Monday, January 28, 2013

Free at Last

At approximately 11:55 am yesterday morning, Mistress and her devoted Slave dropped our daughter off at the airport. Her college has some sort of interminable winter "intercession" that means 2nd semester does not begin until this week.

And as charming as she can be .... well, let's face it, she's not so charming to her oh so tedious and insufferable parents... we were in a celebratory mood when she stepped into the security line for her trip back to campus.

"At last, Mistress, we have our empty nest back!"

"Not a moment too soon, Slave...."

It was almost like a vacation back at the UCTMW World HQ, Sunday afternoon. The NY Times awaited. And with the first Sunday in many months with no NFL football to watch (ProBowl? Please?), Slave had no excuse to put off what Mistress had been lobbying for for several months.... finally tuning into the Downton Abbey Series that so many of her friends had been touting as "mist see".

So we lounged about, Mistress flashing those folds beneath her lounge wear, and watched several 1st Season episodes via Hulu.  Slave paged through the paper and did his duty as Mistress's designated social secretary on Ashley Madison. (Mistress hates the task of having to sort through an overly full inbox, so it's my job to make the first cut, deleting the suitors who are clearly unsuitable, and bringing the rare few who might make the cut to her attention).

After about two episodes, there was a Downton Abbey "recess", including a nice late afternoon nap, followed by our second round of sexual play of the day. Mistress was a little surprised when I deployed her favorite power tool to provide a little more fun for her clean shaven folds. She even asked permission before she came, without me having to remind her it was Switch Day. And Slave was more than happy to take his turn the old fashioned way, after she had a nice mega-cum thanks to the miracle of sexual technology.

After  two bodies in motion finally came to rest, we fixed ourselves some dinner, and watched another 2 episodes of the show that so many folks have been chattering about. About mid-way through, I had already adopted an annoying twitty English accent, securing me a severe reprimand.

"You're making fun Slave.... it's really not that bad, is it?"

Actually it wasn't that bad. I've always taken a shine to Elizabeth McGovern. But still, it's not exactly Homeland. And is it sufficiently macho to say you enjoy anything on Masterpiece Theatre? Am I going metrosexual like Tom Brady?

"It's OK Mistress... but I hope they add some Vampires by the time we get to the 2nd season...."

What's the point of a drafty English manor house without vampires? Or at least a few zombies?


  1. Thank goodness that things are back to normal for Mick and Molly!!!!

  2. "...taken a shine to Elizabeth McGovern..."

    Should you be caged while watching Downton Abbey?


  3. Sadly Sue it appears so.....


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