Monday, September 3, 2012

The Mystery of Mistress's Sore Abs

With our Sorority Girl asleep down the hall on Switch Day, it was hard to develop the sort of loud and gaudy Switch Day adventure that Mistress certainly deserved yesterday morning. But I did administer some discrete spanks, hopefully muffled by the sounds of our classical music station playing on the radio. And as a reward for her "suffering" Mistress got some attention from her favorite power tool. There is nothing like the sight of those tight ass muscles flexing and straining when I slide the Hitachi between her thighs from behind, and Mistress pumps against it to reach her hard worked for cum.

And she was even polite enough to ask permission!  Once she was done, Slave made sure to fully exercise his Switch Day privilege of fucking her to my heart's content, first from behind, then "straight on 'til morning".

Afterwords we had a nice morning bike ride, and a rather laid back balance of the day. But Mistress did have one complaint:

"My abs are really sore this morning, Slave....."


"Sounds like J's athletic sexual stylings got to you Mistress...."

"Maybe, Slave..... am I out of shape?"

Well, as you can see from today's illustration, Mistress's legs and ass are quite firm. But there must be something about the way she and J were fucking Saturday morning that betrayed a weakness in her "core".

"I wonder what it is Mistress.... the cock riding, or him pumping into you  with your legs up?"

"Not sure, Slave...."

She and J were talking about it over the phone yesterday evening as Slave was preparing dinner for the two of us.... salmon poached in a sauce of fresh late summer tomatoes and eggplant that I must say was pretty darn delicious.

"I'm not sure what it is you did to me J, but my abs are still feeling it today."

If any of you have thoughts to share with Mistress on how to better "prepare" her abs for these sessions with J, feel free to pass them on. My advice is sit-ups, but there may be something less painful to prescribe.

In any event, Mistress's attitude appears to be "no pain, no gain". She mentioned to me yesterday her plan to head over to J's "love shack" late this afternoon, after our Sorority girl heads back to campus. With the two of us heading off to our Southwest hideaway late this week, it seems only fair that she slip in a sleepover with her lover when she can.

"But I may make you wear the cage while I'm gone, Slave.... just to make sure you don't take advantage of my absence...."

Sleeping in that steel cage? 

Let's hope she shows a little mercy.


  1. What? Molly doesn't make you sleep in your device? My god, Mick, you are a coddled cuckold...

  2. I like that Harry...

    Coddled cuckold...

    Just kind of rolls off the lips

    Over pampered house slave might still be the best though

    What do you think Sue?

  3. Well you all know where I stand on this particular topic. Coddled, pampered, spoiled, etc. It's a pretty luxurious life of slavery in my opinion.

    Just an FYI, my favorite classical selection during sex is Ravel's "Bolero."


  4. My much more "merciful" can she get??

  5. Laughing at the comments. It's seriously funny, "coddled cuckold.." and it has a lovely ring to it.

    And of course, it's true. :)

    As for Mistress...a very VERY simple core exercise which is surprisingly hard, but easier than sit ups.

    (its a yoga move)...forearms on the floor, toes up, body full lenth in a "plank" position...that is, a straight line from head to heel.
    Elbows are lined up under the shoulders, palms flat on the floor. Keep the ass from drooping into a swayed back, and eyes should be looking at the floor between the hands to keep the neck positioned properly. Knees straight, heels pointing at the ceiling, holding herself in this position by core muscles.

    It is surprisingly challenging to hold this for 45 seconds. To stop, drop the knees, then see if she can rise up using those core muscles.

    Hope this helps.


  6. OMG Nilla

    I'm not that smart

    Better provide a diagram for the poor old WC

    Jeez I thought my new cell phone directions were hard

  7. /-----*-----/---0
    / /
    / /____@

    Okay. This is the best I could "draw". dashes at the left side, feet balanced on toes. The * is the ass the right side slashes going down are the arms, bent @ elbows, and resting on forearms.(The @ sign is the hands!) and the wee "0" is the head.

    Poor WC. It's like kneeling, but with toes making contact and not the knees. Clear as mud.



  8. oh. my drawing shifted when I hit publish. Fucking hell. Don't put your arms right next to your knees, Molly or you'll fall forward and smush your face on the rug.

    Forget it! I suggest a hair of the dog that bit ya...more sex= strong abs!



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