Fortunately, Slave was able to overcome the effects of cooler weather, and get that hard steel ring to seat properly yesterday, containing my cock and balls through coffee brewing and wake-up sex in the UCTMW Executive Suite until Mistress was able to put my on full lock down before sending me off to work.
And it was a long day..... morning in the office.... a lunch time lecture to a group of about 50 fellow professionals down the street.... back to the office.... pick up some snacks and beverages for a reception Mistress and I were hosting for a candidate for public office at the end of the day.... back slapping.... schmoozing.... etc, etc.
Fortunately, Mistress had time to stop by my office for some "private time" before the candidate and our guests arrived.
"How's the cage, Slave?"
"Tight Mistress.... it is a little odd being up there in the front of a crowd, trying to sound all cool and professional and charming .... flipping through my power point... but knowing I've got that steel contraption on too...."
"Do you think anyone could tell?"
"Not that crowd, Mistress.... my guess is they'd never even consider the possibility."
There was just enough time to squeeze in a little pre-reception worship behind my closed office door. You know the drill..... Hopefully our guests could not detect the sweet musk of Mistress's clean shaven folds on my face. And I doubt they even considered checking for a lump of hardened steel below my beltline. They may have been too distracted by the fact that the candidate's zipper was at half-mast in a rather ill fitting suit....
How do you tell someone who's running for state office that his fly's not firmly in place? But I guess it's better than saying "Hey Pal.... your cock cage is showing."
Nice to see the weather was able to accommodate your chastity schedule.
A little Indian summer here yesterday Suzanne. Glad you are pleased.
ReplyDeleteWC here
ReplyDeleteI know Suzanne
Apparently things have to be perfect for "the pampered one" to be locked up
Lets see:
Not too hot
Not to cold
Not to wet
Not too busy
Not while sleeping
Not while traveling
Not while bathing
Not while biking
Not while sleeping
Not while fucking... duh....
Not while biking
Not while swimming
Not while hiking
Not while skiing
Not while bowling
Not while golfing
Not while skateboarding
Not while snowboarding either......
Not while exercising
Not on weekends
Not in any month that ends with an y
Not in any month that ends with an r either......
And I'm pretty sure
Not any month that ends with an h l e or t too
Not while doing ballet
Not while doing any other kind of dancing either
Not while thinking
Not while reading
Not while walking
Not while sitting
Not while driving
Not while rock climbing
Not while hang gliding
Not while parasailing
Not while gambling
And especially
Not while pontificating .............
Suzanne, Harry
Did I miss anything?
The likes lists
WC, you're clearly paying way to much attention to all my excuses. Moi, pontificate? ANd you missed bloviating.
WC here
ReplyDeleteYour right
ReplyDeleteI think you should be a poet.
WC here
Hardly Molly
Wait a minute....
Roses are red
Violets are blue
A cage is a cage
Bit Mick is not in it.....