Saturday, September 22, 2012

50 Shades of TV Bondage Exploitation

Here at the UCTMW World HQ I am into my 4th consecutive cage day, but looking forward to a day off tomorrow for our switch day.

But unlike some of you out there, I am fortunate that .... at least so far.... Mistress has not made me sleep in that infernal contraption.

Last night we got home, planning a bike ride, some lay-about time, dinner and a movie. A nice friday night empty nest-a-thon.

But when we got home and I stripped off the work attire, Mistress played a little coy about when I might be released.

"just stand arounf naked for a while Slave and we'll see what Mistress desires."

"You wouldn't make me ride in this thing, Mistress.... would you? I could get hurt, and then what good would the work-a-day cock be to you?"

She didn't seem too sympathetic, but ultimately relented after I used my tongue and lips to provide some "service" before we headed out for our ride.

Later, back at home, she had me insert my "device" (the aneros) before I was allowed to make love to her.

"I might as well get a nice hard one, Slave....."

And she certainly did.

But since I will be going out for a while this morning .... to see my grandkids and visit my cranky Mother, I've already got that hard ring back on again. Hopefully there will be some wake-up sex in my morning before I go back on lock down.

I did want to share with you a little video clip I found Thursday night, when Mistress was off on her spontaneous date with J. It's been a while since Mistress and Slave have watched Weeds, which was kind of amusing in the early years, but went off into stoopid land a few seasons back. It's the show centered around Nancy,  the hot suburban mom who turns to selling marijuana to support her family after she becomes a young widow.

Every now and then it has dabbled in kinky sex. A few years back there was a memorable scene where the underemployed brother in law gets a surprise ass-fucking from a female rabbi who spent some time in the Israeli army.

Well this is the last season, and apparently they could not resist exploiting and tweeking the 50 Shades of Grey phenomenon. But its Nancy's son Silas, who started the series as a high school stoner, but has now transitioned to a 20 something lady killer, who get to wield a mean paddle.

Check it out: Weeds Bondage Scene


  1. Seems like Mistress is keeping you locked whenever you're out of her sight. Not a bad strategy. I think a night in the cage while she's away with J will be the first big test.


  2. I think you are exactly right Sue:)

  3. I love the bondage scene! It appears Silas has had some practice flipping a ball gag in and out.


  4. All..
    with regard to Slave Mick..understand that his cage wearing will be daily (at least through the election) and could be "four more years" as they say in election cycles. He has a tendency to become unruly, disrespectful and to behave inappropriately during presidential election years. This has caused me -- albeit -- a perfectly fine mistress -- to realize undue stress and anxiety. Trust that he will be caged -- and should really also lose emailing, texting and talking privileges -- he is under CLOSE watch.

  5. Well Mick,

    I do feel some sympathy for the Slave,

    Therefore I recommend a particularly hard bare bottom spanking for Molly tommorow morning on switch day,


    The withdrawal of the power tool before it accomplishes its purpose

    After all what is good for the goose is good for the gander:)

    And I'm sure Molly would be understanding and not retaliate

    What do you think Sue?

    The just trying to help,


  6. Sorry WC, I'm just not that sympathetic. Given the current circumstances, I think switch day might be in jeopardy.

    The also trying to help,



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