Monday, November 25, 2013

Just What Mistress Needed...

On Saturday a box arrived here at the UCTMW World HQ.

It was an assortment of gifts from our Senior Correspondent Donna and her lovely daughter in honor of Hanukkah. (Or is it Thanksanukkah this year?)

There were some candies, hot chocolates and coffees. A few feathers which she said were for the cats, but could have a more diabolical use if in the hands of an uppity pampered slave on switch day.

But at the bottom of the box, there were these:
"Great for risotto, Mistress?"

I said a little dubiously.

"Or for the next time you get surly, Slave...."

Moi, surly?

Gee thanks, Donna. Just what Mistress needed to compliment her super sized shoe horn, bamboo cane  and riding crop.


I did want to briefly comment on the events that unfolded last night in the frigid tundras of Foxboro, Mass.

I know the WC and Suzanne over at All Mine were at the edge of their seats over the renewal of the rivalry between "PFM" and Mr. Giselle, though my sense is that they never settled on appropriate wagering terms. Suzanne seemed to be  doubting the prospects of her team and their Glamour Boy QB.

She even offered a bet with some sexual consequences to Jay, I hear, but he turned down the chance to put his own ass on the line.... the prospects of which  all of us have been rooting for.

The game  turned out to be a Tale of Two Halves, on Ice. I turned off the TV with the WC's Donkeys up 24-0 before the half, and the Patriots looking like they had already checked out for the night.

When I awoke this morning and checked ESPN I discovered that whatever trance they had fallen into in the first half had dissipated, with Mr. Giselle shaking off his ass-fucked doldrums and leading a rally that ended in an OT victory for hoodie's team.

It left me wondering.... did Jay leave the game at half time, sulking back for the solace of Suzanne's bed. Or did he stay to the bitter, but ultimately triumphant end in that low 20's stadium. If so..... it makes you wonder if the so-called trophy cock succumbed to frost bite.

If so, the monumental Patriots victory will be of the Pyrrhic variety. But I hear they sell nice implants these days. Good luck Suzanne!


  1. I like those spatulas Mick. One for when she's spanking you because you've been a good boy, and one for when she's spanking you for being a bad boy. It's perfect.


  2. The TC must have been quite frigid indeed last night (while I was in a warm and comfy bed watching the game - after some much-need oral attention from you-know-who) but Jay insists there was no permanent damage. I won't be able to verify that until tonight at the earliest.

    The Donkey's QB had that familiar "WTF?" look on his face that is all too familiar at Gillette Stadium!

    As to my future bets with Jay, I think I'll have to become more creative with the stakes.


  3. WC here

    Good thing you slept through the second half.....

  4. Hey Mick,

    Just so you know, Bill has three of those spatulas, two that say naughty and one that says nice. He told me he doesn't expect to have much use for the nice one. Do you think that's a negative attitude or do think maybe he just knows me really well?



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