It's been some time since Mistress and Slave soldiered through the last week of the year at our respective offices - parts of the skeleton crews than hang in there until the bitter end. And I can't really complain. Life this week was nice and slowly paced, giving me time to catch up on some of those tasks you put off, and then put off some more.
By yesterday, I had even run out of those tedious things to do. And since my Contract forbids engaging in the "hands on" work activities of the type our WC distracts himself with at the UCTMW Mountain Zone branch office, I was grateful for a little diversion. Mistress, our cute C0-Ed and one of her Co-Ed friends decided to join me for lunch. All three of them seemed of a kind, - with black boots, tights or leggings. So naturally I had to take a picture of my "booted babe" lunch companions.
(B, my colleague who has a bit of a crush on Mistress, had a sad hangdog look on his face when he saw my lunch company and was unsuccessful in wheedling an invitation to join us. Maybe next year, B!)
After lunch, Mistress took the girls on a little shopping expedition in River City's compact middle American downtown, while her Slave went back to work. But by around 3 or so, she sent the Co-Eds on their way, and stopped back at my office for an early departure. Hell, I was one of the last folks in my office by then.
Now, since we were heading home, it probably made more sense to wait until we were in the friendly confines of our CEO's Executive Suite for a little hanky panky.
But why wait?
"How about a little last of the year office worship, Mistress?"
"Good idea Slave.... and since I have those special tights on, I don't even have to slide off a boot."
Mistress settled into her throne, pressed against the door to assure a little privacy. She spread those delightful thighs, in their black tights .... it was enough to make even a jaded Slave squirm. If only old B knew what was going on just a few doors away.
I hesitated just a moment, to take a fetching photo, before "digging in".
After a few minutes of devotion, Mistress thighs were pressing against my cheeks, her boots draped over my back and she was moaning through a nice quaking cum.
"Mistress, with those tights and boots, you could make a Slave out of just about anyone."
"She had a pensive look for a moment.
"Do you really think so, Slave?"
Midwestern Professionals relocated the the High Desert SW add some cuckoldry and submission. But now there's a New BOSS in town
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Ringing Out the Old....
office worship,
peek-a-boo tights
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Friday, December 30, 2011
Our Senior Correspondent Eats Out.... and In.
It wasn't until about 8:30 pm, after Slave suffered through a 4th Quarter collapse by his alma mater in an inconsequential bowl game, and Mistress returned from the gym, that she found the time to retrieve the key.
I'm not sure how guys like Tammy, who are caged up for days on end handle it. Fortunately, there was a carnal reward at the end of this particularly discomforting rainbow. But rather than focus on that, let's hear from our Senior Correspondent on how their week has been going:

It isn't even noon yet and it has already been a good one.
I was reading the blogs I enjoy every morning when I came across this picture, and it really turned me on!
I love tribal tattoos, and whether it was that, or the way the woman is being held down (I do so love that, too), I found it quite stirring.
And my sweet Bill was the grateful recipient of my horniness being all stirred up. I went back to our bedroom, flipped back the sheets and gave him a very nice blowjob, if I do say so myself.
The characters In a book I was reading last night were really into BJs. Some of their techniques seemed interesting, so I decided to work them into my BJ repertoire. This morning seemed a good time to give a few of them a try.
Adding some twisting of the hand on the upstroke, vigorous nibbling and humming while switching back and forth between the frenulum and balls, then focusing on head-sucking and swallowing with a distinctive rhythm and then pulling back just enough to stick the tip of my tongue into his slit, and my man was moaning in no time. He really, really seemed to enjoy it!
He enjoyed it so much that he gave me two spankings as we finished up. The first was bare handed, and it left my buns warm and rosy. I thought we were done, but I should know by now not to assume anything with Bill, and as we stood by the dressers talking about our plans for the day, he reached into a drawer and pulled out a crop. My hands were placed so that I was balanced against the wall with my butt sticking out, and a good cropping ensued. So nice.
You may be thinking that I am about to stop, but no!
We drove into a small town over a mountain or two to check out a gym that has recently started up. Lo and behold, this place is neat. It is open 24/7, with camera surveillance, lights and music always on. Each member is given instruction on the equipment, a key to the gym, and you can work out whenever it suits your schedule. Any piece of equipment you might want is there and the price is less that half of what Bill paid for a gym membership to a chain gym twelve years ago. No kidding. This looks perfect for Bill.
And then...the owner has also just opened a martial arts center nearby. I have a green belt in Taekwondo that I earned many years ago in my wheelchair, and I have been looking for something that would help me retain my balance and strength while up on my crutches. The new martial arts center will be offering Tai Chi and the Master is willing to work with the crutches. Woo-hoo!
But wait, there's more! And no, I am not selling Ginsu knives.
We decided to have breakfast at a bagel place we had heard about from a couple of people. We had been told this little place had New York bagels. Right. Anyone who has had real New York bagels knows that they are extraordinary, a culinary mystery and masterpiece. When toasted and plastered with cream cheese...WOW! Sadly, we have never found that same level of texture or flavor outside of NY.
We pulled into the lot of this little hole in the wall bagel place, and had to hunt for a parking spot. As soon as we opened the door, BAM! the aroma was right. Coffee wafted on the air currents and toasted goodness assaulted our noses. The cases were stuffed with all kinds of luscious looking bagels and bialys and the refrigerated glass case had big bowls of different types of cream cheese. Could it be? Could it possibly be? YES!!!
I make quite a bit of noise while enjoying sex and Bill had a hard time not laughing this morning, since I was making some of those same noises while eating my luscious bagel.
So I ate two wonderful things before noon. Not a bad start to the day, guys!
Blow jobs,
Senior Correspondent
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
HNT / Vocabulary Lesson
Yesterday we got a little verbal and commentary feedback on a word I used yesterday to describe what was a surprising breakout of exuberant horniness here at the UCTMW World HQ.
And of course, of anything we try to raise the level of discourse on these humble pages.
So here is the word:
"Concupiscence", defined at World Book as "carnal desire, lust....". The derivative is Old English, derived from the Latin, concupiscent - beginning to desire. For those of you who took high school Latin (as I did for a dreary 4 years, climaxing in the construction of a Trojan horse with popsicle sticks), it comes from the verb concupiscere, from con (expressing intensive force) + cupere ( to desire).
One of our better educated readers expressed surprise to Mistress that I had come up with a word with which he was unfamiliar. I can only ascribe it to my Catholic education. It's a word (among others) that was used as a pejorative. I mean, god forbid one would unleash forces that would inspire such a base and loathsome impulse as "carnal desire, lust". It gets you into Jesus / Mary Magdellan territory, and only the big guy could handle a hot chick washing his feet and not "rise to the occasion".
Now, believe it or not, I just came up with that from my own recollections of a Catholic education clearly gone bad. But then, to find further blog fodder, I consulted google, and came up with some collaborating evidence over at Wikipedia,where I learned that:
"For Christians, concupiscence refers to what they understand as the orientation, inclination or innate tendency of human beings to long for fleshly appetites, often associated with a desire to do things which are proscribed.
There are nine occurrences of concupiscence in the Douay-Rheims Bible[3] and three occurrences in the King James Bible.[4] It is also one of the English translations of the Koine Greek epithumia (ἐπιθυμία),[5] which occurs 38 times in some versions of the New Testament.[6]"
So, if I ever get desperate for blog material, I can always, catalog for our "high class" readers those 9 - 38 occurrences of concupiscence in both versions of the bible. Then I can call on Donna to find suitable illustrations. Afterwords, we'll have a test and give AP credit at the UCTMW Community College, once we open it's doors.
But what I note I that this appears to be a New Testament phenomenon, which may explain why our Jewish readers may not be particularly familiar with this term.
At least the Catholic view on concupiscent temptation is a bit more flexible than the Protestant view, as the folks at Wikipedia also explain:
The primary difference between Catholic theology and the most of the many different Protestant theologies on the issue of concupiscence is whether it can be classified as sin by its own nature. Different Protestant denominations tend to see concupiscence as sin itself, an act of the sinner. The Catholic Church teaches that while it is highly likely to cause sin, concupiscence is not sin itself. Rather, it is "the tinder for sin" which "cannot harm those who do not consent" (CCC 1264).[7]
So for those of you encountering the "tinder of sin" today, my advice is this: make sure you have a match handy. And a fire hose.
I hear Mistress upstairs now, and recall that I still need to fit the hard steel ring of my cock cage around the base of my cock and balls. We're driving separately to work today. Mistress has a morning "breakfast meeting" set up, and while she trusts her Slave, it always makes her feel more secure to have me secured away for the day.
Plus there is that extra-hard morning cock bonus for her.
I guess I'd better resume this vocabulary lesson at a later time then.
By the way, hope you enjoy the view of Mistress's other Christmas gift.
And of course, of anything we try to raise the level of discourse on these humble pages.
So here is the word:
"Concupiscence", defined at World Book as "carnal desire, lust....". The derivative is Old English, derived from the Latin, concupiscent - beginning to desire. For those of you who took high school Latin (as I did for a dreary 4 years, climaxing in the construction of a Trojan horse with popsicle sticks), it comes from the verb concupiscere, from con (expressing intensive force) + cupere ( to desire).
One of our better educated readers expressed surprise to Mistress that I had come up with a word with which he was unfamiliar. I can only ascribe it to my Catholic education. It's a word (among others) that was used as a pejorative. I mean, god forbid one would unleash forces that would inspire such a base and loathsome impulse as "carnal desire, lust". It gets you into Jesus / Mary Magdellan territory, and only the big guy could handle a hot chick washing his feet and not "rise to the occasion".
Now, believe it or not, I just came up with that from my own recollections of a Catholic education clearly gone bad. But then, to find further blog fodder, I consulted google, and came up with some collaborating evidence over at Wikipedia,where I learned that:
"For Christians, concupiscence refers to what they understand as the orientation, inclination or innate tendency of human beings to long for fleshly appetites, often associated with a desire to do things which are proscribed.
There are nine occurrences of concupiscence in the Douay-Rheims Bible[3] and three occurrences in the King James Bible.[4] It is also one of the English translations of the Koine Greek epithumia (ἐπιθυμία),[5] which occurs 38 times in some versions of the New Testament.[6]"
So, if I ever get desperate for blog material, I can always, catalog for our "high class" readers those 9 - 38 occurrences of concupiscence in both versions of the bible. Then I can call on Donna to find suitable illustrations. Afterwords, we'll have a test and give AP credit at the UCTMW Community College, once we open it's doors.
But what I note I that this appears to be a New Testament phenomenon, which may explain why our Jewish readers may not be particularly familiar with this term.
At least the Catholic view on concupiscent temptation is a bit more flexible than the Protestant view, as the folks at Wikipedia also explain:
The primary difference between Catholic theology and the most of the many different Protestant theologies on the issue of concupiscence is whether it can be classified as sin by its own nature. Different Protestant denominations tend to see concupiscence as sin itself, an act of the sinner. The Catholic Church teaches that while it is highly likely to cause sin, concupiscence is not sin itself. Rather, it is "the tinder for sin" which "cannot harm those who do not consent" (CCC 1264).[7]
So for those of you encountering the "tinder of sin" today, my advice is this: make sure you have a match handy. And a fire hose.
I hear Mistress upstairs now, and recall that I still need to fit the hard steel ring of my cock cage around the base of my cock and balls. We're driving separately to work today. Mistress has a morning "breakfast meeting" set up, and while she trusts her Slave, it always makes her feel more secure to have me secured away for the day.
Plus there is that extra-hard morning cock bonus for her.
I guess I'd better resume this vocabulary lesson at a later time then.
By the way, hope you enjoy the view of Mistress's other Christmas gift.
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Quality, Not Quantity....
This morning's title does not refer to the frequency of sexual conduct here at the UCTMW World HQ yesterday, but rather to the paucity of words in today's blog.
Though it was a cold, rainy, dreary day here in River City, and Mistress and Slave were off to work like good little post-holiday drones, we seemed incapable of keeping our sexual bits to ourselves.
There was the wake-up sex, conventional but oh so satisfying.
There was the on the way to work sex, Mick's fingers dipping and swirling through the strategic aperture at the junction of Mistress's thighs, all gussied up as she was in those black boots and peek-a-boo tights, until Mistress's thighs clamped down hard, her little "no mas" sign that I had achieved my objective.
There was the home from work sex, that started "innocently" enough with a little on my knees worship, but continued through a bonus of me fucking her, con mucho gusto, through the aforementioned aperture.
And then, around 1 am, some middle of the night sex.... both of us had gone to sleep around ten, but somehow found ourselves restless and horny.
Only one thing to do when that happens. Plus she still had those tights on, milking her Slave's fetish for all it was worth.
Which explains why Slave is up a little late this am. And under a deadline to get this done before duty calls once again. As recompense, I've added a shot of Mistress from the Post-Christmas photo shoot.
Enjoy, all. And if anyone can hypothesize what has made us particularly concupiscent this week, please let us know.
Though it was a cold, rainy, dreary day here in River City, and Mistress and Slave were off to work like good little post-holiday drones, we seemed incapable of keeping our sexual bits to ourselves.
There was the wake-up sex, conventional but oh so satisfying.
There was the on the way to work sex, Mick's fingers dipping and swirling through the strategic aperture at the junction of Mistress's thighs, all gussied up as she was in those black boots and peek-a-boo tights, until Mistress's thighs clamped down hard, her little "no mas" sign that I had achieved my objective.
There was the home from work sex, that started "innocently" enough with a little on my knees worship, but continued through a bonus of me fucking her, con mucho gusto, through the aforementioned aperture.
And then, around 1 am, some middle of the night sex.... both of us had gone to sleep around ten, but somehow found ourselves restless and horny.
Only one thing to do when that happens. Plus she still had those tights on, milking her Slave's fetish for all it was worth.
Which explains why Slave is up a little late this am. And under a deadline to get this done before duty calls once again. As recompense, I've added a shot of Mistress from the Post-Christmas photo shoot.
Enjoy, all. And if anyone can hypothesize what has made us particularly concupiscent this week, please let us know.
peek-a-boo tights
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
When Mick is Away....
Yesterday morning, after some wake-up sex in Mistress's executive suite, I took out my new Christmas camera and shot a few photos of Mistress in one of her gifts from her Slave: this little night time confection that channels her 70's era taste for tie-dye in a more delicately crafted way.
The back story is that I acquired this gift at a very tasteful lingerie store in River City, run by a woman who Slave was involved with in a prior life .... we'll call her my Mondale era companion. So when a box comes from there, Mistress always asks if she was involved in making the selection. In this case, she was. While much water has gone over that dam, and we remain friends, it is a little strange to have an old flame help select sexy intimates for my beloved.
So let us know if you like Mistress in her new costume.....
After our little photo shoot we took full advantage of our bonus day off. A nice bike ride in unusually mild weather. Then Mistress and our cute Co-ed went to lunch with the Mother Domme, while I hung out with my two older daughters and my grandson, who was displaying his skills as a master lego craftsman.
I got home at around 3 pm, planning a little quiet time with Mistress before we sucked it up and took my grumpy Mother to dinner. I must confess I was a little surprised that I did not get the "when will you be home?" call or text from Mistress, figuring maybe time with her Mom stretched out a bit.
But when I got home, Mistress's car was in the garage, the C0-Ed was in her room, and the door to the executive suite was closed.
Having unpleasantly surprised Mistress on earlier occasions, I knew I should discretely knock to announce my presence before trying the door, which of course I did. But when I tried the door (which does not have a lock), it would not budge.
Double Hmmmm.
"Just a second, Slave...."
A moment later she came to the door, shifting aside the vanity that she had marshaled into service as a barricade.
The first thing I noticed was her delightful clean shaven folds, on display beneath her top, and the sultry Mistress Musk that permeated our chamber.
Of course, Mistress is beyond embarrassment when it comes to a little solitary afternoon delight. She hardly needs her Slave's permission when the urge arises. And I was a little later than planned. So the train apparently had left the station without me.
But I was a little curious about what had triggered this particular urge.
"Spending some quality time with the Hitachi, Mistress?"
"It was getting a little lonely in that drawer with your T-shirts, Slave."
"And how did it go, Mistress? How many?"
"It was nice, Slave.... but only one...."
"So you left a little energy for me?"
"Of course, Slave...."
And while I was just planning on a little nap when I pulled into the driveway, somehow the sight of my wanton Mistress and that heady aroma put me in a different mood. Lucky for me, she was quite accommodating.
The back story is that I acquired this gift at a very tasteful lingerie store in River City, run by a woman who Slave was involved with in a prior life .... we'll call her my Mondale era companion. So when a box comes from there, Mistress always asks if she was involved in making the selection. In this case, she was. While much water has gone over that dam, and we remain friends, it is a little strange to have an old flame help select sexy intimates for my beloved.
So let us know if you like Mistress in her new costume.....
After our little photo shoot we took full advantage of our bonus day off. A nice bike ride in unusually mild weather. Then Mistress and our cute Co-ed went to lunch with the Mother Domme, while I hung out with my two older daughters and my grandson, who was displaying his skills as a master lego craftsman.
I got home at around 3 pm, planning a little quiet time with Mistress before we sucked it up and took my grumpy Mother to dinner. I must confess I was a little surprised that I did not get the "when will you be home?" call or text from Mistress, figuring maybe time with her Mom stretched out a bit.
But when I got home, Mistress's car was in the garage, the C0-Ed was in her room, and the door to the executive suite was closed.
Having unpleasantly surprised Mistress on earlier occasions, I knew I should discretely knock to announce my presence before trying the door, which of course I did. But when I tried the door (which does not have a lock), it would not budge.
Double Hmmmm.
"Just a second, Slave...."
A moment later she came to the door, shifting aside the vanity that she had marshaled into service as a barricade.
The first thing I noticed was her delightful clean shaven folds, on display beneath her top, and the sultry Mistress Musk that permeated our chamber.
Of course, Mistress is beyond embarrassment when it comes to a little solitary afternoon delight. She hardly needs her Slave's permission when the urge arises. And I was a little later than planned. So the train apparently had left the station without me.
But I was a little curious about what had triggered this particular urge.
"Spending some quality time with the Hitachi, Mistress?"
"It was getting a little lonely in that drawer with your T-shirts, Slave."
"And how did it go, Mistress? How many?"
"It was nice, Slave.... but only one...."
"So you left a little energy for me?"
"Of course, Slave...."
And while I was just planning on a little nap when I pulled into the driveway, somehow the sight of my wanton Mistress and that heady aroma put me in a different mood. Lucky for me, she was quite accommodating.
Hitachi Magic Wand,
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Monday, December 26, 2011
Christmas with Molly and Mick
It was our first Christmas in River City in about 11 years, after spending the last decade with our two daughters at our mountain hideaway. And while we missed the cold, snow, quiet and fresh high desert air, it has also been surprisingly relaxing to just hang out here, trying our best to keep the scheduling demands to a minimum.
And of course, with only one daughter home -- the type that likes to sleep in for as long as possible- that has left Mistress and her devoted slave with more than ample time to get back to some more leisurely sexual engagement.
Yesterday, I had the assist from our Senior and Western Correspondents with their joint spanking post. All I had to do was find a few suitable photos. And while Sin may have thought the shots of "spanking Santa" were a tad "shocking", what I was surprised was how many there were out there. And there were even some where Santa was on the receiving end. The horror!
So, after letting Mistress sleep in a bit, I wandered upstairs and found her more than ready to share some Christmas cheer. After some suitable worship, Mistress took the notion to give her cock for a Yuletide ride, and proceeded to do so with relish, to taking herself to a couple of stirring cums before rolling over and letting Mistress finish the job.
After that there were some gifts to open -- two for her worthy of a photo shoot later on with the new camera Mistress got me.
At some point we prodded our daughter out of the bed, and we all talked to our younger daughter via Skype. While we all miss her, and she seemed a little melancholy too, she is on a great adventure that we hope will keep her happy until her return in July.
After that we were off to share gifts with my older daughters and my rampaging grandsons, who were by now on the third wave of Christmas gifting. Fun, but about 90 minutes of that chaos were more than enough for us.
Home again, we were able to enjoy the unseasonable sun and 50 degree weather for a neighborhood bike ride, while still leaving us with the shank of the afternoon for a nap and some soft and cuddly twilight sex. Somehow we lost track of switch day, but I think Mistress deserved a day off for the Holiday, don't you?
By 5:30 we were off to a somewhat lower key Christmas dinner with Mistress's Mother and members of her stepfather's family. There were no small ones running about, but the scale of the event was, thankfully, mellow and relaxing.
Not that there wasn't at least one blog worthy event.... You may recall that our neighbor and blog fan, who comments as "DC", works with Mistress's Mom, who is a very young 70, who dresses in very high and elegant style. He mentioned that "Mom" is a bit of a Domme in her own right. Well last night we got a little confirmation.
She had made a big salad, and asked for implements to do the tossing. The hostess, her husband's daughter, handed her two high design wooden tools, with flat broad ends and long handles. But "Mom" found the devices rather unwieldy.
"These look nice, but aren't exactly easy to use....", she said, to no one in particular.
I couldn't help myself.
"Yeah.... they look like they have a different purpose entirely."
She raised a knowing eyebrow and agreed.
"Right.... paddles....."
I'd be careful at work, DC. You don't want to cross her, unless you're prepared to take your medicine.
And of course, with only one daughter home -- the type that likes to sleep in for as long as possible- that has left Mistress and her devoted slave with more than ample time to get back to some more leisurely sexual engagement.

So, after letting Mistress sleep in a bit, I wandered upstairs and found her more than ready to share some Christmas cheer. After some suitable worship, Mistress took the notion to give her cock for a Yuletide ride, and proceeded to do so with relish, to taking herself to a couple of stirring cums before rolling over and letting Mistress finish the job.
After that there were some gifts to open -- two for her worthy of a photo shoot later on with the new camera Mistress got me.
At some point we prodded our daughter out of the bed, and we all talked to our younger daughter via Skype. While we all miss her, and she seemed a little melancholy too, she is on a great adventure that we hope will keep her happy until her return in July.
After that we were off to share gifts with my older daughters and my rampaging grandsons, who were by now on the third wave of Christmas gifting. Fun, but about 90 minutes of that chaos were more than enough for us.
Home again, we were able to enjoy the unseasonable sun and 50 degree weather for a neighborhood bike ride, while still leaving us with the shank of the afternoon for a nap and some soft and cuddly twilight sex. Somehow we lost track of switch day, but I think Mistress deserved a day off for the Holiday, don't you?
By 5:30 we were off to a somewhat lower key Christmas dinner with Mistress's Mother and members of her stepfather's family. There were no small ones running about, but the scale of the event was, thankfully, mellow and relaxing.
Not that there wasn't at least one blog worthy event.... You may recall that our neighbor and blog fan, who comments as "DC", works with Mistress's Mom, who is a very young 70, who dresses in very high and elegant style. He mentioned that "Mom" is a bit of a Domme in her own right. Well last night we got a little confirmation.
She had made a big salad, and asked for implements to do the tossing. The hostess, her husband's daughter, handed her two high design wooden tools, with flat broad ends and long handles. But "Mom" found the devices rather unwieldy.
"These look nice, but aren't exactly easy to use....", she said, to no one in particular.

"Yeah.... they look like they have a different purpose entirely."
She raised a knowing eyebrow and agreed.
"Right.... paddles....."
I'd be careful at work, DC. You don't want to cross her, unless you're prepared to take your medicine.
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Our Senior and Western Correspondents' Tutorial on Spanking

KTAO, Our favorite Mountain West radio station is on, streaming what we have become used to as our Christmas soundtrack. And though it just doesn't seem like Christmas here in River City, with mild temperatures and not a snowflake in sight, we did enjoy Christmas Eve at my daughter's home, her two cute boys rampaging about, and both sides of her family gathered around a huge table. The torch has passed to a new generation for the Christmas Eve gathering, and that's a milestone to celebrate.
By the way, there was plenty of sexual action here at the World HQ too on Christmas Eve. There hot wake-up sex before a bracing bike ride. Then, well, Mistress seemed to get a little randy while I took my daughters to the Pussycats game here in River City. Her phone sex session with the WC only partially satisfied her appetite. Because after the family dinner, and a walk in our charming old neighborhood to enjoy the lights and stillness, she got out those long black leather gloves to taunt and tease "her" cock. And who was I to complain.....
But the special Christmas treat today is this remarkable collaboration by our Senior and Western Correspondents on how to give and accept a nice Holiday spanking.
Enjoy, and Merry Christmas to all!
The WC:
Spanking is something that turns on almost all submissives
I use spanking as a broad term to encompass spanking,
paddling, strapping, caning, etc.
There are two types of spanking
Fun hot spanking used as sex play
And even hotter
Real or disciplinary spankings
I like play spankings
But I love to mete out real discipline!
It makes my cock rock hard every time
There was a kinkstress named Dorothy Spencer back in the 30's
She wrote a little book called the "Spencer Spanking
In that book she advocated spanking to solve marital
But the little minx had a twist
She said the wives could only be spanked by their husbands bare
She said the husbands should be spanked very hard with a hard
wooden paddle
Little kinky Domme obviously!
The famous Spencer Spanking Paddle is named after her
It is a hard wood spanking paddle with
holes drilled in it to reduce wind residence
In her book she said you should never give in to any pleas for
But, rather spank till the husband was truly contrite
Reminds me of Molly Collins
Whining and wheedling during switch day
"Oh but slave it hurts so terribly" Please
But then when Mick fucks up
It is the shoehorn or riding crop till he grabs the sheets
I know Mick loves it
Molly you should become more strict!
Nevertheless, I think it is very hot when a spouse can truly
discipline the other spouse
The hottest sex B and I have is after a real spanking
I have to say that I am not a huge fan of Spencer for those of us who are kinky. For vanillas, it's the bee's knees, and I do appreciate that there are some rules, like the one that says to never spank in anger. And I like the philosophy that once the punishment is over, it's over and the issue that resulted in the punishment won't be brought up again. However, I much prefer what to me is the sexier style of spanking that is part of the BDSM community.
There is the silent build-up that makes my stomach tingle and makes my pussy hot when I glance toward Bill and he has a finger, or two, or five raised and gives me a nod, letting me know that I have erred and the spanks are adding up. I know that the number of fingers I see is only a minimum, not the maximum, and not knowing for sure what the total will be adds edge, tension and a spontaneity that brings thought of both excitement and oh, crap! When Bill senses that I am needing more spanks, he continues, judging by my response what is right for that moment. It's a bit like that economics principle of what the market can bear.
The word bear, brings me to bare. Sometimes we're both naked for my spanking and sometimes he just pulls down my jeans or pulls up my nightie. A favorite of mine is when I am naked over his lap and he still has his clothes on. As he pushes down on my back, I can feel his hard-on pushing against me through the fabric of his pants and the pain/pleasure waves begin. After the spanking starts, a rhythm develops between swats and sweet rubbing and back to swats. The more my butt stings the harder Bill's erection becomes, and eventually my cries are two-fold: for him to stop and for him to take me.
Bill thinks I respond to each of the tools of spanking, the hand, flogger, cane or paddle just a bit differently, but says they all make me really horny!
After the session is over, there is always, always aftercare. That loving, rubbing, checking in with me that makes me feel so treasured. I suppose I would describe the aftercare as that same feeling as when I am overwhelmed in a crowd and I feel Bill put his arm around me and I instantly know I am safe and everything is going to be okay. It is a gift, an act of love.
The WC:
Regardless of the type of spanking I like the over the knee
position the best
My hand for play spanking and a hairbrush for discipline
I put my right leg over her legs to make sure she cant wiggle
I say "hand please" and make her give me her right
hand which I hold in my left hand on the small of her back
This gives you great control of her
Before I demand the hand, I like to pull her bottom open to
inspect her
Pry her labia open and jam a finger in her...embarrass her that
she is wet...
Sometimes I put a butt plug up her bottom ....HOT! "Naughty
girls get their bottoms stuffed and it makes their cunts drip, doesn't
Yes sir...
I make her answer every question I ask... also HOT!
If the spanking is a disciplinary one a stern lecture is
also called for
"How many times have I told you not to do that young
lady?" punctuated by a hard swat from the hairbrush
"I'm going to blister your bare bottom young lady!"
"Oh you are sorry now? "Not as sorry as you're
going to be before I'm done with you!"
"I'm going to lay into your bottom till its bright red
young lady!"
OMG that gets my cock rock hard HOT HOT HOT!!!!
After I'm done it's easy to slip her off your lap on her knees
and have her thank me and worship and suck my cock till I cum down her throat
Thanks, guys. You've both earned your Christmas Bonus. But what was particularly special was the photo of him in his "workshop" that the WC sent us to go with this post:
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Early Dismissal
It's Christmas Eve here in River City, and the good news is that the rain is threatening to stop for a few hours. Good timing, because I will be taking my little co-ed and an older daughter and her beau to see the Pussycats play what amounts to a play-off game for them. Then we have the big Christmas Eve family gathering - the one we've avoided for the last 11 years or so. But this year, I'm actually looking forward to it.
39 degrees, rain and mudslides is not something that brings Bing Crosby crooning to mind. But it's a pleasant break to be here for what we hope will not be too harried a weekend.
Yesterday was another day we've not experienced in a while: the last work day before the Christmas break, when both of our offices shut down "spontaneously" a few hours early for the holidays, just as everyone suspected they would.
And, of course, Mistress and Slave planned to do just that: escaping at noon for a little R & R.
I must say we were a little surprised to find Francois waiting for us when we got home -- apparently even the French Foreign Legion arranges for a little early liberte' for the Holidays! He bore marzipan treats confiscated from some evil terrorist black marketeer his comrades had brought to justice, to satisfy Mistress's longing. But because the sullen co-ed was lurking about, that was the extent to which Mistress's needs were satisfied by our MIA "chef".
We even invited our daughter to come down and meet our exotic friend, but she demurred.
"I'm in a towel", was all she said.
"Won't bother me", Francois muttered under his breath.
No doubt.
After Francois left for another engagement, Mistress and the cute Co-Ed were off for some nail maintenance, and Slave did a little final Christmas shopping. Packages were wrapped, and there was still time for a brief nap before meeting my older daughter and her boyfriend, in from DC, for some pizza.
Waking from our nap, Mistress asked for the phone.
"I fell a little bad I've not talked to the WC in a while Slave.... let's give him a call."
Well, one thing led to another and before you knew it, Slave was on his knees, Mistress's legs were spread, and I was enjoying her sweet juices as she listed to whatever tale of debauchery he was murmuring in her ear.
The result was two nice little post nap, pre-pizza cums for our CEO. Let's hope our other colleagues put their early dismissal to just as good a use!
We hope all of our readers have a relaxing Christmas Eve with family and friends. Look here tomorrow for a real holiday treat: Our Western and Southern Correspondent have collaborated on a particularly amusing essay on corporal punishment that I know you will not want to miss! In fact, you may want to consider adding a paddle or over-sized shoe horn to your loved one's stocking tonight, just in case he or she is inspired by tomorrow's blog.
39 degrees, rain and mudslides is not something that brings Bing Crosby crooning to mind. But it's a pleasant break to be here for what we hope will not be too harried a weekend.
Yesterday was another day we've not experienced in a while: the last work day before the Christmas break, when both of our offices shut down "spontaneously" a few hours early for the holidays, just as everyone suspected they would.
And, of course, Mistress and Slave planned to do just that: escaping at noon for a little R & R.
I must say we were a little surprised to find Francois waiting for us when we got home -- apparently even the French Foreign Legion arranges for a little early liberte' for the Holidays! He bore marzipan treats confiscated from some evil terrorist black marketeer his comrades had brought to justice, to satisfy Mistress's longing. But because the sullen co-ed was lurking about, that was the extent to which Mistress's needs were satisfied by our MIA "chef".
We even invited our daughter to come down and meet our exotic friend, but she demurred.
"I'm in a towel", was all she said.
"Won't bother me", Francois muttered under his breath.
No doubt.
After Francois left for another engagement, Mistress and the cute Co-Ed were off for some nail maintenance, and Slave did a little final Christmas shopping. Packages were wrapped, and there was still time for a brief nap before meeting my older daughter and her boyfriend, in from DC, for some pizza.
Waking from our nap, Mistress asked for the phone.
"I fell a little bad I've not talked to the WC in a while Slave.... let's give him a call."
Well, one thing led to another and before you knew it, Slave was on his knees, Mistress's legs were spread, and I was enjoying her sweet juices as she listed to whatever tale of debauchery he was murmuring in her ear.
The result was two nice little post nap, pre-pizza cums for our CEO. Let's hope our other colleagues put their early dismissal to just as good a use!
We hope all of our readers have a relaxing Christmas Eve with family and friends. Look here tomorrow for a real holiday treat: Our Western and Southern Correspondent have collaborated on a particularly amusing essay on corporal punishment that I know you will not want to miss! In fact, you may want to consider adding a paddle or over-sized shoe horn to your loved one's stocking tonight, just in case he or she is inspired by tomorrow's blog.
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Friday, December 23, 2011
So Where Did Francois Go?
Yesterday, as Mistress and her Slave were doing their morning commute to work, it was hard for me not to get a little distracted by Mistress long, shapely legs, stretched out onto the dash, with those alluring black tights and boots.
"Do we have those special tights on Mistress?"
"I do Slave.... I wear them just about every day."
My right hand drifted off the wheel, sliding onto her thigh, headed to clean shaven folds north. Her thighs spread, as I found my mark, damp and fertile.
"Watch out Slave, I think we gave that trucker and eyeful...."
Sure enough, I'd not noticed the Semi Cab just to the right of our steel and glass capsule, as it hurdled through time and space.
"We may have made his day, Mistress."
Of course, at my age, I've got a good deal of experience at using my fingers to provide a little pleasure to my Mistress. Within a minute or two, her thighs were squeezing my hand tight, and she bucked and sighed to a little "on the way to work" cum.
"Well that was a nice treat, Mistress."
"You'll be oozing sex when you go to that morning meeting, Mistress."
"Do you really think?"
The cabin of her car was filled with her pheromones my now. I pitied those young guys around the conference table with her later in the morning. It could be distracting.
After her temperature cooled a bit, I asked "what ever happened to Francois, Mistress?"
"You know, it has been a few weeks.... he had the problem with the sick dog.... and it seems harder for him to get away in the evenings.... but, come to think of it, I haven't heard from him in a week or two."
I resolved to get to the bottom of it, so when I got to the office, I deployed my considerable sleuthing skills.
It seems that Francois, who's military background we've noted here before, had been called up for active duty with his comrades in the French Foreign Legion. Apparently with President Sarkozy's more muscular foreign policy, there is a need for a quick strike force for covert ops, and the gourmet cook to keep their bellies full.
Francois's family has a long history of service to the Legion. I think that's his grandfather, with the beard in this archival photo.

Poully Fusse to wash them down with. No doubt some first class cuisine is required keep those fighting legionaires in the mood to bag another Arab dictator for Mother France.
But as I pressed further into the basic re-training that Francois has been required to endure, to get himself back into fighting shape, I got a little concerned. I mean, what about those family jewels? Will they come back intact from those hostile climes?
And is there any concern about snakes and scorpions when they do this curious exercise?
We do hope that Francois takes care of himself over there. And when he's done disposing of President Assad, we hope he returns to River City safely and with all his "faculties" in full operating order. In the meantime, Francois, we also hope you enjoy the company of your comrades, and the delicacies that may present themselves along the way. Just be careful of the sweetbreads!
Bon voyage!
auto sex,
French Foreign Legion
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Our Senior Correspondent and Director of Security Celebrate an Anniversary
Slave finished up a rather time consuming project for work yesterday, giving me a much cleaner plate as we approach the time of year when the office clears out, the phone rings much less than normal, and the work related emails slow to a crawl. In past years, we would already be heading out to our Mountain Hideaway, kids in tow, for skiing and relaxing in that place we love for its natural beauty and distinctive culture.
In fact this is the first time in 13 years we have spent the holidays here in River City. Our sullen teen, who used to whine about missing her friends at the holidays, now says she's "bored" here. Ah well.
One thing that made us leave here at Christmas time for so many years was the mind numbing and angst inducing requirement that we deal with our extended family in long drawn-out carbo loading rituals. Too much drama and backbiting!
But oddly, after 13 years of making new friends out in the high dessert, we have discovered its a bit of a relief to avoid what had become compulsory group meals and outings with a motley crew of a little too high maintenance 2nd homers from places like Houston and Tulsa.
Suddenly I'm looking forward to a Christmas Eve at my daughter's place, with my two cute grandsons running wild, chomping at the bit for Santa's arrival, rather than making green chili stew for 15 acquired ski buds, and worrying whether some ditzy college professor from Texas will guzzle all of my Jameson before I get a pour.
Last night closed the deal on the "wish we were there or here" debate for Holidays 2011. The same Jamison guzzling Texas ditz texted Mistress with the "big news" that a certain former Secretary of Defense who should be in the Hague on trial for war crimes had just arrived at our favorite joint to have a few drinks and listen to music. Talk about the grinch who stole Christmas!
That made it official: we're glad to be home for the holidays!!
Last night, after we lit the candles, the sullen teen even made us latkas to go with some flank steak I grilled in the a little too warm for the holidiays weather here in River City. Yum!
We'll head out West - just the two of us- in mid-January, when the crowds or off the mountain and I can bogart that bottle of Jamison to my heart's content.
Ooops.... I almost forgot. This is a sex blog! Not a whiners forum. Fortunately, our Senior Correspondent has something to steam up your day:
Tuesday was our 33rd
wedding anniversary and we had said we would forgo gifts this year. We had
decided we would chalk up the remodeling as our anniversary gift, not only for
this year, but for many years to come.
On Tuesday morning, I headed
out to the kitchen to plug in my old trusty percolator and there on the counter
was an envelope with my name on it, and beside it sat a small jewelry box. I
took the box in my hands, popped the lid back, and there sat a beautiful ring,
white gold with amethyst stones in a diamond pattern. Beautiful. I slid it onto
my ring finger and found that it fit like a dream. I opened the card, and while
Bill usually gives me funny cards, this one had a wonderful romantic lyric. Aw!
So sweet.
And then it dawned on me
that I didn't have anything for Bill! That bugger. We said we weren't going to
do this and now he had given me this beautiful gift and I didn't have anything
for him. But wait, as a red-blooded, hot and sexy male, I could think of
something Bill always appreciated receiving.
Deciding to make this
both decadent and luxurious, I headed down the hallway, pausing at the guest
bath to heat up a thick, soft washcloth under very warm water, then headed into
the bedroom. I slipped into the bed, pulling the covers back to expose my naked
He-Man. Just as he started to make grouchy noises and turn onto his side, I
began slowly rubbing his groin with the very warm, soft cloth. On some deep
level, his body remembered what follows a warm massage like that, and he
returned to his back and gave a little hum as I continued on.
As you can well imagine,
what followed was a great deal of cock licking and sucking, a fair amount of
using my tongue to bring balls further into my mouth, one, then the other, to
be sure they each received the attention they deserved, and all the above was
accompanied by some pressure on that very sensitive spot just behind the ball
sack. Thoughts of the WC's brother's thumb action came to mind and with a few
naughty thoughts whispered into the long, hard human microphone I held in my
hand, may I say that Bill launched very, very well.
Not one to stop until I,
too, have been sated, he pulled me onto his chest and as he became revitalized,
we continued together. After a rest, the Hitachi came into action followed by a
shared warm shower with much kissing and laughter throughout.
What I offered may not
have been wrapped with a bow, but Bill was smiling about his anniversary
wake-up for quite some time.
Earlier today I was
thinking that since we don't have little kids around eager to get us out of bed
at the crack of dawn to see what Santa brought, and even though I do have other
gifts for Bill, maybe I should plan on an encore for Christmas morning. I don't
think he'd say no. You?
Coming Up Tomorrow: Whatever happened to that Francois guy? Here's a hint.
Blow jobs,
Senior Correspondent,
War criminals
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Mistress Stops By Her Slave's Office for "Important Business"
Mistress's new job has kept her extraordinarily busy these last two months. That, plus the fact that she is no longer a short walk away has greatly diminished her chances to stop by my office for suitable homage during the work day.
But yesterday, as I drive to work, I hatched a plot. Knowing that she was taking her burgeoning staff to a holiday lunch at a restaurant across the street from me, I figured this was a cahnce that should not go to waste.
I called Mistress from the car on my drive to work.
"Mistress, I forgot to mention.... there's this document we both need to sign and get notarized. Maybe you can do that at lunch time, too?"
Of course, there was a matter of how she would get back to the office. I offered to drive her when all the paperwork was done. And there really was a paper to sign.... sure it could be done the following week as well.... but, why pass on the opportunity?
Mistress accepted my offer, and after her lunch, at around 2 pm. I heard her chatting out in the hallway.
"Sorry, I'm a little late, Slave.... your partner B saw me, and well...."
Yes, B, with the rather bitchy and distant wife, who always needs some "Molly time" when she is in the office. Who can blame him. If there ever was a candidate for a mercy fuck, it might be him.
But I digress.
The paperwork could wait. I closed the door, pressed the chair up against the wall, and, after a swift embrace and kiss, settled Mistress into her throne.
Naturally, she had on those very practical peek-a-boo tights.
"I've got three pairs now, Slave. They really are comfortable, and practical, though sometimes my 'parts' pop out a little too obscenely."
Not on my account.
In any event, it was not long before Slave was where he belongs - on his knees - plying those clean shaven folds with the attention they deserved.
(I made sure I had shaven in advance. The other morning I earned a discipline because my scriffy chin abraded her delicate skin 'down there').
Mistress came with a delightful, sensuous moan, making only a slight little clunk as her head went back against the door in her muted 'throes'. I doubt anyone was paying attention in the hallway.
And with those practical tights, there was no need to rearrange her undies (what undies?) or slide back on a boot. We could just move onto getting that document notarized.
Later, after work, we hooked up with the sullen "bored' teen at our gym for a brisk workout, before heading home.
It was the first night of Hanukkah, and we lit that first candle, Mistress doing her best to remember the Hebrew incantation. It was sad that our 2nd teen was not here for this familiar ritual, and to collect a goody of some sort, as is our family tradition. But no doubt she is enjoying her Holiday break in Europe.
And we had goodies to open too.
Donna, our Senior correspondent, and her daughter had been amazingly considerate, sending us a package that arrived a week ago, filled with Hanukkah gifts they selected. Mistress and her daughter were a little greedy and opened most of them (there were too marked "adult" which Mistress subtly set aside. And there were even a few items for me to give to my cute little grandsons.
That was amazingly considerate, and generous, Donna! Thanks to you and your daughter for taking the time!
We hope this season, when we deploy our varied traditions to bring light to the longest nights of the year, brings comfort and joy to all of our friends and readers!
But yesterday, as I drive to work, I hatched a plot. Knowing that she was taking her burgeoning staff to a holiday lunch at a restaurant across the street from me, I figured this was a cahnce that should not go to waste.
I called Mistress from the car on my drive to work.
"Mistress, I forgot to mention.... there's this document we both need to sign and get notarized. Maybe you can do that at lunch time, too?"
Of course, there was a matter of how she would get back to the office. I offered to drive her when all the paperwork was done. And there really was a paper to sign.... sure it could be done the following week as well.... but, why pass on the opportunity?
Mistress accepted my offer, and after her lunch, at around 2 pm. I heard her chatting out in the hallway.
"Sorry, I'm a little late, Slave.... your partner B saw me, and well...."
Yes, B, with the rather bitchy and distant wife, who always needs some "Molly time" when she is in the office. Who can blame him. If there ever was a candidate for a mercy fuck, it might be him.

The paperwork could wait. I closed the door, pressed the chair up against the wall, and, after a swift embrace and kiss, settled Mistress into her throne.
Naturally, she had on those very practical peek-a-boo tights.
"I've got three pairs now, Slave. They really are comfortable, and practical, though sometimes my 'parts' pop out a little too obscenely."
Not on my account.
In any event, it was not long before Slave was where he belongs - on his knees - plying those clean shaven folds with the attention they deserved.
(I made sure I had shaven in advance. The other morning I earned a discipline because my scriffy chin abraded her delicate skin 'down there').
Mistress came with a delightful, sensuous moan, making only a slight little clunk as her head went back against the door in her muted 'throes'. I doubt anyone was paying attention in the hallway.
And with those practical tights, there was no need to rearrange her undies (what undies?) or slide back on a boot. We could just move onto getting that document notarized.
Later, after work, we hooked up with the sullen "bored' teen at our gym for a brisk workout, before heading home.
It was the first night of Hanukkah, and we lit that first candle, Mistress doing her best to remember the Hebrew incantation. It was sad that our 2nd teen was not here for this familiar ritual, and to collect a goody of some sort, as is our family tradition. But no doubt she is enjoying her Holiday break in Europe.
And we had goodies to open too.
Donna, our Senior correspondent, and her daughter had been amazingly considerate, sending us a package that arrived a week ago, filled with Hanukkah gifts they selected. Mistress and her daughter were a little greedy and opened most of them (there were too marked "adult" which Mistress subtly set aside. And there were even a few items for me to give to my cute little grandsons.
That was amazingly considerate, and generous, Donna! Thanks to you and your daughter for taking the time!
We hope this season, when we deploy our varied traditions to bring light to the longest nights of the year, brings comfort and joy to all of our friends and readers!
office worship
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Holiday Greetings from Our CEO
This is the time of year when those greeting cards arrive with the one or two page insert from folks you've not talked to all year, or even followed on facebook, getting you to up to date on what has happened in their brood over the last year. Maybe that's what inspired Mistress last night to pick up the laptop and compose the following for all of you as we wander into the final days of 2011:
Readers, writers, lurkers,
friends and others:
Here are some questions to ponder
as we close out 2011
What a year it has been. Mick and
I become empty nesters. I have started a new and very full time gig. And, sadly, we seem to be down (yes down) to sex once most days., rahter than our usual twice (We will clean up
our act soon, rest assured).
Thanks to all of you for your commitment to Under
Contract and for sticking with us when we were on the lam.
Thanks mostly to my beloved Mick
for his devotion to the blog, to me and to our life together. In all
seriousness, we do have a great thing. I am grateful for our life each and
every day.
A few words about some of our
biggest supporters out there:
Donna and Bill:
Thanks for your additions to the
team this year. Meeting you was a highlight and we look to Donna for her great writing
and humor.
The blog would not be the same
without you. Who would we rely upon to tell us stories that involve the things
that one never talks about in polite society? We adore you.
Your blog is tops. S, we know
that you will fully recover. You just must. We read you faithfully.
We think that you HAVE found THE
man of your dreams. Trust us on this one. This is THE guy for you.
You were our first encounter in
blog meets real life. And your voice and personae is more charming than one can
You were fun (wherever you are.)
The homecuming weekend was epic. Thank you.
If I left anyone off, I am sorry
– tired brain tonight!
The questions to ponder as we
enter the new year:
1) Will
DC / R and Mick/Molly find ways to
break bread on a regular basis? Likely. yes, we are neighbors.
2) Will
Molly and WC actually consummate their long-suffering lust? Only time will
3) Will
Molly enlist a new DOM? She is tired at the moment. But leopards don’t really
change their spots.
Anything else you want answered
in the New Year – fire away…but consider this my Happy Holiday greeting.
Molly Collins
From the CEO
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Monday, December 19, 2011
A Laid Back UCTMW Weekend
With our sweet if sullen teen around over the weekend, the more adventurous aspects of Molly and Mick's adventures had to go a little more underground than we would like.
Nonetheless, it was a relaxing one, time to spend with a new friend (that neighbor who shares a bit of our kink) and old (some folks we dropped into see in Friday night).
We went from a frank conversation at a local bar with R (or DC, the persona he used to comment on Saturday's post) about how our blog got started and some of the twists and turns along the way, to an evening with long time acquaintances who would be "shocked...shocked" if they knew what really went on in our seemingly sedate empty nest.
But that doesn't mean Slave can resist the temptation to throw in a few hints. When our retired College Prof friend commented on the boots Mistress was wearing - black ones with laces that go up the front - he asked her if it was a hassle to do those laces. I interrupted before Mistress could answer:
"Actually, it's my job to kneel down and do them for her....."
This got a laugh from all on hand, and Mistress had to explain that actually the laces are faux and the boots zip up the back. (You can see them above, along with our lovingly dorky host, wearing sandals in December!)
Later, when the same College Prof complemented me on my writing ability -- he's a long time client too -- I told him that it was really going to waste.
"Maybe I should start writing a sex blog..... that would be a whole lot more fun."
Looking around at the small group on hand -- all in their late 50's and into their 60's - I suspect no one even knew what a sex blog was.
Yesterday began with some worship for Mistress. But since she was reading Donna's wonderful parody of the WC's writing style, it was interrupted repeatedly with her guffaws. Try lavishing a woman's luscious clean shaven folds while she is laughing some time. It's hard work!
Fortunately, once she was done with the blog, Mistress's attention refocused on my efforts, and after a suitable starter cum, she was generous enough to allow me to fuck her.
The rest of the day here was almost embarrassingly laid back, particularly for Slave. We went to the gym, then Mistress focused on some catch up work while Slave did the grocery shopping and then watched more football than any guy deserves down in my man cave. Amazingly, our local pussycats woke up from their month long hibernation in the 2nd half, and remain alive for the playoffs, at least for another week!
Mistress sat down there in the Cave with me, a busy girl, grinding out some work for one h=of her clients, while trading some text messages with the WC and our new found kinky neighbor. She even got a little more information about him from her Mother, who stopped by in the afternoon to take the sullen teen out to lunch. Her Mom was a little curious about how our paths crossed, and Mistress made up a suitably ambiguous explanation about a political event. But it does sound he's made a very nice impression.
As for the WC.... well, he was trading texts with me too about the fate of his beloved "donkeys". For weeks they had been led from the wilderness by their new "Moses", Tim "God Made Me Do It" Tebow, But all good bible stories come to an end, and yesterday they ran into a Patriotic Buzz Saw.
In retrospect, it's a shame that Suzanne over at All Mine and the WC did not have a suitable bet on the outcome.
Her "Big Blackie" might have gotten in a little extra action.
Nonetheless, it was a relaxing one, time to spend with a new friend (that neighbor who shares a bit of our kink) and old (some folks we dropped into see in Friday night).
We went from a frank conversation at a local bar with R (or DC, the persona he used to comment on Saturday's post) about how our blog got started and some of the twists and turns along the way, to an evening with long time acquaintances who would be "shocked...shocked" if they knew what really went on in our seemingly sedate empty nest.
But that doesn't mean Slave can resist the temptation to throw in a few hints. When our retired College Prof friend commented on the boots Mistress was wearing - black ones with laces that go up the front - he asked her if it was a hassle to do those laces. I interrupted before Mistress could answer:
"Actually, it's my job to kneel down and do them for her....."
This got a laugh from all on hand, and Mistress had to explain that actually the laces are faux and the boots zip up the back. (You can see them above, along with our lovingly dorky host, wearing sandals in December!)
Later, when the same College Prof complemented me on my writing ability -- he's a long time client too -- I told him that it was really going to waste.
"Maybe I should start writing a sex blog..... that would be a whole lot more fun."
Looking around at the small group on hand -- all in their late 50's and into their 60's - I suspect no one even knew what a sex blog was.
Yesterday began with some worship for Mistress. But since she was reading Donna's wonderful parody of the WC's writing style, it was interrupted repeatedly with her guffaws. Try lavishing a woman's luscious clean shaven folds while she is laughing some time. It's hard work!
Fortunately, once she was done with the blog, Mistress's attention refocused on my efforts, and after a suitable starter cum, she was generous enough to allow me to fuck her.
The rest of the day here was almost embarrassingly laid back, particularly for Slave. We went to the gym, then Mistress focused on some catch up work while Slave did the grocery shopping and then watched more football than any guy deserves down in my man cave. Amazingly, our local pussycats woke up from their month long hibernation in the 2nd half, and remain alive for the playoffs, at least for another week!
Mistress sat down there in the Cave with me, a busy girl, grinding out some work for one h=of her clients, while trading some text messages with the WC and our new found kinky neighbor. She even got a little more information about him from her Mother, who stopped by in the afternoon to take the sullen teen out to lunch. Her Mom was a little curious about how our paths crossed, and Mistress made up a suitably ambiguous explanation about a political event. But it does sound he's made a very nice impression.
As for the WC.... well, he was trading texts with me too about the fate of his beloved "donkeys". For weeks they had been led from the wilderness by their new "Moses", Tim "God Made Me Do It" Tebow, But all good bible stories come to an end, and yesterday they ran into a Patriotic Buzz Saw.
In retrospect, it's a shame that Suzanne over at All Mine and the WC did not have a suitable bet on the outcome.
Her "Big Blackie" might have gotten in a little extra action.
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Our Senior Correspondent Jockies for a Year End Bonus
Molly and Mick had a tranquil day here in River City. After our wake-up sex there was a trip to the gym and other weekend errands to perform. (They included me listening to my mother recite the same litany of gripes about her condo and other family members that help facilitate transcendental meditation for me ... as in letting my mind wander to a better place while murmuring "oh really" over and over again).
After some work at home we took our daughter to see a new movie, Young Adult, amusing enough with Charlize Thereon playing a "Former Prom Queen from Hell" seeking to reclaim her long lost boyfriend 20 years later. It included close ups of the seemingly painful process Mistress goes through when getting her "feet done" every few weeks. Thank God I was born a man! Then again, maybe I need to learn to do that process myself to become a more complete servant to Mistress's needs, just as Tammy does over at All Mine.
We did share emails with our local "fan", R who Mistress invited over for a drink sometime when our mutual schedules clear. If you scroll back to yesterday's blog comments you will see he left one as "DC". How weird is it to have a reader who lives just a short stroll away!
But today's blog comes to you courtesy of Donna. AS she notes, the WC has been contributing more of late, and his "how to" blogs have enjoyed amazing popularity among our "vast" audience. AS you can see from the list to the right, his tutorial on "ass fucking" has not reached #1 in the charts, surpassing even our Contract. No doubt he's thinking about becoming a free agent now, and I'll be hearing from his Agent, some fast talking guy who no doubt also represents his latest sports hero, Tim "God made me do it" Tebow. So who can blame Donna for trying to emulate the WC's inimitable style.

Molly and Mick Collins
After some work at home we took our daughter to see a new movie, Young Adult, amusing enough with Charlize Thereon playing a "Former Prom Queen from Hell" seeking to reclaim her long lost boyfriend 20 years later. It included close ups of the seemingly painful process Mistress goes through when getting her "feet done" every few weeks. Thank God I was born a man! Then again, maybe I need to learn to do that process myself to become a more complete servant to Mistress's needs, just as Tammy does over at All Mine.
We did share emails with our local "fan", R who Mistress invited over for a drink sometime when our mutual schedules clear. If you scroll back to yesterday's blog comments you will see he left one as "DC". How weird is it to have a reader who lives just a short stroll away!
But today's blog comes to you courtesy of Donna. AS she notes, the WC has been contributing more of late, and his "how to" blogs have enjoyed amazing popularity among our "vast" audience. AS you can see from the list to the right, his tutorial on "ass fucking" has not reached #1 in the charts, surpassing even our Contract. No doubt he's thinking about becoming a free agent now, and I'll be hearing from his Agent, some fast talking guy who no doubt also represents his latest sports hero, Tim "God made me do it" Tebow. So who can blame Donna for trying to emulate the WC's inimitable style.
Yes! Yes! Yes! Life is
The workmen have left
with their toolboxes in hand and their low rider jeans, well, riding low. The
sawdust has settled, the furniture is in place, and the dishes and pots and
pans are in their new cupboards.
And now, drum roll
please, Bill and I can get back to having BDSM passion, fun and sex on a
spontaneous basis! Woo-hoo!
The other big excitement
for me is that our wedding anniversary is next week. Bill and I were married 33
years ago in the living room of a small house with immediate family in
attendance. I will always remember the look of horror on his mother's face that
her son was actually going through with this. Although, should I happen to
forget, I have my wedding photos where she has two distinct looks, one is abject
horror and the other is similar to that of an airline passenger frantically
scrambling through the magazines and emergency brochures, desperate to find a
barf bag before it's too late. It was too late, and the photos have become a
source of great laughter for our kids.
And now it is time for my
focus to return to the sex blog. It dawned on me recently that the WC is fast
gaining on my word count for the year, and I can't allow that. If there is to
be a bonus this year, it will be mine! I know his posts are read more
often than any others except for that one of Mick's, so I need to get on the
stick here. After examining the WC's columns and comments, the best I can
figure out is that he leaves off the spell-check on his computer while writing
and deliberately omits punctuation. He also uses words like ass, cunt and
diaper position over and over, and his columns are very short and
Okay, I'm ready now, here
we go.
Instructuns for a hot
For optimmum swenging
room put the femail over ur lap or over a pilow at the egde of the bed
Let her feet dagnle off
to the floor but with her cunt positoned so u can esily reach it
rub her ass and put a
fingre in her cunt and rub aorund until she moans
As soon as she relxases,
give a solid sweeng of your open hand to her ass
repate eght or ten tmes
and then chek her cunt agen
if she is wet, use your
fingres to breng her to the egde of cumming - than stop
repeete the spaking of
her ass and tell her she cant cum til u say so
when she is screemin that
she has to cum or she will die, giv her one more swat
than tell her to cum
repete until u have a hot
hand and she has a red hot ass...
No, no, no! I give
up! I just can't write like the WC. *head hanging low*
For now, I'm going to go
sit in my quiet, workman free kitchen, have a cup of coffee and ponder all
AS Donna has so ably demonstrated, it's not quite as easy to rip off the WC's unique writing style as one would think. Maybe I should actually listen to that fast talking agent when he calls. I don't want to get outbid by Sin, Aisha, or Riff Dog or we'll never ever make that 100 Top Sex Bloggers List!

Molly and Mick Collins
Charlize Theron,
Senior Correspondent,
Tim Tebow,
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
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