Friday, February 16, 2018

Does Mistress Have a Plan B Guy?

Mistress surprised me on Monday with news that she had a previously undisclosed lunch “date”. 

“I’m meeting K for lunch today, slave…..”

K is a cuckolder I had forgotten about.  Aka “Mr. Perfect Cock”, a 6’3” or so hockey player who works as an Engineer for a local company.  A little dull, but certainly an impressive specimen. K and Mistress stopped seeing one another when he got married about 2 years ago. So I was a little surprised that he had reappeared from the murky mists of Mistress’s sexual past.

“Really….  How did K get back on the radar screen, Mistress?”

Oh we text every now and then. It had been a while, so why not?

Afterwards, I asked her how lunch had gone.

“It was nice slave….. I think he’d still like to fuck me, but then he’s married now. And he knows I have a hard stop on doing it with married guys.”

And yet, they have preserved that connection. Just in case?  It brought to mind a recent article I saw on how most women have a Plan B guy, lined up ….just in case. Here’s the link. The Back Up Guy. And some key passages:

Whether he’s the one that got away, the office husband, or a gym partner, chances are he is the “Plan B” man you fantasize about running away with. Like an insurance policy, this man is the handpicked boyfriend or husband replacement you have on standby once “plan A” starts to break down on you. According to a survey conducted by, an online market research company, half of women who are married or in relationships have a Plan B man on standby who is “ready and waiting” because of “unfinished business.”
When there’s trouble in paradise, and eventually a break-up, women are left at the starting line again. This means there’s more ladies' night, late-night rom-com marathons, and wine — lots of wine. However, to avoid playing the field and going through all the bases, women have taken a shortcut to get back to the finish line with a Plan B man. "The saying that 'the grass isn't always greener' clearly isn't deterring women of today. They understand that anything can happen and are ensuring they have a solid back-up plan should things go sour with their current man,” a spokesman for told the Daily Mail.
To analyze women’s relationship contingency plans, the survey of 1,000 women found nearly half of the respondents had a man on deck that they could call out to the plate. However, this man isn’t any rookie; he’s likely to be one of the woman’s all-star friends she’s had around for seven years. More than four in 10 women admitted they had got to know this man while they were with their partner, while almost the same percent said he was “on the scene” long before the relationship.
One in 10 women confessed their Plan B has professed their undying love to them, while two in 10 knew that their Plan B would “drop everything” for them. These first alternatives were on call for their lady friends for several reasons. A quarter of the ladies blatantly admitted they have strong feelings for their Plan B as they do for their current partner, while 15 percent responded with feeling more for the Plan B man than their significant other, Yahoo reported.

I suppose it’s even more complicated when a woman has a “free pass” from her husband. She may need a “Plan B” cuckolder, as well as a Plan B guy for her “significant other” (aka, me). So it would make sense that Mistress needs to keep her Plan B (or would it be Plan C and D) side-dishes warmed up on a hot plate not too far out of hand, just in case she gets tired of her slave, or if things don’t work out with her current prospect, S.  But having all those additional guys in Q has to be a lot of pressure…..

Speaking of Plan B’s, it sounds as if our Western Correspondent is getting a little antsy in the sourth Pacific and is actually contemplating heading to S. Korea for what is left of the Winter Olympics, now that his “hero” Mike Pence has gone back to Washington:

Hey Boss….
Thanks for the email at 4 AM!    Sorry it has taken me 48 hours to respond but you won't believe what happened ............I got hit on the head with a Coconut! 

Of all things who would have thought??????  Yep I was measuring the outside boundaries of the orphanage I am planning to built here       AND    BANG!!!!!!

They tell me I was out cold for two days........   I don't remember a thing until I woke up when  I found myself in a sun drenched thatched hut with grass skirts and coconut bras scattered all over the room     WTF????  

Boss, I have no idea what happened  (the authorities think it was probably a kidnapping)    but rest assured I am OK....... nevertheless thanks for your thoughts and prayers.........It means a lot to me and plus 1.    Thank god for the brave first responders.......  They told me this was worse than the Tsunami!!!!! 

Now Boss, I heard that Mike Pence has left the Korea's?  Can you confirm?  If true, plus 1 has agreed to accompany me to the Olympic venue.

Please advise immediately and initiate  another wire transfer (to my off shore account #473408674 in *************** you know the bank and country),  in the amount of $35,000.00.

Thanks Boss     BTW, the folks at informed me that it may cost you a little more to repurchase all those event tickets at this time......

Just wanted to give you a heads up....... good news is they still have your credit card information on don't worry about that .....I got it handled on this end boss

You will hear from me next once we are feet dry in the Korea's!!!!  

Your chief foreign correspondent


Thanks for the update, WC. But shouldn’t you be in the Concussion Protocol for a bit longer?

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