Thursday, January 24, 2013

Sent to Our Room

The nest is filling up again, at least through Sunday.

Our well traveled daughter is back from the land down under, looking tanned, and having fully exploited the 18 year drinking age there with her buddies, who are  on their summer holiday. (I'm still waiting for the Creationists to explain why God would ever make it summer on one hemisphere and winter on another.)

We picked her up late Tuesday night at the airport, after fully exploiting our last evening alone this week here at the UCTMW World HQ

Then last night, after I made dinner, as she sprawled across our couch and worked on the photos from her adventure, we asked if she'd like to watch a TV show with us.... maybe the latest episode of Girls, or Californication.

She looked at us with the disdain that only a 19 year old can muster.

"Why don't you just go to your room."

Well, OK. Why argue with that "sentence".  There were some clean shaven folds to worship, after all.


  1. Wasn't that your ultimate intent anyway Mick?

  2. Teen age girls are tougher than anybody on earth Mick

    I swear.....

    Cause I have one too

  3. I give thanks every day that our daughters have moved out (and in, and out) for what appears to be the last time. Lazing around the house (with the heat cranked way up this week), semi-naked, with my Jailbird clanking, is such a joy.


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