Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Cock Cage Follies

With the cold weather upon us, slave's balls were very uncooperative once again yesterday morning here at the UCTMW World HQ.

I was able to schmush my "package" into that hard steel ring in the early morning hours, and enjoyed the special intensity it induces when Mistress finally gave me permission to cum after she had fully exploited my particularly rigid "Mick unit". After all, it had been nearly 48 hours since my last indulgence.

But when the dust settled and we proceeded to the shower I had an unwelcome discovery.

"Oh Shit, Mistress. One of my balls is missing."

Actually, it was still there, but had somehow escaped it's confinement and retreated to where the sun does not shine.

Once that happens no amount of poking and prodding on a cold morning, even in a warm shower, would not induce it to "come out of hiding" and return to it's proper place.

Mistress was not particularly happy with this turn of events, but I had an alternative plan.

"I think that new steel cage I ordered is supposed to arrive today. What if I put it on at work and send you a photo."

"I guess that will have to do, slave.... but no dawdling. Don't wait until you're about to come home!"

Sure enough the new cage arrived at mid-morning, and I had it on before lunch. t has a hinged ring, and things had loosened up enough that I could squeeze it around. But it was tight. tighter than my current ring. and the moving parts and mounting device that the cage slips onto was pinchy.... like the plastic cage I used to have.

Ouch.  Lots of tugging at flesh and pubes through the day at odd times.  Not comfortable at all.

I took a photo and forwarded it to Mistress, who seemed pleased when she saw it:

But when I tucked on my shirt and pulled up my pants I noticed an immediate problem, which I described to Mistress via text.

"It sticks out - makes me look like I've got a super-sized cock like the WC. Do you think the babes will notice?"
Mistress was horrified:

"Oh no.... we can't have that....."

I guess it's back to the drawing board. Do you think Amazon takes returns on once used cock cages?



  1. What a saga....Maybe we need to start a "Free Mick" campaign now.....

  2. I'm sure you don't want to hear it...but...I still think a simple PA piercing is the way to go. There are so many options with it! However, knowing you eschew any kind of piercing, your best best is probably a custom made device from Mature Metal . Yes...they are a bit more expensive than the cages you've been least there's a good chance they'll work effectively. You wouldn't want to skimp on something that would bring piece of mind to Molly...would you? (The PA is so much cheaper!!)

    I don't know if you are aware of these sites, but you might find some real useful information in them. and

    Good Luck!!

  3. OOps...the links I sent didn't post.
    Mature Metal = www maturemetal com
    keyheld blogspot com
    www chastity-uk co uk / gallerytubes htm

    1. thanks for the tip , Anon. I will check it out.

  4. Well, Mick... Having seen that the less costly cages from Amazon aren't that great, I'm going to suggest that you quit fooling around, pull out the gold card, and go to, to get one of their very nice, very compact, high end cages. The reason I suggest them is that they do offer a hinged A-ring and and also what they call a Biparte A-ring. They even have designs that incorporate a urethral insert that goes deep inside your... yup...

    The prices are a bit scary, but once you realize that you're not going to get charged the 19% VAT, they're not so bad.

    1. thanks for the tip, Harry. But I'm definitely avoiding that "insert'. Yikes.

      The don't want stuff stuffed down my cock,


  5. I'd actually enjoy knowing the babes are gazing at what they think is a WC-sized cock, while I know it is locked and useless :)


    1. It's not too late to get one for the trophy cock, Suzanne.


  6. Hi Mick,

    i tried numerous different designs as well but none of them proved to offer what Owner and i sought, namely security, aesthetics, comfort, discretion and suitable for longer-term wear. Eventually i bit the (financial) bullet and ordered a Jailbird device. i ordered the smallest fitting (am quite 'small' anyway) to make even more discrete and i have to say it has been a great investment. i can even wear under tight fitting jeans without it obviously showing. The downside is it is metal and so needs removing if going through security screening - or having the chutzpah to explain why you've just set all the alarms off.

    Although it seems expensive it can be custom-sized and cheaper ones are, i think, in the end just a false economy.


  7. WC here

    Suzanne is right Molly

    As long as it is locked who cares who looks?

    Course that would mean it had to be locked every day:)

    Wonder what Suzanne would have to say about that.....

    The causing trouble for Mick



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