Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Rain Check Redemption Day

I know some of our readers were appalled at the notion that on Saturday slave failed to consummate his caging properly, using cold weather and the physiological consequences as a lame excuse. And somehow a "rain-check" seemed even less slave like to some of you.

Yesterday I dodged the cage by riding my bike to work.

Definitely don't want that cage grating against a bike saddle over my 10 mile commute to and from work, right?

But today -- no excuses. Mistress reminded me of my obligations, and I diligently remembered to grab my hard steel ring and slide into it this morning before the cold set in.  It's set to go, and ready for some wake up sex before the cover is applied and Mistress snaps the lock closed.

And it's likely to be a long cage day, since slave will be attending a public event with Mistress this evening. Somehow I doubt she's going to spring me loose before that event is over and we share some dinner on the town.

Hope that makes the rabble happy!


  1. For whatever reason you don't wear your cage when told to is not up to your followers to say you were wrong. If you don't wear it when told to and you explain to Mistress why it's not on, SHE and she alone will decide if you had a good reason and if not what your punishment will be. I don't have a cage although R has talked about them and we have looked at some on line there fore I have no idea what it would be like to wear one while ridding a bike. You wear on and have on a bike so you know.

  2. The cold weather is a flat out lame excuse. There are ways to warm up the genitals aren't there? If you were in more often or for longer periods, your little jewels wouldn't be so sensitive to drops in temperature - they'd already be firmly in place where they belong.

    Here's a suggestion for bike rides - just don't sit on the seat while you're pedaling. Guaranteed you'll get to work faster.


  3. Mistress seemed amused by your comment Diane. In terms of genital warming, maybe there's room for such a device in the "as scene on TV" market.



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