Mistress made sure she was "dressed to kill", or at least taunt her husband, and turn the head of her lover, and a few other folks we saw out and about, both men and ladies. As we waited for Jay to show up, Mistress distracted her slave with the hot black tights and short dress she had selected. It made her slave want to propose "calling in sick" to Jay and taking her upstairs to enjoy all to myself.
But that would be wrong. And not at all what Mistress had in mind for her evening.
Our first stop was a trendy bar, already filling up with urbanistas on the prowl. What I liked about it: none of the droning and distracting TVs like too many bars and restaurants these days. That left all of us to peruse the clientele (and the cute, tattooed bartendress) rather than just another NCAA basketball game.
We were able to grab three stools at the bar near the door, giving us a good view of all the men and ladies eyeing one another (and Mistress). Mistress was wedged between her two "dates".
Suddenly there was a familiar face honing in on Mistress --- a very fetching curly haired blonde of the lesbian persuasion, who had been coupled for years with another of Mistress's friends. She rushed to Mistress, wrapping her in an affectionate hug. Then she introduced another equally fetching blonde, with straighter hair and flashing some considerable cleavage. Her date? Curly blonde and Mistress exchanged a few whispered words and then the two blondes headed to a table along the wall.
While Mistress and blondie were chatting, I discretely mouthed to Jay that the two blondes were on a date together. At least so it seemed. When Mistress turned back to her male companions, I asked for an update.
"So has she switched back, Mistress? "
We had heard that curly blonde had broken up with Mistress's other lady friend in favor of some guy from NYC.
"It seems that way, Slave.....she said they'd both like to come visit us in (our SW hideaway town). So they seem to be a couple. But I can add this.... she whispered that I'm still the hottest woman she knows....."
Of course, the notion of my smoking hot wife in the arms of this also very hot blonde has been a perverse fantasy on mine for what seems like ages. And I acknowledged it to Jay.
"Molly doing with you is all well and good Jay, but that lady.....she's the holy grail."
Jay did a nice "spit take" with his Imperial Stour that that point.

Mistress excused herself first.
"I'm going to go wash my face and get ready for bed....." she announced, giving her lover's thigh a little knowing squeeze as she rose from her chair. She sauntered over to me then leaning in for a kiss.
"Goodnight slave.... see you in the morning."
I couldn't resist running my hand up that firm, tights enswathed thigh, my finger grazing over her soon to be busy folds. Did I detect a little shiver of arousal before she pulled away, a wicked grin on her face."
"Don't be long, Jay...." she said to her lover as she headed up the stairs.
Jay and I chatted for a bit longer about the absurdists developments in Washington over the last week. But he wasn't staying long.
"Guess I'd better follow your wife's advice, Mick....."
Soon he was upstairs, safely locked away with Mistress in her "Executive Suite". I followed not long after, in to one of our daughter's rooms.
Now it's morning, and I just brewed Jay some coffee at Mistress's request. She wearing a very short nightie. No undies. She gave me a long lingering kiss before heading back upstairs, a cup of joe for Jay in hand.
"I think he needs a little caffeine before round two, slave....."
I'm looking forward to Mistress's after action report.