Thursday, February 18, 2016

Hunkered Down in the High Desert

Mistress and slave are safely ensconced in our SW hideaway here in the high desert. The sun is blazing, and even the ski slopes yesterday were pretty warm. It allowed Mistress to engage in some sunning yesterday afternoon on our patio, where large swaths of snow still remain from the big dumps of snow earlier this month, despite this week's warm sunshine.

But our travels were not without incident.  We had one of those pre-dawn flights out of River City, which found us scrambling in a dark house to feed the cats, load the car and get rolling.  The result was almost tragic: Mistress missed a step at the top of the stairs, while carrying her purse and backpack. Slave was already downstairs and heard the crash, turning to see Mistress flying face forward down the carpeted stairs, coming to rest at the very bottom. It was like watching Pete Rose fly head first into home plate, but on a significant incline. A call to 911 and a trip to the ER with broken bones or worse to deal with flew through my mind.

Fortunately, Mistress is one tough and well conditioned "cookie". She did have what amounted to a rug burn below her right eye that was bloody and swelling. But her limbs were in tact. Amazingly, she dusted herself off, fed the cats and we were on our way.

It did make me realize I was a poor slave. I should have carried Mistress's bags down the stairs for her.  Surely a punishment is due.

By the time we arrived here before sunset on Tuesday afternoon, Mistress accident and our long travel day had her pretty exhausted, with a "sore all over" body.  Amazingly, she even passed on some relaxing worship.  This was probably the first day in a very long time that Mistress was denied even a single cum!

But not to worry, Mistress and slave were back in action by Wednesday morning. And after a day on the slopes and a restful nap, she accepted my offer of worship yesterday evening before dinner.

She's my Wonder Woman!


  1. Well Mick, you have lots of pampering and doting to do on this particular getaway. Just think, that terrible fall could have been avoided if YOU were carrying the purse!

    sissy terri

  2. WC Here

    Molly is a tough cookie!!!!


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