Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

Mistress and Slave had what amounted to an almost pure day of rest yesterday, as snow gently fell here on our high desert hideaway.

While Molly did catch that 9 am Yoga class, after she was done channeling all that positive energy, she adjourned to our couch in front of a glowing fireplace for some reading, napping, reading, and napping.

Slave was happy to join in.

Then, at around 6:30 pm we bundled up and trundled down through the snow to a local restaurant in the neighborhood that had a romantic fixed menu New Year's Eve dinner for all of us locals brave enough to wander out into the cold.

Bubbly was consumed, and we struck up a conversation with none other than "Mattress Mary" and her artist husband. Mary has been mentioned here before - she runs a local mattress / furnishings store that advertises on the solar radio station where she also does occasional movie reviews. We toasted the memory of her dog Molly, who famously disappeared in August from the place she was boarded while Mary was off on a buying trip to the Big Apple.

She's hoping Molly was taken for a stray by some loving passers by and now has a new home. (As opposed to being eaten by bears or flattened by a semi).

It's always fun to make new friends on New Year's Eve!

On the walk home,  snow still falling, we strolled by the local Catholic Church, where Mass was just letting out and the parishioners were wishing the Padre a happy anno nuevo.

We agreed it was one of our nicest New Year's Eves ever. We hope yours was a good one too, compadres!

Now for some wake-up sex and  deep powder skiing!


  1. Happy New Year! Hoping 2013 brings all kinds of pleasure and happiness!



  2. Sounds romantic. But I'm struck by what appears to be an absence of any sex. Let me read it again.

    Wow. I hope you two are okay and it's nothing serious.

    The very concerned,


    1. I wouldn't worry unduly. When the powder is that (i.e. bust) deep, then it really can be as good as sex....


  3. Happy New years!
    Very romantic...love the scenery *sighs*

    Many blessings for you both in this new year!

  4. I know Sue

    I noticed that too

    The also concerned


    Sounds like a great day though

    Steep and deep is alway good!!!!


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