Thursday, June 8, 2017

Cuckold Conversation

Mistress and slave are driving west, heading to our SW hideaway. It's allowing us to listen to the Comey testimony, while reflecting a little on Mistress's recent adventures, particularly her new lover. Amidst the bloviating Senators self-agrandizing rambling questions and the former FBI Director's Duddly-Do-Righting, Mistress had a few questions of her own which might have been entertaining to the vast audience listening into the the Senate Intelligence Committee:

Mistress: "So was that really the biggest cock you've ever seen, slave?"

Slave: "Well, yes.  But keep in mind, I don't have that much experience.... I see the occasional cock in a locker room, or in a men's room.  But I don't think I've seen any erect.  And certainly not that big, Mistress."

Mistress: "I suppose that makes sense."

Slave: "What about you. Is that the biggest you've had. Even bigger than (DW - a guy Mistress was involved with before me, with a lengendary large cock) ?

Mistress: "Hmmmm..... definitely thicker."

Slave: Do you think it's bigger than the WC's cock?

Mistress:  "I guess, we'll never know, slave....he never really shared it with me."

Slave:  "Yep.  I suppose we'll never know."


  1. WC here

    Was great chatting with you two nuts today

    I would get some hiking poles I think, they really I think

    Course DH would know oh about !00% more about that than the poor old broken down WC

    I look forward to hearing about your grand adventure

    Is MT W. on the agenda at your beautiful hideway

    I will try to contribute something worthy of the blog soon

    I promise boss!

    You need a day off sometimes

  2. I always find it interesting to learn about the different size cocks that my wife has taken. One so large that it would not fit! I've also learned from locker rooms that mine is definitely on the small size. In my limited experience, I've actually never personally seen a smaller one.


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