Wednesday, November 28, 2012

New Neighbors on the Block

Mistress stopped by for a little worship in Slave's office yesterday, sliding out of one leg of her tights and black velvet pants to accommodate my devoted tongue and lips. When my work was done, I took her to lunch, then walked with her around the block to a new hotel where she and an office mate would be scoping out the facilities for their office Holiday party.

This place is a total renovation of what for years had been a downtown "SRO" (aka,  flop house). And the concept is very hipster: the first two floors are a contemporary art gallery, the upper floors are the hotel rooms. Oh so edgy for River City.

As we strolled around the galleries, we found a collection of very life like sculptures of nudes of various ethnic backgrounds, they left nothing to the imagination ----

Well, I guess you still have to imagine what this guy's un-cut cock would look like at "full staff", as I suspect Mistress did when she seemed a little surprised to find him greeting her.

Then there was this lady with a hat and nothing else:

Also in the collection were 6 or 7 depictions of what must have been tweens, boys and girls, of various ethnic backgrounds, all explicitly depicted. (I was reluctant to photograph or display those here for fear of being accused of a kiddie porn violation, though these clearly fall in the "fine art" exception.) This in the town that tried to prosecute a Museum a generation ago for displaying Robert Mapelthorpe photos!

Next thing you know, seemingly respectable professionals here will be writing sex blogs!


  1. O, cool! Interesting art work. i think we have the same hotel/museum thing here, but not that exhibit.


  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. I like the art, but not sure I could stand around it during a Christmas party. Very Love Actually, actually. :)

  4. All the more places to hang decorations. Fun!


  5. I can see why this place has hotel rooms close by. This certainly is one of the more interesting "lobbies" I've seen.


  6. Well Mick I read this and thought you were full of shit. Then, I thought that maybe, just maybe this was the real reason why you cut down on your blogging time - to focus on the latest UCTMW venture: a kinky art museum/hotel in River City. What better way to make it a destination city?

    Then lo and behold, I discovered that there is such a place! Plenty edgier than Mapelthorpe for sure.. Good thing you didn't post some of the other stuff. Our readers already think we're quite strange anyway.


  7. Those are sexy...but over all of that? They are stunning renditions of humanness...the curves of the womans belly, the tense muscles of the man doing a yoga pose (tree pose)...this was amazing.

    nice to see you posting now and again... :)



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