I had enough good sense to eyeball this tree's length and know that it would not even come close to disturbing Mistress in repose:


  1. Nice pic Molly:)

    Reminds me that you could cut a switch from that tree for switch day!!

    That nice bare bottom is just begging for one!!

  2. Good to see that our mishaps encouraged you to work more safely and that you learned from my two woodsmen's mistake.

    Don't take down too many trees. Mistress needs at least some privacy :)


  3. I guess taking down the right trees ensures lots of sunshine for sunbathing.


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