Sunday, June 28, 2015

Mistress Shares the Fruits of Her Friday Afternoon Diversion

As anticipated, Mistress got the full alpha lover treatment Friday afternoon from her lover Jay.

She shared some of the details with my by phone when she came back on the radar screen at about 4 pm, and then later, at home, when I tended to her well exercised folds with my avid lips and tongue.

"We had some catching up to do, Slave..... so there was lunch at our favorite sushi spot, then we adjourned to his house."

"How was lunch, Mistress?"

"Good.... though we did run into this guy who works with my mother....."

That's the problem with River City. It's almost impossible to go to lunch or dinner without seeing someone you know. But Mistress and Jay know how to be discrete.

"I'm not worried though, Slave..... it would have just looked like a business lunch to him.... he won't rat us out to my mother....."

"So how was your afternoon after lunch, Mistress...."

"Hmmmmm..... pretty hot slave.  We must have made love for nearly 2 hours. I think he missed me!  He spent a lot if time between my legs.... I think he likes tasting me as much as you do!"

By now I was doing the tasting..... and I certainly could taste the damp, sweet residue of Mistress's busy Friday afternoon.

Sadly, it will be a couple more weeks before Mistress gets to hook-up again with her lover.  We are headed back to the SW hideaway on Wednesday morning, for another 10 days.

"I think he's a little miffed Slave.  His son's going away for two weeks and he wanted me to sleepover while he's gone..... but there should be some nights once we get back to town....."

We'll have to come up with an alibi for our daughter I suppose.  Reversing the typical scenario, it could be the cute graduate saying..... "How come she's not home yet? At least she could text and let us know where she is!"

1 comment:

  1. You're one lucky slave Mick. And the sleepovers? They're a heck of a lot easier when the kids have flown the coop for good.

    sissy terri


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