Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Dispatch from the Road

Sadly, the motel where we came to ground last night in Independence , MO had only the tradionatl 2 bed set up.  And while our cute Co-Ed seems to sleep soundly, I was a little sheepish about showing me devotion to Mistress's clean shaven folds when I woke early this AM.

So the draught goes on.... at least until we can in good faith claim its time for bed in the executive suite in River City this evening.

So rather than provide you with anything provoctive, I will share some clips that I had slipped to one side on my laptop screen:

Here's one about a Canadian writer who won the "coveted" bad sex writing award for 2012.

No, of course it wasn't our friend Sin, who has a much more measured approach to her use of colorful adjectives.

And there is this one about a red faced Brent Mussberger, still calling football games at age 73, who went on a little too long on Monday night about the Miss Alabama who dates the QB of the Alabama Crimson Tide:

What's great about the article is it's "tutt-tutt" tone, while treating us to a photo of the dishonored lady in her bikini.  Thank you for sharing, Washington Post.

But I must say that the saccarine tone of the ABC / ESPN coverage on Monday night made me miss Howard Cosell all the more.

1 comment:

  1. Mick,

    It's clearly time for you to have sex. You've got way too much time on your hands to do sex-related research.



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