Saturday, December 1, 2012

New Harvard Club Needs Guidance

 Vanessa over at Fetish Furniture Factory shared this link from Fox News , which we needed to pass along as well.

 "An informal group that calls itself “Harvard College Munch” began meeting last year in the dining hall to discuss the sexual ties that bind them, and it is on the brink of gaining recognition from the school's Committee on Student Life."
 Harvard to welcome kinky sex club for students | Fox News

Nothing more amusing than see that great thinker Bill O'Reilly debate the merits of who pays for the handcuffs at Harvard.

But what occurred to me is who would be the faculty adviser for this new organization.... who would show them the ropes, or provide guidance on the right type of harness to go with that dildo so the cute but dominant Co-Ed could introduce  the left guard from the Crimson football squad to his softer side.

Now I think we all have gotten the impression that Suzanne over at All Mine has some role in higher education. Though the exact institution of higher learning where she plies her trade, fantasizes about the hunks in her classroom, and wards off student advances is cloaked in mystery.

Is it Harvard? Brandeis? MIT? Who knows. But I'm sure under these circumstances they might consider her for a visiting faculty member appointment.


  1. Hmmm, that's an interesting proposition.


  2. Oh, and tammy could do demonstrations! Why, oh why weren't there organizations like this when I was in college? So much time was spent on things that would have no impact on the rest of my life, while what I might have learned in a club like this would have been useful on a daily basis-sometimes twice a day.

  3. I think she is over qualified Mick:)

  4. Oh Mick....Somehow I just knew this piece of "news" would find its way onto the pages of UCTMW. It's pretty old news actually and showed up on The Huffington Post this week.

    Please stop picking on The Crimson. They aren't the first Ivy League institution to have such a club. I'm sure it will be more interesting than the Philately (or is it fellatio) or Photography clubs. And with such an outlet for their kinkier needs, maybe there won't be as many student advances to ward off.

    And if I just so happened to be the adviser to this group, I'd suggest that cute coed start with the Crimson's tight end.


  5. Suzanne, if she starts with the "tight" end, let's hope the guy can get in touch with the WC about his volume lube supplier.


  6. Funny you guys....

    I'll send him tub

    Give him my number


  7. Darn, should have gone to Harvard. I had the scores to go..

    Perhaps I should transfer. ;)


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