Mistress and Slave are anxious to head for the hills for the upcoming holiday. After Mistress's long voyage with the female side of the clan, we have been able to "catch up" in terms of opportunities for worship and slave indulgence. But with the cute graduate (and her boyfriend) around, and a lot of work on our plates, it seems like it's been forever since we have had some non-harried "alone time".
So we head out very early tomorrow morning in the direction of our SW hideaway. Between now and then, there are a few too many work and family obligations to tend to for both of us. But there is light at the end of the tunnel.
And while Mistress won't have any more cuckold time with her lover Jay before we head out of town, I will try to make up for it with my more modest, but devoted, sexual stylings.
Look forward to some scenic updates once we land in the sunny SW!
Midwestern Professionals relocated the the High Desert SW add some cuckoldry and submission. But now there's a New BOSS in town
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Sunday, June 28, 2015
Mistress Shares the Fruits of Her Friday Afternoon Diversion
As anticipated, Mistress got the full alpha lover treatment Friday afternoon from her lover Jay.
She shared some of the details with my by phone when she came back on the radar screen at about 4 pm, and then later, at home, when I tended to her well exercised folds with my avid lips and tongue.
"We had some catching up to do, Slave..... so there was lunch at our favorite sushi spot, then we adjourned to his house."
"How was lunch, Mistress?"
"Good.... though we did run into this guy who works with my mother....."
That's the problem with River City. It's almost impossible to go to lunch or dinner without seeing someone you know. But Mistress and Jay know how to be discrete.
"I'm not worried though, Slave..... it would have just looked like a business lunch to him.... he won't rat us out to my mother....."
"So how was your afternoon after lunch, Mistress...."
"Hmmmmm..... pretty hot slave. We must have made love for nearly 2 hours. I think he missed me! He spent a lot if time between my legs.... I think he likes tasting me as much as you do!"
By now I was doing the tasting..... and I certainly could taste the damp, sweet residue of Mistress's busy Friday afternoon.
Sadly, it will be a couple more weeks before Mistress gets to hook-up again with her lover. We are headed back to the SW hideaway on Wednesday morning, for another 10 days.
"I think he's a little miffed Slave. His son's going away for two weeks and he wanted me to sleepover while he's gone..... but there should be some nights once we get back to town....."
We'll have to come up with an alibi for our daughter I suppose. Reversing the typical scenario, it could be the cute graduate saying..... "How come she's not home yet? At least she could text and let us know where she is!"
She shared some of the details with my by phone when she came back on the radar screen at about 4 pm, and then later, at home, when I tended to her well exercised folds with my avid lips and tongue.
"We had some catching up to do, Slave..... so there was lunch at our favorite sushi spot, then we adjourned to his house."
"How was lunch, Mistress?"
"Good.... though we did run into this guy who works with my mother....."
That's the problem with River City. It's almost impossible to go to lunch or dinner without seeing someone you know. But Mistress and Jay know how to be discrete.
"I'm not worried though, Slave..... it would have just looked like a business lunch to him.... he won't rat us out to my mother....."
"So how was your afternoon after lunch, Mistress...."
"Hmmmmm..... pretty hot slave. We must have made love for nearly 2 hours. I think he missed me! He spent a lot if time between my legs.... I think he likes tasting me as much as you do!"
By now I was doing the tasting..... and I certainly could taste the damp, sweet residue of Mistress's busy Friday afternoon.
Sadly, it will be a couple more weeks before Mistress gets to hook-up again with her lover. We are headed back to the SW hideaway on Wednesday morning, for another 10 days.
"I think he's a little miffed Slave. His son's going away for two weeks and he wanted me to sleepover while he's gone..... but there should be some nights once we get back to town....."
We'll have to come up with an alibi for our daughter I suppose. Reversing the typical scenario, it could be the cute graduate saying..... "How come she's not home yet? At least she could text and let us know where she is!"
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Friday, June 26, 2015
Mistress Reunites With Her Lover
The fog of jet lag is finally lifting here at the UCTMW World HQ. We have both been re-emersing in work: A sort of blitzkrieg of mollifying clients and meeting deadlines before we head off together for 10 more days of vacation back at our SW hideaway.
(We are pretty indulgent, aren't we?)
Mistress and Slave have had several opportunities since Monday morning to make up for lost sexual time, even though we have also had some too early mornings that have cramped our typical wake-up sex stylings. As an example, last night, after we took a pre-dinner bike ride, I made sure to thoroughly worship Mistress's clean shaven folds with my avid tongue. Then, after, dinner, we caught up on the "Aquarius" series (Mistress has a thing for David Duchovny). Her tempting clean shaven folds were there next to me on the couch, open and notorious, and too tempting not to fondle Mistress to a couple of night cap cums.
But this old, pampered house Slave can only do so much on his own to please his Mistress. Sometimes she needs a little more.
Today she has a lunch time engagement with her lover, Jay. No doubt he's in a randy mood, after three weeks without Mistress to tend to his sexual needs. I have a feeling Mistress's body may be well used and abused by the end of the day.
I'm already looking forward to soothing those dampened folds with my tongue when I get home from work this evening.
(We are pretty indulgent, aren't we?)
Mistress and Slave have had several opportunities since Monday morning to make up for lost sexual time, even though we have also had some too early mornings that have cramped our typical wake-up sex stylings. As an example, last night, after we took a pre-dinner bike ride, I made sure to thoroughly worship Mistress's clean shaven folds with my avid tongue. Then, after, dinner, we caught up on the "Aquarius" series (Mistress has a thing for David Duchovny). Her tempting clean shaven folds were there next to me on the couch, open and notorious, and too tempting not to fondle Mistress to a couple of night cap cums.
But this old, pampered house Slave can only do so much on his own to please his Mistress. Sometimes she needs a little more.
Today she has a lunch time engagement with her lover, Jay. No doubt he's in a randy mood, after three weeks without Mistress to tend to his sexual needs. I have a feeling Mistress's body may be well used and abused by the end of the day.
I'm already looking forward to soothing those dampened folds with my tongue when I get home from work this evening.
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Catching Up
Mistress and Slave have been back in River City together again since very early Monday morning. Her devoted slave arrived here late Sunday evening, then picked up Mistress and our Domme in training at the airport at 6 am where they emerged from their red eye flight from Tahiti via LA. The Dowager Domme was there too, and they all looked relatively well rested considering their long trip from half way around the world.
It was helpful to have a hearty slave there to haul the Dowager Domme's overstuffed bag off the luggage belt. It made me wonder if she had acquired some extra balls and chains on her trip.
Now you might assume that Mistress would be a little too tired to immediately climb into bed for something more than some much needed sleep.
You would be wrong.
With our daughter in the room across the hall, presumably getting some shut-eye, Mistress and slave were quickly into catch-up sex mode once we were settled into the UCTMW executive suite. Poor Mistress had gone more than two weeks without a cum, and slave was more than anxious to relieve that sexual distress. And while I had been abstinent only for about 2 days, I had some pent up demand to deal with as well.
After the dust settled, Slave was off to the office, and Mistress slept in a little longer. And though we were both jet lagged at the end of the work day, we could not resist engaging in a two-fer before slave prepared dinner.
Amidst our furtive couplings, Mistress brought me up to date on how things evolved with her various ship-board suitors.
"Dave was the finalist, Slave. He's the guy from the UK who spends a good bit of each year on exotic travel. We spent a lot of time together, like on the boat's bar after my mother went to bed."
"So did he come on to you, Mistress?"
"You could say that. He said I was very 'compelling'...."
"That you are Mistress.... but was there any groping? or more?"
"well there was a little kissing in one of the passageways one night..... but there was no privacy to do anything more...."
"Did it make you wet, Mistress.... when he kissed you?"
"What do you think, Slave?"
They did exchange contact information, so maybe the two star-crossed potential lovers will get back in touch in some other way, or venue.
In the meantime, Mistress has already scheduled some re-union sex with her primary side-dish, Jay.
As I was emerging from the shower yesterday morning, then getting dressed for work, I heard Mistress describing some of her overseas adventures, and planning a lunch time visit on Friday.
They have some catching up to do as well.
It was helpful to have a hearty slave there to haul the Dowager Domme's overstuffed bag off the luggage belt. It made me wonder if she had acquired some extra balls and chains on her trip.
Now you might assume that Mistress would be a little too tired to immediately climb into bed for something more than some much needed sleep.
You would be wrong.
With our daughter in the room across the hall, presumably getting some shut-eye, Mistress and slave were quickly into catch-up sex mode once we were settled into the UCTMW executive suite. Poor Mistress had gone more than two weeks without a cum, and slave was more than anxious to relieve that sexual distress. And while I had been abstinent only for about 2 days, I had some pent up demand to deal with as well.
After the dust settled, Slave was off to the office, and Mistress slept in a little longer. And though we were both jet lagged at the end of the work day, we could not resist engaging in a two-fer before slave prepared dinner.
Amidst our furtive couplings, Mistress brought me up to date on how things evolved with her various ship-board suitors.
"Dave was the finalist, Slave. He's the guy from the UK who spends a good bit of each year on exotic travel. We spent a lot of time together, like on the boat's bar after my mother went to bed."
"So did he come on to you, Mistress?"
"You could say that. He said I was very 'compelling'...."
"That you are Mistress.... but was there any groping? or more?"
"well there was a little kissing in one of the passageways one night..... but there was no privacy to do anything more...."
"Did it make you wet, Mistress.... when he kissed you?"
"What do you think, Slave?"
They did exchange contact information, so maybe the two star-crossed potential lovers will get back in touch in some other way, or venue.
In the meantime, Mistress has already scheduled some re-union sex with her primary side-dish, Jay.
As I was emerging from the shower yesterday morning, then getting dressed for work, I heard Mistress describing some of her overseas adventures, and planning a lunch time visit on Friday.
They have some catching up to do as well.
jet lag sex.
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Saturday, June 20, 2015
Slave's Long Nightmare Over
Mistress finally came back on the radar screen yesterday at around 1 pm. I had not heard a word from her since her frustrating inability to contact me on Tuesday. It was good to learn that she had rejected the Polynesian Warrior's entreaties to become one of his wives, and instead had elected to come back to River City, where we will be reunited on Monday morning.
The poor girl does have a bit of a sexual edge to blunt though. Despite all the on-board suitors, she was never able to find the privacy to indulge any of them. But at least there was a "winner", according to an email I received:
"Steve from the UK has pretty much won the arms race. Have spent a lot of time hanging out with him. More later on that when we see one another...."
I did get to talk to her via viber when she arrived at her hotel in Tahiti. She said that Steve is about her age some sort of adventure travel junky and writer with lots of interesting stories that certainly enthralled Mistress. Sadly, he did not have a private cabin, but was in the boat's "dorm". So there was no place to slide off to for some late night nookie. They did exchange contact information she says. And he likes the little town where our SW hideaway.
"I told him to come visit us, Slave."
"What happened to the French guy, Mistress?"
"Oh I got tired of him. He's a bit of a cad. Then my sister ended up chasing him around."
Hmmm. I wonder if Mistress's married sister is into cuckolding too?
"And what about the Aussie?"
"Peter.... he was very fit, and charming, but a bit too old for me. Which was a shame, because he had a suite. He and Steve would hang out in his suite. Steve said I should ask him to see it, but I told Steve that Peter might take it the wrong way, since he'd been fawning all over me for a week."
"He must have been disappointed, Mistress."
"Yeah, but he was kind of cute about it. We traded contact information, and he said 'I hope you don't mind if I stay in touch, Molly. As you can probably tell, I'm quite taken by you."
Mistress also had much praise for the hunky crew of the half cargo vessel / half adventure cruiser.
"So buff and hot, slave. An American woman could be a lot worse than setting up hut on one of these islands with one of those guys."
Maybe Mistress should offer her marketing skills to the folks who run this program. "Polynesian hunks on board" could be the new angle that could draw more solo female travelers ....or cuck couples.
Meanwhile, Slave has new orders.
"No more touching slave. I liked the cock shots you sent me, but I'm shutting all that down so you are nice and horny by the time I get home on Monday."
So my last officially sanctioned "touch" occurred at approximately 4 pm on Friday, mountain time. After about 13 consecutive days of self abuse, It was hardly memorable.
I've never been so happy to embrace abstinence.
I know you chastity caged readers will find this hard to believe, but I really am glad that's over! Otherwise I was going to have to ask the WC if he gets that overpriced lube from Amazon Prime.
The poor girl does have a bit of a sexual edge to blunt though. Despite all the on-board suitors, she was never able to find the privacy to indulge any of them. But at least there was a "winner", according to an email I received:
"Steve from the UK has pretty much won the arms race. Have spent a lot of time hanging out with him. More later on that when we see one another...."
I did get to talk to her via viber when she arrived at her hotel in Tahiti. She said that Steve is about her age some sort of adventure travel junky and writer with lots of interesting stories that certainly enthralled Mistress. Sadly, he did not have a private cabin, but was in the boat's "dorm". So there was no place to slide off to for some late night nookie. They did exchange contact information she says. And he likes the little town where our SW hideaway.
"I told him to come visit us, Slave."
"What happened to the French guy, Mistress?"
"Oh I got tired of him. He's a bit of a cad. Then my sister ended up chasing him around."
Hmmm. I wonder if Mistress's married sister is into cuckolding too?
"And what about the Aussie?"
"Peter.... he was very fit, and charming, but a bit too old for me. Which was a shame, because he had a suite. He and Steve would hang out in his suite. Steve said I should ask him to see it, but I told Steve that Peter might take it the wrong way, since he'd been fawning all over me for a week."
"He must have been disappointed, Mistress."
"Yeah, but he was kind of cute about it. We traded contact information, and he said 'I hope you don't mind if I stay in touch, Molly. As you can probably tell, I'm quite taken by you."
Mistress also had much praise for the hunky crew of the half cargo vessel / half adventure cruiser.
"So buff and hot, slave. An American woman could be a lot worse than setting up hut on one of these islands with one of those guys."
Maybe Mistress should offer her marketing skills to the folks who run this program. "Polynesian hunks on board" could be the new angle that could draw more solo female travelers ....or cuck couples.
Meanwhile, Slave has new orders.
"No more touching slave. I liked the cock shots you sent me, but I'm shutting all that down so you are nice and horny by the time I get home on Monday."
So my last officially sanctioned "touch" occurred at approximately 4 pm on Friday, mountain time. After about 13 consecutive days of self abuse, It was hardly memorable.
I've never been so happy to embrace abstinence.
I know you chastity caged readers will find this hard to believe, but I really am glad that's over! Otherwise I was going to have to ask the WC if he gets that overpriced lube from Amazon Prime.
no touch rule
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Thursday, June 18, 2015
Rain Forest Cuckoldry
It's been since Tuesday since I last heard from Mistress. And that was a rather frustrating "contact". Slave went for a bike ride on Tuesday afternoon. Returning rather gamey and planning to head to some friends' home for a rather zany 60th birthday party, I figured a shower was in order. And then, after a shower, it seemed like a good time to lay down for a brief nap.... but before the nap there were certain "orders" to follow that Mistress had left behind.
I know she wouldn't want me going to that party all horny. And there was a cage to put on before I left the house. So maybe this would be a good time for the daily purge of those "natural juices" as Mistress had directed?
After a workmanlike "purge", Slave drifted off for about 15 minutes. When I woke, and walked into the kitchen where I had left my phone to charge - there they were - a string of increasingly frantic text and viber messages from Mistress. She had stumbled out of the rain forest following a hike with some fellow travelers and stumbled upon a hot spot. The messages extended over about 20 minutes, all during the time when I was otherwise engaged, either following her orders or napping.
I can tell Mistress was not particularly thrilled by her Slave's failure to be on the lookout for her. No doubt a punishment is due when she returns. I hope she's OK, and that I will hear from her today!
Mistress galavanting through these island rain forests with all those prospective suitors in tow resonates with a book I've been reading here called "River of Doubt". The book is a narrative history focused on Theodore Roosevelt's months long and life threatening journey with a small group of Americans and Brazilians down an un-explored tributary in the Amazon basin following his loss of the 1912 Presidential election.
The book wanders at times into indigenous native culture, and focuses on a then unknown tribe called the Cinta Larga, who posed a threat to Roosevelt's party as it trespassed across their habitat. The Cinta Larga were primitive to say the least - with no written language or metal tools. They lived in small villages, 2-3 families to a hut, and used 5 ft. long poison tipped arrows shot from 6 foot bows to hunt game and other humans. Cannibalism was part of their diet, but only if your "meal" was not from your tribe.
But while men and women had traditional roles, there was a bit of a kink to their sex lives that some of our readers can appreciate:
"Like women in most early cultures, the Cinta Larga women did not have a voice in tribal life or even family decisions. However, the Indian women did have a surprising amount of control over their own lives. For instance, if a Cinta Larga woman was unsatisfied in her marriage, she was free to do something about it. She could dissolve the marriage. She could marry another man. Or she could even stay with her husband and take a lover. In such circumstances, a husband would usually look the other way, unless he became the object of derision."
So apparently, there is a "cuckoldry" tradition, even in primitive cultures. Which would be a little hard to pull off when you were living in multi-family huts constructed of palm fronds. You have to wonder whether there were some cuckolded Cinta Larga hubbies who actually got off on the thrill of
knowing their wife was over in the corner of the hut enjoying the larger and more robust cock of the guy from next door, while he was out shooting those long arrows at some rival tribe member, who might end up as the evening's dinner.
I wonder if Mistress's "Warrior" suitor is part of this long and kinky tradition?
I know she wouldn't want me going to that party all horny. And there was a cage to put on before I left the house. So maybe this would be a good time for the daily purge of those "natural juices" as Mistress had directed?
After a workmanlike "purge", Slave drifted off for about 15 minutes. When I woke, and walked into the kitchen where I had left my phone to charge - there they were - a string of increasingly frantic text and viber messages from Mistress. She had stumbled out of the rain forest following a hike with some fellow travelers and stumbled upon a hot spot. The messages extended over about 20 minutes, all during the time when I was otherwise engaged, either following her orders or napping.
I can tell Mistress was not particularly thrilled by her Slave's failure to be on the lookout for her. No doubt a punishment is due when she returns. I hope she's OK, and that I will hear from her today!
Mistress galavanting through these island rain forests with all those prospective suitors in tow resonates with a book I've been reading here called "River of Doubt". The book is a narrative history focused on Theodore Roosevelt's months long and life threatening journey with a small group of Americans and Brazilians down an un-explored tributary in the Amazon basin following his loss of the 1912 Presidential election.
The book wanders at times into indigenous native culture, and focuses on a then unknown tribe called the Cinta Larga, who posed a threat to Roosevelt's party as it trespassed across their habitat. The Cinta Larga were primitive to say the least - with no written language or metal tools. They lived in small villages, 2-3 families to a hut, and used 5 ft. long poison tipped arrows shot from 6 foot bows to hunt game and other humans. Cannibalism was part of their diet, but only if your "meal" was not from your tribe.
But while men and women had traditional roles, there was a bit of a kink to their sex lives that some of our readers can appreciate:
"Like women in most early cultures, the Cinta Larga women did not have a voice in tribal life or even family decisions. However, the Indian women did have a surprising amount of control over their own lives. For instance, if a Cinta Larga woman was unsatisfied in her marriage, she was free to do something about it. She could dissolve the marriage. She could marry another man. Or she could even stay with her husband and take a lover. In such circumstances, a husband would usually look the other way, unless he became the object of derision."
So apparently, there is a "cuckoldry" tradition, even in primitive cultures. Which would be a little hard to pull off when you were living in multi-family huts constructed of palm fronds. You have to wonder whether there were some cuckolded Cinta Larga hubbies who actually got off on the thrill of
knowing their wife was over in the corner of the hut enjoying the larger and more robust cock of the guy from next door, while he was out shooting those long arrows at some rival tribe member, who might end up as the evening's dinner.
I wonder if Mistress's "Warrior" suitor is part of this long and kinky tradition?
Amazon rain forest,
Cinta Larga,
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Bizarro World Femdom?

"What's wrong with this picture. Mistress on Abstinence for 11 days. while Slave gets his daily milkings? I must be on the wrong FemDom planet!"
I suppose you are right, Terri. (And its really 17 days when you add it up).Not only do we have a weekly switch day option here at UCTMW (as illustrated by this photo from our vault showing Mistress ready for a good cropping), but Mistress has been particularly indulgent while she is a way. She has not only allowed slave to "self abuse" at will, but has actually required it, along with a photo via snap chat to show the "proof" that slave is following orders.
On the other hand, while poor mistress has several targets of opportunity for a little sexual adventure during her voyage, she is under the watchful eye of the Dowager Domme, her loud, whiny and indiscrete sister and our cute daughter. AS a result she's been unable to taste all that tempting and delicious fruit available to her. That sort of dietary restriction must be very frustrating for the poor dear. And what the hell is in poy, anyway?

fluids" (remember that euphemism from Dr. Strangelove, all you old folks?) on a daily basis, I won't get too horny and be tempted to misbehave while she is on her 17 day sabbatical from Mistressing. (Has that worked for you WC?)
I also am required to wear my cage when I go out at night as a reminder of who is in charge.
And while those daily "milkings" certainly keep a randy slave's libido in check, they also have had another unanticipated result: I realize that that form of discharge can become more of a chore than fun. Everyday gets a little harder to look forward to my "alone time", if you know what I mean. It's a whole lot more fun getting to do it with Mistress, and asking her permission to cum.

As Terri notes, we may be on a different FemDom Planet? Terri is locked up in chastity for 89% of his time, and under s very limited cum regime. He even does a daily chastity report that he shares with his wife Diane and her lover Paul.
Meanwhile, her at UCTMW, slave is whining about how all those self administered cums are getting boring, while poor Mistress is enduring a 17 day draught, all the while being tempted by hot, available guys longing to take them off to their cabin for a good hard fucking.
It's sort of like the Bizarro World in those old Superman comics, where everything is in reverse, particularly the super heros, like Bizarro Superman and Supergirl, who are always screwing things up, rather than saving the day. And now, apparently, there is a Bizarro Wonder Woman, who uses that magic lasso to get people to lie, rather than tell the truth.
Maybe I really am in the Bizarro world. I could swear I woke up to a story on NPR about Donald Trump running for President!
Bizarro World,
cock cage,
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Monday, June 15, 2015
Mistress Draws a Marriage Proposal

I was all set to resign myself to another day with no news from Mistress when my text message lit up around noon time here. We were actually able to get a voice connection for a while, though Mistress was being shadowed by her Mother and sister it seemed at some primitive "hot spot", so she could not give me a candid read out about life on board. She did get an email through to me though, with some amusing details.
The crew who unloads the cargo loves [our daughter] as well. No good news on the sidedish topic. There is another guy... A newcomer from the last few days who is from the UK and traveling alone. Very interesting and works so her can travel and travels about 9 months a year to pretty remote places. Has great stories. Lots of prospects.... But no alone time.
ON the phone Mistress explained that while she can slip out of her room she shares with her Mother to spend time in the boat's "bar" at night, our daughter has been joining her, and the Dowager Domme seems pretty conscious if she's gone for too long. What a shame. a hot babe with permission, but with too many chaperones!
Her email went onto explain another amusing development:
Saturday we went to an idyllic beach and we were pretty lazy. Was swimming with Steve and this seaman from the crew . Steve is the UK dude. Crew really likes [our daughter] and me. They speak no english. Seaman asked Steve to ask if I would stay and marry him. He also said he is one of the Warriors on his home island. That's a first."
On the phone Mistress added a few details.
"I told him that I was already married. He said, 'that's no problem, a lot of us have more than one wife!"
Poor Mistress, all these options but no time to slink away for fun. In comparison to her well milked slave, she's been in abstinence mode for 11 days and counting. She's may be ready to explode at anytime. Let's hope she gets a chance to relieve the tension soon.
But Slave should have taken her potential Warrior husband as an omen, and called a local bookie. I slipped in to my cage and headed down to a local bar where the two steppin' music was playing on one side, and the Cavs v. Warriors game was on the other. I was pulling for my regional team, but as I should have known from the omen of Mistress's proposal, the Warriors came out on top. (excuse the cuckold oriented pun!) It's not looking good for LeBron and the Backbenchers.
When I got home I dropped my jeans over my cowboy boots, and snapped a photo of her work-a-day cock in its cage. If she can open her snapchat, she should be pleased to see I am following orders. Hopefully I am not so ham handed with my I-phone that the picture doesn't end up displayed like this:
multiple wives,
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Sunday, June 14, 2015
Regrets, I Have a Few.
I guess I should have a clock that counts up the hours I've not heard from Mistress. It's been at least 60 now. A Slave without his Mistress to guide him is pretty pathetic isn't it? So I've continued to follow the orders she left behind. Di you think she'd mind if I imposed an abstinence day? Or should the daily self-abuse continue because that's what she ordered? Maybe that's the best way to break a masturbation habit.... make him do it so it gets kind of boring?
I guess we could ask the WC to chime in on that.... he's the guy who buys the lube by the barrel.
In any event, what are my regrets?
One is not exercising my switch day privileges often enough. I mean here it is. A Sunday. And I've no one to tie up and tease to a few orgasms!
Instead I am going to take a walk on the wild side and re-stucco one of our parapets, which has shed some of its skin over the winter due to all that wind and snow and sun.
Depending on how well it goes, I could have a new profession lined up.
I guess we could ask the WC to chime in on that.... he's the guy who buys the lube by the barrel.
One is not exercising my switch day privileges often enough. I mean here it is. A Sunday. And I've no one to tie up and tease to a few orgasms!
Instead I am going to take a walk on the wild side and re-stucco one of our parapets, which has shed some of its skin over the winter due to all that wind and snow and sun.
Depending on how well it goes, I could have a new profession lined up.
switch day
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Saturday, June 13, 2015
Caged Night Out
Mistress has been MIA for 36 or so hours now. I must say it's odd not being in touch at all. But the boat she is on has no native wifi. Her only connect-otunities are when they come ashore on some remote island and the locals are obliging. And then she's competing with her fellow travelers, who are checking on the balance of their trust funds!
Then again, with all those prospective lovers on board, maybe she's just too busy to check up on her slave. It makes me wonder whether she's been able to go topless on those pristine beaches, like this shot of her along the banks of the Rio Grande.
Slave was particularly busy yesterday, catching up on a backlog of maintenance issues here at the hideaway. Trying to suppress prairie dogs. Working to keep up the impression that I am still busy at my desk back in River City. And going for a long bike ride.
But it seems the days are longer here without Mistress to serve and keep me company. Even naps aren't as much fun!
So last night I elected to venture out to here some two-stepping Americana music at a local "dance hall" set in an ancient old adobe structure down the road a piece.
Dancing out here is more ritualized than back East. And its more about getting out and seeing your neighbors than "hooking up". There are plenty of single guys and gals of a certain age displaying their ability to twirl and scoot in their cowboy boots and western finery.
And although I had on my boots and cowboy hat, I am willing to bet I was the only guy there in a cock cage!
Of course I am clueless when it comes to those two-stepping moves. I just sat on a stool against the wall, nursed a couple of IPA's and enjoyed the music and the people watching.
That's not to say I didn't have my opportunities. Three women in the 60+ age range who had made the 50 mile trek over a twisty mountain pass were concerned that I wasn't out on the dance floor.
"Do you waltz?", a nice lady with a June Cleaver haircut and baggy jeans that were better suited for milking the cows than a friday night outing, asked me, with a nod toward the floor.
I explained I was a midwesterner and not inclined to embarrass myself.
"Well your dressed for it", she said, a reference to my hat and boots apparently. I guess I was an "all hat and no cattle" sort of cowboy pretender. But then she added:
"That's fine. I'm not in the mood for giving lessons."
Not a problem. She was soon on the floor twirling with an old codger who knew his moves, leaving me to my beer.
Later, during a break, one of her friends took her best shot at coaxing me out onto the floor. She was a tad more fashionably dressed, in black pants and boots. But what was most intriguing was a special skill:
"I killed a bear once with a bow and arrow."
A black beer. That was in Canada.
"So where do you shoot a bear with an arrow so it dies, rather than being maimed and pissed off?"
"In the heart."
Silly me for asking.
Around here she bags antelopes. But only when they're laying down.
"You have to stalk them".
So Cupid has some competition in these parts. I mentioned that the guys she dates might want to wear Kevlar. We then discussed whether Kevlar could actually stop an arrow. It's in doubt.
Now you wouldn't have a conversation like that on a Friday night in River City.
And no, she did not coax me onto the dance floor either. But it did make me grateful that at least I had some steel covering my tender bits. This babe clearly had a very accurate aim.
Slave was particularly busy yesterday, catching up on a backlog of maintenance issues here at the hideaway. Trying to suppress prairie dogs. Working to keep up the impression that I am still busy at my desk back in River City. And going for a long bike ride.
But it seems the days are longer here without Mistress to serve and keep me company. Even naps aren't as much fun!
So last night I elected to venture out to here some two-stepping Americana music at a local "dance hall" set in an ancient old adobe structure down the road a piece.
Dancing out here is more ritualized than back East. And its more about getting out and seeing your neighbors than "hooking up". There are plenty of single guys and gals of a certain age displaying their ability to twirl and scoot in their cowboy boots and western finery.
And although I had on my boots and cowboy hat, I am willing to bet I was the only guy there in a cock cage!
Of course I am clueless when it comes to those two-stepping moves. I just sat on a stool against the wall, nursed a couple of IPA's and enjoyed the music and the people watching.
That's not to say I didn't have my opportunities. Three women in the 60+ age range who had made the 50 mile trek over a twisty mountain pass were concerned that I wasn't out on the dance floor.
"Do you waltz?", a nice lady with a June Cleaver haircut and baggy jeans that were better suited for milking the cows than a friday night outing, asked me, with a nod toward the floor.
I explained I was a midwesterner and not inclined to embarrass myself.
"Well your dressed for it", she said, a reference to my hat and boots apparently. I guess I was an "all hat and no cattle" sort of cowboy pretender. But then she added:
"That's fine. I'm not in the mood for giving lessons."
Not a problem. She was soon on the floor twirling with an old codger who knew his moves, leaving me to my beer.
Later, during a break, one of her friends took her best shot at coaxing me out onto the floor. She was a tad more fashionably dressed, in black pants and boots. But what was most intriguing was a special skill:
"I killed a bear once with a bow and arrow."
A black beer. That was in Canada.
"So where do you shoot a bear with an arrow so it dies, rather than being maimed and pissed off?"
"In the heart."
Silly me for asking.
Around here she bags antelopes. But only when they're laying down.
"You have to stalk them".
So Cupid has some competition in these parts. I mentioned that the guys she dates might want to wear Kevlar. We then discussed whether Kevlar could actually stop an arrow. It's in doubt.
Now you wouldn't have a conversation like that on a Friday night in River City.
And no, she did not coax me onto the dance floor either. But it did make me grateful that at least I had some steel covering my tender bits. This babe clearly had a very accurate aim.
two stepping
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Friday, June 12, 2015
Free Range Slave
Slave made it out to our SW hideaway after a long travel day. It's nice to be where the air is so much fresher and cooler, and away from my office for a while, though it's odd to be here without Mistress. The patio needed to be weed whacked upon my arrival. And while it is now more pristine, it won't be the same without my Mistress there requiring me to apply ample sun screen.
And of course, there's no one here for our other important daily rituals. "Milkings" are getting a little old, truth be told. It's much more fun when I have to ask Mistress permission before being allowed to cum. And if I've earned it by giving her 2 or 3 first.
I did hear briefly from her yesterday, right about 5 pm mountain time that tell tale chirp from my I phone notified me that she was on line.
Unfortunately, the viber voice signal was unreliable, so re reverted to text messaging. She was on the island where Paul Gauguin painted all those bare breasted island babes. No doubt Mistress is tempted to take her bikini top off too, but she's got the Dowager Domme and our cute graduate keeping an eye on her.
She mentioned that in addition to the French guy, David, (about my age) there are two other prospects flirting with her:
"Guy from UK who is traveling all over the South Pacific solo. My age."
Then there is a 40 ish Hawaiian who seems to have caught Mistress's attention.
"He's on the faculty at the University of Hawaii. An anthropologist. He's doing the lectures on natice culture. He's very hot, slave."
"You seem to have an abundance of choices, Mistress."
"Yes, slave. The flirtations continue. Maybe it's my age. But they all just keep following me around...."
Well maybe it's her age. But I suspect it's more her inherent potency. Plus, bunking with her Mom, she's gone without a good cum for a whole week now. The pent up demand probably has her oozing pheremones.
I almost feel sorry for those guys on the boat with her.
As for me, my protocol is the wear the cage when I venture out at night. Although I don't think there is much risk of me being taken down my some predatory Mistress here in our little town on the high desert. Last night I went to a local sports bar to catch the Cavs v. Warriors game. The only lady who chatted me up was covered in tatoos and was convinced I was some guy named Rick who had been a dick to her the day before. Fortunately I convinced her she had me confused with some other dick, or I would have been wearing her Mojito.
I guess it's time for me to do a photo shoot for Mistress, and then get back to the weed whacking.
And of course, there's no one here for our other important daily rituals. "Milkings" are getting a little old, truth be told. It's much more fun when I have to ask Mistress permission before being allowed to cum. And if I've earned it by giving her 2 or 3 first.
I did hear briefly from her yesterday, right about 5 pm mountain time that tell tale chirp from my I phone notified me that she was on line.
Unfortunately, the viber voice signal was unreliable, so re reverted to text messaging. She was on the island where Paul Gauguin painted all those bare breasted island babes. No doubt Mistress is tempted to take her bikini top off too, but she's got the Dowager Domme and our cute graduate keeping an eye on her.
She mentioned that in addition to the French guy, David, (about my age) there are two other prospects flirting with her:
"Guy from UK who is traveling all over the South Pacific solo. My age."
Then there is a 40 ish Hawaiian who seems to have caught Mistress's attention.
"He's on the faculty at the University of Hawaii. An anthropologist. He's doing the lectures on natice culture. He's very hot, slave."
"You seem to have an abundance of choices, Mistress."
"Yes, slave. The flirtations continue. Maybe it's my age. But they all just keep following me around...."
Well maybe it's her age. But I suspect it's more her inherent potency. Plus, bunking with her Mom, she's gone without a good cum for a whole week now. The pent up demand probably has her oozing pheremones.
I almost feel sorry for those guys on the boat with her.
As for me, my protocol is the wear the cage when I venture out at night. Although I don't think there is much risk of me being taken down my some predatory Mistress here in our little town on the high desert. Last night I went to a local sports bar to catch the Cavs v. Warriors game. The only lady who chatted me up was covered in tatoos and was convinced I was some guy named Rick who had been a dick to her the day before. Fortunately I convinced her she had me confused with some other dick, or I would have been wearing her Mojito.
I guess it's time for me to do a photo shoot for Mistress, and then get back to the weed whacking.
cock cage.,
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Dommes at Sea
Mistress somehow got a wifi signal around 1:30 pm my time yesterday, briefly lighting up my I-phone with an email and a few text messages which amply fueled my cuckold predelictations, So here is a little verbatim which like minded readers might enjoy:
"Miss you slave, and dying to tell you stories.... many of which will wait till I return. Glad to know that you are horny for me. Daniel (the French dude) keeps flirting. Interesting guy... can't decide if I am interested. We will see.
Lots of older Australians here. All in good shape.... but old. One tried to pick me up at dinner last night. His wife died 18 months ago. Also, I think his Dad was a Nazi... he was born in Germany. Long story for later...."
We were also able to trade a few texts about some household matters and our daughter's travels, But also some with a little spice:
Please follow orders, slave!
Have been. I sent you another cock shot.
Great. Can't open snaps right now. Already looking forward to reunion sex.
Me too sounds like you are getting lots of flirts.
I am. It's funny. Think about it with your dick in your hand and remember re: the cage.
so is the French guy still flirting, mistress? I mentioned it on the blog today.
He is. It is endless. Wish I could see the blog.
Maybe he's good with his tongue. It could tide you over.
It might have to.....
That's about when Mistress's signal died.... or maybe she got focused on one of those on board suitors.
In the meantime, Slave has been busy working. Took a client to dinner last night, watching the gritty performance of LeBron and the Backbenchers in the NBA finals, and preparing for my solo SW sojourn tomorrow morning. It's almost been hard to get that daily milking in.
(BTW. do you like that flashback photo?.....you can (un-barely) tell it comes from Mistress's pre-clean shaven folds day).
"Miss you slave, and dying to tell you stories.... many of which will wait till I return. Glad to know that you are horny for me. Daniel (the French dude) keeps flirting. Interesting guy... can't decide if I am interested. We will see.
Lots of older Australians here. All in good shape.... but old. One tried to pick me up at dinner last night. His wife died 18 months ago. Also, I think his Dad was a Nazi... he was born in Germany. Long story for later...."
We were also able to trade a few texts about some household matters and our daughter's travels, But also some with a little spice:
Please follow orders, slave!
Have been. I sent you another cock shot.
Great. Can't open snaps right now. Already looking forward to reunion sex.
Me too sounds like you are getting lots of flirts.
I am. It's funny. Think about it with your dick in your hand and remember re: the cage.
so is the French guy still flirting, mistress? I mentioned it on the blog today.
He is. It is endless. Wish I could see the blog.
Maybe he's good with his tongue. It could tide you over.
It might have to.....
That's about when Mistress's signal died.... or maybe she got focused on one of those on board suitors.
In the meantime, Slave has been busy working. Took a client to dinner last night, watching the gritty performance of LeBron and the Backbenchers in the NBA finals, and preparing for my solo SW sojourn tomorrow morning. It's almost been hard to get that daily milking in.
(BTW. do you like that flashback photo?.....you can (un-barely) tell it comes from Mistress's pre-clean shaven folds day).
stocking tops
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
On Board Hijinks?
Here at the UCTMW World HQ I successfully delivered our youngest to the airport yesterday. She's headed off for an "internship" on the Continent. Not a bad deal. My summers as a college student were so much more banal. But at least she's cultivating a refined taste for exotic beers! There has to be a future in that!
I've had only limited contact from Mistress. The Dowager Domme booked their party onto some sort of rustic yet plush boat ride through a chain of South Pacific Islands. They are at sea for a day or two at the time, then disembarking for outings on remote shores in the land where Marlon Brando found shelter in his declining years.
On Sunday afternoon I got an unexpected email and text message asking if I had been "following the rules". She said they were on a tiny island where someone living in a small home had a "hot spot" and gave them permission to glom on for a few minutes.
I assured her that I was in full compliance with her protocol - daily milking plus a cock shot. Though her signal was not strong enough to check her snap chat feed for today's "viewing".
She did have an update on her fellow travelers-
"There is this man, about your age, from the French Alps. He's here without his wife. He's been chatting me up at every opportunity.... today I got a small cut on the coral and he was very helpful."
Slave quickly locked onto this image of Mistress sitting on the beach, while this handsome Frenchman (looking like the male lead in South Pacific, maybe?) gently tends to her lush tootsies.
That could provide fodder for an upcoming "milking" couldn't it?
Of course the logistics could be challenging for this to move beyond some innocent flirtation. Mistress is rooming with her Mother. And our daughter is also on Board. It's a relatively small boat. But I suspect a midnight rendezvous on the poop deck made be manageable.
Slave is anxiously looking forward to updates.
In the meantime, hope you enjoy this flashback photo of Mistress from her "white album" phase.
I've had only limited contact from Mistress. The Dowager Domme booked their party onto some sort of rustic yet plush boat ride through a chain of South Pacific Islands. They are at sea for a day or two at the time, then disembarking for outings on remote shores in the land where Marlon Brando found shelter in his declining years.
On Sunday afternoon I got an unexpected email and text message asking if I had been "following the rules". She said they were on a tiny island where someone living in a small home had a "hot spot" and gave them permission to glom on for a few minutes.
I assured her that I was in full compliance with her protocol - daily milking plus a cock shot. Though her signal was not strong enough to check her snap chat feed for today's "viewing".
She did have an update on her fellow travelers-
"There is this man, about your age, from the French Alps. He's here without his wife. He's been chatting me up at every opportunity.... today I got a small cut on the coral and he was very helpful."
Slave quickly locked onto this image of Mistress sitting on the beach, while this handsome Frenchman (looking like the male lead in South Pacific, maybe?) gently tends to her lush tootsies.
That could provide fodder for an upcoming "milking" couldn't it?
Of course the logistics could be challenging for this to move beyond some innocent flirtation. Mistress is rooming with her Mother. And our daughter is also on Board. It's a relatively small boat. But I suspect a midnight rendezvous on the poop deck made be manageable.
Slave is anxiously looking forward to updates.
In the meantime, hope you enjoy this flashback photo of Mistress from her "white album" phase.
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Sunday, June 7, 2015
On Campus Kink
Pathetic, I know.
I've followed her protocol.
A daily "milking" to keep me "out of trouble". And a cock shot sent via snapchat to keep down on all those cock pics replicating themselves on our Apple photo apps. We still have images of the WC's special occasion cock popping up from time to time!
When she called yesterday, Mistress seemed pleased with waking up to an image of my "angry" cock longing for the real thing.
"It made me horny, Slave."
I forgot to ask if any of the guys she has encountered have been flirting. Contemplating Mistress finding a quiet spot below deck from some late night mischief is something to fuel those morning milkings, I suppose.
In her absence I've decided to sort through and post some flash back photos to stimulate all of our imaginations. This is a pic from one of our "Switch Sundays".
But today's blog focuses on the recent controversy at Northwestern University, fueled by an article by NW Prof Laura Kipnis, " Sexual Paranoia Strikes Academe, in which the lady professor takes on the notion that every relationship between a faculty member and a female student necessarily amounts to ab abuse of power, or even rape.
I was in college, hooking up with professors was more or less part of the
curriculum. Admittedly, I went to an art school, and mine was the lucky
generation that came of age in that too-brief interregnum after the sexual
revolution and before AIDS turned sex into a crime scene replete with
perpetrators and victims—back when sex, even when not so great or when people
got their feelings hurt, fell under the category of life experience. It’s not
that I didn’t make my share of mistakes, or act stupidly and inchoately, but it
was embarrassing, not traumatizing.
Jane Gallop recalls in Feminist Accused of Sexual Harassment (1997), her own
generational cri de coeur, sleeping with professors made her feel cocky, not
taken advantage of. She admits to seducing more than one of them as a grad
student—she wanted to see them naked, she says, as like other men. Lots of
smart, ambitious women were doing the same thing, according to her, because it
was a way to experience your own power.
somehow power seemed a lot less powerful back then. The gulf between students
and faculty wasn’t a shark-filled moat; a misstep wasn’t fatal. We partied
together, drank and got high together, slept together. The teachers may have
been older and more accomplished, but you didn’t feel they could take advantage
of you because of it. How would they?
Obviously, times have changed. Professor Kipnis even found herself in her own Title IX Inquisition when female anti-harassment student activists accused her of "retaliating" against them simply by publishing an article that disagreed with their point of view.
This got Mistress and Slave talking the other night about a story she had shared a long time ago.
"Didn't you have sex with one of your profs in college, Mistress."
"I did Slave...."
We reviewed the details. She was about 19 or 20. It was Sophomore year on her small liberal arts college in the heartland. He was about 33 or so - the same age difference between me and Mistress - married with kids at home.
Their fling was sparked - or accommodated - by late nights in the offices of the student newspaper that Mistress edited.
"I suppose it began with him looking over my shoulder at one of those old lay-out screens. Rubbing my shoulders...."
Hmmm..... not unlike the scenario of the young Mistress and the older political activist in the campaign headquarters of that short Greek guy running for President in 1988.
"So where did you do it with him, Mistress...."
"Ohh..... the newspaper office. Or his faculty office. It was a small town, and a small campus. We had to be very careful."
"So did you feel exploited, Mistress?"
She snickered.
"No Slave.... it was hot. But a little strange when I had classes with him, and I had a few."
"Did you get good grades?"
"I suppose I did. But no better than the grades I got in other classes."
Sounds Like Mistress would be on the same page as Professor Kipnis. Maybe I'd feel different about my own daughters doing it with their professors, but I suppose Mistress's Mom would not have been amused had she known the messy details. But then who wants to know all the details about our kids personal lives once they pass 18?
As for Slave, I can't say I would have complained if a lady prof had hit on me. Sadly, the only "flirty" behavior I can recall from my academic career involved a Math teaching nun in high school. But it was all smiles and solicitous small talk. Sister Roberta never offered to show me what was hidden beneath that black habit.
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Thursday, June 4, 2015
Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow
Here at the UCTMW media empire, we've never been particularly worried about all those pesky plagiarism rules. Plus I think the Bard's copyright has lapsed on that gem of a caption. But it does summarize Slave's feelings about Mistress heading off this afternoon for her 17 day journey with the Dowager Domme, her sister and our cute former Co-Ed.
Sadly, I won't even get a chance to drive her to the airport for a proper send off, due to a busy work schedule today. The upside is that I will be able to say good bye in the privacy of our room this morning, without the Dowager Domme scowling in disapproval at an airport PDA by her daughter and her worthless hubby.
Fortunately, Mistress was able to stop by yesterday afternoon for one last office worship session. I think she was pleased with my ministrations, as she spread her legs and Slave fell to my knees for proper devotion.
As you can tell from those flashy shoes, Mistress was all dressed up for a business dinner she was required to attend last night with a client. She even reported a few lustful eyes pointed her way during the evenings proceedings.
"That new City official slave. He seems a bit of a letch."
"Somehow I'm not surprised.... but then you seem to bring that out in people, Mistress."
Rest assured that Mistress got some additional worship here before bed time last night.
Yesterday, Terri asked about what the chastity protocol will be for Slave while Mistress is on the other side of the planet. I think he will be shocked -
"Here are the rules slave..... you wear your cage every evening if you go out. I don't want any temptations. And to make sure you're not too horny and get out of control, I want you to 'take care of yourself' every day."
"I think I can handle that Mistress."
"And to make sure you are following orders, I want you to text or email me some photographic evidence everyday...."
Yikes. That's a lot of cock shots that will have a half life of 50 years in the cyber world. But her wish is my command.
But what about Mistress's needs, you might ask?
Well it could be a challenge. She'll be sharing some rather rustic on board accommodations with her Mother or our daughter on her journey. There won't be much privacy for her to fiddle with her lady parts.
And what about potential sex partners?
"Maybe there will be some hot native cabin boys, Mistress? Or some single travelers who will be smitten by your charms?"
"I will be on the lookout, Slave.... but how am I going to sneak out of our cabin at night for a late night tryst on the deck, or in the hold?
The image of Kate Winslet and Leo in that vintage car in the bowels of the Titanic comes to mind, doesn't it?
I have full confidence in her ability to improvise.
And fortunately, there should be no icebergs where Mistress is heading.
Sadly, I won't even get a chance to drive her to the airport for a proper send off, due to a busy work schedule today. The upside is that I will be able to say good bye in the privacy of our room this morning, without the Dowager Domme scowling in disapproval at an airport PDA by her daughter and her worthless hubby.
Fortunately, Mistress was able to stop by yesterday afternoon for one last office worship session. I think she was pleased with my ministrations, as she spread her legs and Slave fell to my knees for proper devotion.
As you can tell from those flashy shoes, Mistress was all dressed up for a business dinner she was required to attend last night with a client. She even reported a few lustful eyes pointed her way during the evenings proceedings.
"That new City official slave. He seems a bit of a letch."
"Somehow I'm not surprised.... but then you seem to bring that out in people, Mistress."
Rest assured that Mistress got some additional worship here before bed time last night.
Yesterday, Terri asked about what the chastity protocol will be for Slave while Mistress is on the other side of the planet. I think he will be shocked -
"Here are the rules slave..... you wear your cage every evening if you go out. I don't want any temptations. And to make sure you're not too horny and get out of control, I want you to 'take care of yourself' every day."
"I think I can handle that Mistress."
"And to make sure you are following orders, I want you to text or email me some photographic evidence everyday...."
Yikes. That's a lot of cock shots that will have a half life of 50 years in the cyber world. But her wish is my command.
But what about Mistress's needs, you might ask?
Well it could be a challenge. She'll be sharing some rather rustic on board accommodations with her Mother or our daughter on her journey. There won't be much privacy for her to fiddle with her lady parts.
And what about potential sex partners?
"Maybe there will be some hot native cabin boys, Mistress? Or some single travelers who will be smitten by your charms?"
"I will be on the lookout, Slave.... but how am I going to sneak out of our cabin at night for a late night tryst on the deck, or in the hold?

I have full confidence in her ability to improvise.
And fortunately, there should be no icebergs where Mistress is heading.
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
Bon Voyage Sex
Slave was tied up (no, not literally) at a meeting with clients when Mistress emerged from the embrace of her lover yesterday afternoon. So I had to ignore her call and get the full read out of her lunch time rendezvous when I got home from work.
(I know, it was tempting to tell my client that I had to step out for a moment and hear about the hot sex my wife had just had with her lover, but I resisted that temptation.)
We took some time to rest in bed before heading out for our own "date night ", which gave Slave time to taste the heady brew betwixt Mistress's clean shaven folds, and Mistress time to update her Slave on her afternoon dalliance.
"Jay said I was a real sexpot yesterday, Slave."
"Well that's a no brainer, Mistress. Of course you are. But what did you too get up to?"
"Hmmmm..... lot's of cock riding....and him fucking me against the side of the bed.... the usual. He clearly had some pent up demand for me."
"I'm sure he's going to miss you, Mistress."
"I think he will Slave.... and did I mention the oral part....."
"You sucked his cock? How was that?"
"Nice Slave..... he likes that a lot...."
By now Mistress got a little distracted by my own oral devotions, succumbing to my tongue and lips and descending into her last cum of the day. No doubt it was mellower than her more raucous afternoon action, but then our ever present daughter was next door, forcing us to squelch our sounds of pleasure.
If anything, Mistress's alternative sex venue gives her a chance to "express herself" a little more loudly than our current living arrangements allow.
It turns out that Jay will be going off with some buddies for a golf holiday while Mistress is on her two week "girls only" voyage half way around the world. Slave will be here for another week, and then is heading for a solo trip to our SW hideaway.
So both of Mistress's "love interests" will be on the road a bit while she is away. Otherwise, I suppose we could get together to commiserate.
It could be a long two weeks.
(I know, it was tempting to tell my client that I had to step out for a moment and hear about the hot sex my wife had just had with her lover, but I resisted that temptation.)
We took some time to rest in bed before heading out for our own "date night ", which gave Slave time to taste the heady brew betwixt Mistress's clean shaven folds, and Mistress time to update her Slave on her afternoon dalliance.
"Jay said I was a real sexpot yesterday, Slave."
"Well that's a no brainer, Mistress. Of course you are. But what did you too get up to?"
"Hmmmm..... lot's of cock riding....and him fucking me against the side of the bed.... the usual. He clearly had some pent up demand for me."
"I'm sure he's going to miss you, Mistress."
"I think he will Slave.... and did I mention the oral part....."
"You sucked his cock? How was that?"
"Nice Slave..... he likes that a lot...."
By now Mistress got a little distracted by my own oral devotions, succumbing to my tongue and lips and descending into her last cum of the day. No doubt it was mellower than her more raucous afternoon action, but then our ever present daughter was next door, forcing us to squelch our sounds of pleasure.
If anything, Mistress's alternative sex venue gives her a chance to "express herself" a little more loudly than our current living arrangements allow.
It turns out that Jay will be going off with some buddies for a golf holiday while Mistress is on her two week "girls only" voyage half way around the world. Slave will be here for another week, and then is heading for a solo trip to our SW hideaway.
So both of Mistress's "love interests" will be on the road a bit while she is away. Otherwise, I suppose we could get together to commiserate.
It could be a long two weeks.
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
Mistress's Double Dates
Yesterday was one of those way-too-early mornings for Mistress, which resulted in an abstinence day for her slave. Since I am rather pampered, I certainly have no right to complain about one day off from wake up sex, do I? And I made sure to worship Mistress at the end of the day, assuring that at least she had her daily cum.
Today is bound to be better though, particularly for Mistress.
I am anticipating some sex in the UCTMW Executive Suite before heading to work.
Then Mistress has a lunch "date" with her Lover Jay.
"I have lots of work to do, Slave....but I can't leave Jay high and dry for the next two weeks without one last opportunity to fuck me, can I?"
You see, on Thursday Mistress is heading off on another one of those exotic journeys with her Mother, the Dowager Domme. Her sister (The Ditzy Domme) and our daughter (the Domme in Training) are going too.
Slave and Jay will be without her company for more than two weeks!
Her prolonged absence is something I am finally coming to grips with. I suppose I knew it was coming, but was in denial until this week, when her journey begins.
After Mistress afternoon diversion with Jay, we have some plans too. At dinner last night we broke the news to our two daughters (the nest infesters), that we have a "Date Night" of our own planned in anticipation of Mistress's long journey. We are walking up the street to a romantic local bistro. Our younger daughter rolled her eyes when she heard our plans. She doesn't like to miss a nice (and expensive) meal. But so it goes..... parents do deserve a little "alone time" every now and then
Mistress and I have discussed the protocols that will be in place during her long voyage. But we can cover that later in the week.
Today is bound to be better though, particularly for Mistress.
I am anticipating some sex in the UCTMW Executive Suite before heading to work.
Then Mistress has a lunch "date" with her Lover Jay.
"I have lots of work to do, Slave....but I can't leave Jay high and dry for the next two weeks without one last opportunity to fuck me, can I?"
You see, on Thursday Mistress is heading off on another one of those exotic journeys with her Mother, the Dowager Domme. Her sister (The Ditzy Domme) and our daughter (the Domme in Training) are going too.
Slave and Jay will be without her company for more than two weeks!
Her prolonged absence is something I am finally coming to grips with. I suppose I knew it was coming, but was in denial until this week, when her journey begins.
After Mistress afternoon diversion with Jay, we have some plans too. At dinner last night we broke the news to our two daughters (the nest infesters), that we have a "Date Night" of our own planned in anticipation of Mistress's long journey. We are walking up the street to a romantic local bistro. Our younger daughter rolled her eyes when she heard our plans. She doesn't like to miss a nice (and expensive) meal. But so it goes..... parents do deserve a little "alone time" every now and then
Mistress and I have discussed the protocols that will be in place during her long voyage. But we can cover that later in the week.
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
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