Sunday, October 20, 2013

March for A Cure: Victims of Erectile Dysfunction at the Alamo

Gun Sentiments and Guns on Display at Alamo Rally -


  1. Do you really think that women who carry guns for personal protection also suffer from erectile dysfunction?
    What would you like more - your lady raped and/or dead, or your lady armed?

    1. I'd be happy in a world where only women could carry guns.


    2. That's not a choice you have. You have to live in *this* world. So...

      You think women being assaulted is bad and women should be able to defend themselves with guns, but men being assaulted is OK because men can be left defenseless?

      Oh, and do you think rapists, home invaders, gangbangers, agressive drunks and many many others care about the laws you uphold? No? So what will help you should *you* become a victim? Think any of those who want to ban guns will come to your defense? And even they would, how?

  2. The perfect family outing isn't it? "C'mon kids, we're going to the Alamo today. Does every body have their rifles?"

    Maybe all the gun nuts can move to Texas.

  3. WC here

    Funny Mick!

    Somehow I don't think the NRA would like your post!

    The thinks maybe if they stuck those guns up their ass's

    They might get a hard on



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