Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving from Molly and Mick

 When it comes to TG humour, we can't do any better than Dumb Domme:

fowl suspension, spanked chicken, turkey fisting » Dumb Domme

But in case you're missing your fix of sex scandal reporting, check out this essay by Dana Millbank on why the whole Petraeus dust up isn't really a sex scandal at all:

How to tell when a sex scandal is a sex scandal

We will be hosting extended family for yet another holiday ritual today. Let's hope it's not as bad as last year!  And when they all go home and the dishes are done, we'll have plenty to be thankful for!

We hope your day goes well too!


  1. Have a great day Mick. Should be easy after last year. My own is off to a good start. Some morning worship from my favorite subbie and a couple of excellent cups of java.

    Millbank's opinion aside, I still like to look at the Petraeus thing as a sex scandal....makes it more intriguing :)

    Happy Thanksgiving.


  2. Happy Thanksgiving, Mick and Molly!



  3. Hope you both had a lovely Thanksgiving. Thanks for the link, BTW. :)

    At first, it confused the heck out of me! It took me a full two minutes to realize TG stood for "Thanksgiving"--I couldn't understand why you thought I was transgendered! (not that there's anything wrong with that!)



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