Sunday, October 18, 2015

Crowded House

Mistress and Slave are still here, though we have had to go into deep under cover this weekend, not because of any security breach (fingers still crossed), but because both of our daughters are here this weekend. Our walls are a little too thin when all four of us are sleeping upstairs.

But despite our lack of privacy, we did somehow leverage a "two-a-day" out of Saturday's challenging environment.

There was some robust wake-up sex, plus some bonus sex after a restful after afternoon nap.

I think the latter took Mistress by surprise.

As we woke from our nap around 6 pm, Mistress figured her slave was going to take a pass.

"I guess it's too crowded here for sex this afternoon, slave?"

"Not so fast", Mistress.

I put some music on to mask the sounds of pleasuring from the daughter was seemed to be enjoying some screen time on the other side of our bedroom wall.  Then furtively dived under the sheets and betwixt Mistress's thighs.

She definitely made it worth my while.

There was one problem yesterday though.

Mistress had scheduled a cage day for me since we were both heading in different directions for much of the day.  But slave screwed up.  I forgot to slide on the hard steel collar before our morning engagement. And Mistress left the house promptly after that, forgetting to make sure her orders were carried out.

Now don't assume I need to be nagged. I remembered the cage after I showered, but, sadly, the cold weather that has set in here had its typical physiological impact. My balls had contracted so close to my body that it was impossible, despite much poking and prodding, to slide coax them through that hard steel ring.


When Mistress discovered my uncaged status on her return she was not pleased.

"I guess I owe you a rain check, Mistress."

"That's the least of it slave".

I have a feeling that the nasty wooden back scratcher may get broken out again once our nest is empty again.

Finally, thanks to all of you who commented after Friday's blog  with encouragement to stick around here. It's great to know you would miss us!


  1. Ball capture chastity devices like yours can be a real pain and probably not very secure. Have you, or Molly, ever considering having you get a PA piercing and a much more secure device, i.e. Lori's #5

    1. Hopefully there will be no piercings around here.


  2. Nice... congrats on squeezing the second session in!
    But... do you think your daughter hasn't caught on to the music thing yet?

  3. Such transgressions aren't referred to as "rain checks" around here.

    Sissy terri

  4. We rabble demand more. "Slipped your mind" I'm sure...

    We're rabble, right?


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