Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Excuses, Excuses

Mistress and slave had a particularly restful Sunday, despite the extended presence of our working girl daughter and her boyfriend.

Sunday morning both couples were holed up in our bedrooms. I turned on some music to mask the sounds of Mistress's favorite power tool which seemed to have a desirable impact once applied to those clean shaven folds.  My devotion was generously rewarded afterwards.

Who knows what was going on in the bedroom across the hall.

Later in the morning, we climbed on our bikes for a long ride downtown for brunch at our favorite Vietnamese restaurant, enjoying the color show put on my the changing leaves. Then, with the Pussycats enjoying a bye week, we indulged in an afternoon movie at the neighborhood cinema.

The verdict at the end of our day was in: despite company in the house, we scored some quality couple time.

Now, sliding into the work week, slave has raised Mistress's eyebrows about the lack of cage time.

Excuse yesterday: it was a gorgeous day and I rode my bike to work.  So, no cage.

Mistress looked at the weather report and decreed Tuesday a cage day.

"But Mistress.... remember I have a doctor's appointment."

It's my annual visit to the dermatologist to check all those spots and splotches that pop up on an aging slave. And they make you strip and put on one of those tie in the back robes for a full body inspection.

"Hmmmm...... you always seem to have an excuse, slave....."

There's always Wednesday.

1 comment:

  1. Kudos to your dermatologist for being so thorough, and with all that sunbathing in the nude you do while on vacation i suppose he or she has to check everywhere!

    So what excuse are you going to come up with on Wednesday?

    sissy terri


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