That was an interesting experiment.
On Friday I asked for input on how Mistress and slave should handle the visit scheduled with K early on Thursday morning.
The results were pretty clear cut.
There were six comments who voting for a scenario where slave fluffs Mistress in advance of her date, but has to wear his cock cage rather than enjoy my typical wake up sex privileges.
The only "contrarian" voice was Diane (the only Domme commenting by the way) who suggested that whatever happens should be Mistress's choice.
I reported this all to Mistress yesterday afternoon, before applying my lips and tongue for some late afternoon worship.
"Well then that's the way we'll go, slave.... you in the cage when K arrives...."
She seemed pleased with the plan, knowing, apparently, that K will have more than enough in store for her without an assist from her "work-a-day" cock on Thursday morning. And I'm hoping I will get a "taste" when I get home from work myself.
In the meantime, we may have a crowded house. My niece call yesterday announcing that she is coming to town to visit with her relatively newborn son (about 5 months old).
"Uncle Mick, do you mind if I stay at your house"", she asked on one of those voices that is hard to say "no" to.
So much for our first full week of empty nesting.
Luckily, it's only for two nights, but it does mean hosting one of those big family dinners Monday night.
As Michael said in the Godfather: "Just when you think you're done, they keep pulling you back in...."
Mistress was pleased about one thing.
"At least she'll be gone by Thursday morning, slave."
"I suppose it might be a little uncomfortable to introduce my cute niece to the guy dropping by to pay his "respects" to Mistress at 7:45 on a Thursday morning.
Midwestern Professionals relocated the the High Desert SW add some cuckoldry and submission. But now there's a New BOSS in town
Sunday, February 28, 2016
Crowd Sourcing Our Sex Lives
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Friday, February 26, 2016
Looking for Ideas
Sadly, Mistress and slave are back to their midwestern drudgery, trading gloom and chill and nose to the grindstone for sun and slopes. Be assured that we've been able to enjoy some maintenance sex, despite the annoyance of being "back at it" and away from our SW hideaway. I've made sure that Mistress has had at least a couple of cums a day since our return.
Having our empty nest back is certainly a bonus, though there is a certain wistful regret that this is "for good". Mistress seems to be feeling the separation anxiety that comes with the realization that her little girls have really "flown the coop."
Of course, that empty nest does provide some opportunities for "mischief". Over the last few days Mistress has been sexting with her back-up side-dish K. He has this fantasy of arriving here some work day morning as slave goes off to work, to enjoy the bounty of Mistress's lush and oh so desirable body. And they've agreed that next Thursday morning will be the moment when K's fantasy turns to reality.
But we've not figured out exactly how this will work.
Should slave and Mistress have sex first, meaning that K gets "sloppy seconds"?
Or should slave simply "fluff" Mistress, making her particularly horny when K arrives, and allowing him to push her over the edge a time or two?
And should cage be in or out of his cock cage when K arrives?
We have a few days to figure this out. Any thoughts, dear readers?
Having our empty nest back is certainly a bonus, though there is a certain wistful regret that this is "for good". Mistress seems to be feeling the separation anxiety that comes with the realization that her little girls have really "flown the coop."
Of course, that empty nest does provide some opportunities for "mischief". Over the last few days Mistress has been sexting with her back-up side-dish K. He has this fantasy of arriving here some work day morning as slave goes off to work, to enjoy the bounty of Mistress's lush and oh so desirable body. And they've agreed that next Thursday morning will be the moment when K's fantasy turns to reality.
But we've not figured out exactly how this will work.
Should slave and Mistress have sex first, meaning that K gets "sloppy seconds"?
Or should slave simply "fluff" Mistress, making her particularly horny when K arrives, and allowing him to push her over the edge a time or two?
And should cage be in or out of his cock cage when K arrives?
We have a few days to figure this out. Any thoughts, dear readers?
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Monday, February 22, 2016
High Up Holiday

But of course, you can only ski about 4 hours in any given day (if you want to preserve your legs) leaving lots of time on Sunday morning for lying about and engaging in some unruly sex after e-perusing the papers. I deployed Mistress's favorite power tool (we have one tucked away here) and she had a remarkably quick and enthusiastic cum in what seems seconds after it made contact with her clean shaven folds. Some robust cock riding ensued, giving Mistress several marks on the "cum count" if there was one.
And after we put in our requisite hours on the slope, there was still plenty of time left for an afternoon laze in the warm sun, a nap, and even some pre-dinner worship before heading to some friends' home for dinner.
Sadly, it's a "work day" today, meaning we have to monitor our in boxes, even from the slopes. Then tomorrow we head back to the gloom of the heartland. At least our solar batteries will be fully charged.
big horn sheep
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Saturday, February 20, 2016
Deferred V-Day Dinner
Mistress and slave got rolling a little later yesterday due to some work obligations. But we definitely made up for some lost time: who needs to stick to a schedule if that gets in the way of your morning wake-up sex.
It actually occurred a couple of hours after waking up here, and dealing with annoying clients vis conference call. But when things got going, Mistress was in a feisty mood, enjoying some bonus cums when she rode her slave's work-a-day cock.
We finally made it up the mountain by 10 am, but that still gave us time for plenty of skiing, a nap at home and then some later afternoon "two-a-day" action back in our bed.
Out only scheduled evening event was a deferred Valentine's Day dinner at a muy romantico restaurant down the road a bit, set in a tiny road side chapel built in the late 19th Century. Mistress decided to get all "gussied up" for our night out, so broke out some sexy black tights and a mid-thigh black dress to go with it, that caught more than Slave's eye at dinner. (Although I probably should offer to polish Mistress's boots!)
Our fellow blogger Terri, over at "A Married Sissy" would have enjoyed one development at dinner. The female servers all wore over their otherwise black garb very colorful aprons with a variety of vivid designs. The table next to us consisted of a youngish man in his 30's or so, a woman about the same age and an older man (maybe a father). The younger man must have taken an interest in the colorful aprons and discovered they were for sale. One of the waitresses brought over a plastic tub with 10 or so to choose from, and the guy proceeded to unfurl each of them, finally settling on two aprons to purchase. One depicted a canary in a hanging cage across the front.
This little display had both Mistress and slave giggling a bit, imagining this guy back at home, fully domesticated, in his apron and little else.
Not that there's anything wrong with that, right Terri?
It actually occurred a couple of hours after waking up here, and dealing with annoying clients vis conference call. But when things got going, Mistress was in a feisty mood, enjoying some bonus cums when she rode her slave's work-a-day cock.
We finally made it up the mountain by 10 am, but that still gave us time for plenty of skiing, a nap at home and then some later afternoon "two-a-day" action back in our bed.
Out only scheduled evening event was a deferred Valentine's Day dinner at a muy romantico restaurant down the road a bit, set in a tiny road side chapel built in the late 19th Century. Mistress decided to get all "gussied up" for our night out, so broke out some sexy black tights and a mid-thigh black dress to go with it, that caught more than Slave's eye at dinner. (Although I probably should offer to polish Mistress's boots!)
Our fellow blogger Terri, over at "A Married Sissy" would have enjoyed one development at dinner. The female servers all wore over their otherwise black garb very colorful aprons with a variety of vivid designs. The table next to us consisted of a youngish man in his 30's or so, a woman about the same age and an older man (maybe a father). The younger man must have taken an interest in the colorful aprons and discovered they were for sale. One of the waitresses brought over a plastic tub with 10 or so to choose from, and the guy proceeded to unfurl each of them, finally settling on two aprons to purchase. One depicted a canary in a hanging cage across the front.
This little display had both Mistress and slave giggling a bit, imagining this guy back at home, fully domesticated, in his apron and little else.
Not that there's anything wrong with that, right Terri?
black tights,
Valentine's Day
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Friday, February 19, 2016
Mistress "Hooks Up" with Her Mountain Man

Of course, I've teased Mistress in the past about her obvious "crush" on her MM. We've seen him from time to time on our ski mountain and they've become facebook fans. But this week slave got in some trouble with Mistress when I jokingly mentioned to some friends, in anticipation of his annual slideshow/lecture, that Mistress "had permission" when it came to MM. (I didn't mention that Mistress has permission, via our contract, with any guy she fancies.)
"Slave, don't act like I'm some sort of stalker....", Mistress admonished.
"Yes, Mistress.... I stand corrected. Henceforth I shall refrain from any public comments about your apparent lust for MM."
"You know sometimes you can admire someone and not have some covert sexual motivation, slave..."
I stood corrected.
We both were enthralled by MM's slide show and humorous lecture. And afterwards, after he invited folks to come up with any questions, Mistress moved over to talk to him as I diverted a few friends who wanted to talk to Mistress.
Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed MM give Mistress a big hug of greeting, and saw them engaging in an engrossing conversation for several minutes.
When Mistress returned to me, floating a few inches above the hard concrete floor of the brew pub where MM made his presentation, she seemed very pleased.
"He remembered me, slave...."
"I could see that, and the big hug he gave you...."
"He hugged me again, when we said goodbye, slave."
So two hugs.
"I'm not surprised that he remembers you Mistress. You are very memorable. "
Unfortunately, I didn't have a chance to test whether those hugs produced any evidence of something more than dispassionate admiration for her MM.
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Thursday, February 18, 2016
Hunkered Down in the High Desert

But our travels were not without incident. We had one of those pre-dawn flights out of River City, which found us scrambling in a dark house to feed the cats, load the car and get rolling. The result was almost tragic: Mistress missed a step at the top of the stairs, while carrying her purse and backpack. Slave was already downstairs and heard the crash, turning to see Mistress flying face forward down the carpeted stairs, coming to rest at the very bottom. It was like watching Pete Rose fly head first into home plate, but on a significant incline. A call to 911 and a trip to the ER with broken bones or worse to deal with flew through my mind.
Fortunately, Mistress is one tough and well conditioned "cookie". She did have what amounted to a rug burn below her right eye that was bloody and swelling. But her limbs were in tact. Amazingly, she dusted herself off, fed the cats and we were on our way.

By the time we arrived here before sunset on Tuesday afternoon, Mistress accident and our long travel day had her pretty exhausted, with a "sore all over" body. Amazingly, she even passed on some relaxing worship. This was probably the first day in a very long time that Mistress was denied even a single cum!
But not to worry, Mistress and slave were back in action by Wednesday morning. And after a day on the slopes and a restful nap, she accepted my offer of worship yesterday evening before dinner.
She's my Wonder Woman!
WOnder Woman
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
Q and A
Mistress and slave are traveling today. We change planes on our journey west here in ATL and are awaiting the next flight. This allows just enough time for us to respond to a couple of questions received here over the weekend.
Q. (From Diane at " Married Sissy") "still can't believe you haven't spent the night in that thing."
A. Well I guess that's not really a question, is it? In any event, Diane, I have spent a night or two "in that thing" at an earlier stage in my on again off again experience in Chastity. It was pretty danged painful when Mistress's work-a-day cock decided to stretch out on it's own while I was attempting to sleep. Ouch. It's particularly painful where that hard steel ring surrounds my tender balls. Once she discovered the extent of my misery, Mistress has been pretty merciful. Lucky slave.
Q. (from Donna, our Senior Correspondent): Are there any chances the charms of your Mistress are hereditary and your relocated loved one and her boyfriend are having similar thoughts....?"
A. Well I guess that is a question, at least. Donna wonders whether our recent grad and her boyfriend are dabbling in kink. I guess that's one of those areas where a dad "doesn't want to go". Altho they have certainly spent the night together across the hall from us this past summer, I prefer to think that they have a chaste relationship. Yeah right! But I can certainly say that we have heard nothing and seen nothing to suggest that they dabble in any F/m or M/f or anything kinky at all. In fact they seem to "swing" to the vanilla side of life. Maybe this is a generation skipping hereditary trait? But I have learned long ago that one can never comfortably speculate about other folks' relationships. I suppose that applies to our kids as well.
Looking forward to getting back into a blogging (and sex) groove once we settle into our SW hideaway this afternoon.
Q. (From Diane at " Married Sissy") "still can't believe you haven't spent the night in that thing."
A. Well I guess that's not really a question, is it? In any event, Diane, I have spent a night or two "in that thing" at an earlier stage in my on again off again experience in Chastity. It was pretty danged painful when Mistress's work-a-day cock decided to stretch out on it's own while I was attempting to sleep. Ouch. It's particularly painful where that hard steel ring surrounds my tender balls. Once she discovered the extent of my misery, Mistress has been pretty merciful. Lucky slave.
Q. (from Donna, our Senior Correspondent): Are there any chances the charms of your Mistress are hereditary and your relocated loved one and her boyfriend are having similar thoughts....?"
A. Well I guess that is a question, at least. Donna wonders whether our recent grad and her boyfriend are dabbling in kink. I guess that's one of those areas where a dad "doesn't want to go". Altho they have certainly spent the night together across the hall from us this past summer, I prefer to think that they have a chaste relationship. Yeah right! But I can certainly say that we have heard nothing and seen nothing to suggest that they dabble in any F/m or M/f or anything kinky at all. In fact they seem to "swing" to the vanilla side of life. Maybe this is a generation skipping hereditary trait? But I have learned long ago that one can never comfortably speculate about other folks' relationships. I suppose that applies to our kids as well.
Looking forward to getting back into a blogging (and sex) groove once we settle into our SW hideaway this afternoon.
cock cage
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Monday, February 15, 2016
Sunday With My Valentine
It was nice to combine the sweet pleasure of reunion sex with the celebratory glory of Valentine's Day sex here on Sunday morning in the UCTMW Executive Suite. Plus throw in the momentous relief of having your empty nest back sex!
Of course, first there was a presentation to Mistress of a little V-Day treat: a cute black and very short nightie that seemed to please her, and complemented her lovely curves. I had time to pick it up on Saturday afternoon at a crowded lingerie store. It looked like this was the busiest naughty undie day of the year, and slave was just one of the crowd looking for something to please their wife, mistress or significant other in a hope that they might "score" for V-Day.
It certainly worked in my house. First, Mistress commanded her slave to plop in "your device", the aneros, which once settled into place assured her of an even harder and more desperate for release cock than she might otherwise have enjoyed. And after using my well trained tongue to deliver a shuddering starter cum for Mistress, she gave me carte blanche to take my pleasure. Which was well and robustly taken, without the need to close the door and stifle.
Of course, surrendering our lovely daughter to her boyfriend, and seeing her re-locate 500 miles away in the heart of Dixie has a bittersweet quality. Somehow it seems more permanent than when she drove off to college, only an hour away. We knew we could pop in, or she was likely to come home at the drop of a hat. But, fortunately, never when Mistress was entertaining a "guest".
But then our sense of loss and regret did not prevent us from making tentative plans for now abandoned bedrooms -- still filled with the detritus of adolesence and a whole lot of clothes that seem to have accumulated in the style of their mother and the Dowager Domme.
Slave was contemplating a post retirement office in one room. Mistress was looking at the potential of more closet space.
In a way it was the first day of the rest of our lives. A little sad, true. But liberating as well. Though slave doesn't want to feel too liberated, does he? What would be the point.
Of course, first there was a presentation to Mistress of a little V-Day treat: a cute black and very short nightie that seemed to please her, and complemented her lovely curves. I had time to pick it up on Saturday afternoon at a crowded lingerie store. It looked like this was the busiest naughty undie day of the year, and slave was just one of the crowd looking for something to please their wife, mistress or significant other in a hope that they might "score" for V-Day.
It certainly worked in my house. First, Mistress commanded her slave to plop in "your device", the aneros, which once settled into place assured her of an even harder and more desperate for release cock than she might otherwise have enjoyed. And after using my well trained tongue to deliver a shuddering starter cum for Mistress, she gave me carte blanche to take my pleasure. Which was well and robustly taken, without the need to close the door and stifle.
Of course, surrendering our lovely daughter to her boyfriend, and seeing her re-locate 500 miles away in the heart of Dixie has a bittersweet quality. Somehow it seems more permanent than when she drove off to college, only an hour away. We knew we could pop in, or she was likely to come home at the drop of a hat. But, fortunately, never when Mistress was entertaining a "guest".

Slave was contemplating a post retirement office in one room. Mistress was looking at the potential of more closet space.
In a way it was the first day of the rest of our lives. A little sad, true. But liberating as well. Though slave doesn't want to feel too liberated, does he? What would be the point.
Empty Nest,
Valentine's Day
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Sunday, February 14, 2016
Valentine's Day Reunion
Slave and
Mistress were finally re-united last night around 11:30 pm. She flew into the
airport up north of here, after completing her sad but inevitable mission of
turning our recent grad over to the next phase of her life. It sounds like
things went well. The boyfriend
has a new job down in one of those GA towns that General Sherman visited back
in the day. Mistress reports that the two lovebirds have a very nice apartment,
and that the boyfriend had already furnished it. Sounds much more “civilized”
than the apartment I inhabited the year after I graduated from college. And
while Mistress had a long two days of travel, she probably needed some
reassurance that our no longer so little darling is living in a manner to which
she has become accustomed.
As for slave, I was on lockdown from around 7:30
am until about 10 pm on Friday, night, when Mistress gave me the go ahead to
find the key and self-release from that hard steel cage. I was certainly grateful not to have
to see whether I could “sleep
through the night” in that infernal device as our friends Terri and Diane over
at “A Married Sissy” put it.
Fortunately, the timing of Mistress’s return was
just right. We get to celebrate Valentine’s Day in our suddenly (and a little
sadly) emptied nest. No big plans here though, other than some wake-up sex,
some exercise, and a relaxing dinner at home. We plan to have a more lavish Valentine’s dinner in a few
days, when we return to our romantic SW hideaway starting Tuesday.
I am feeling a little badly for our Senior
Correspondent Donna, who will spend V Day on the last day of her 7 day Super
Bowl bet induced quarantine from the use of mechanical stimulation. Last night this report of her sad plight
was slid under my E-door:
It has been six long days since my beloved dildos and vibrators were packed away thanks to the bet I lost on the Super bowl fiasco last Sunday evening. To say I have missed them would be a significant understatement. To make things even more difficult this week, my Keurig coffee maker died. No vibrators and only instant coffee, my world has come undone. Then, to add insult to injury, my friend with benefits was out of town this week. Alas, alas. Woe is me.
WC suggested I use my fingers, just as he uses his fists and
fingers along with gallons of lube every day. But fingers for women just
don't offer the same ah, Ah, AH, experience as vibrators, especially a vibrator
known as a magic wand.
But tomorrow I cut through the duct tape to release the dildos, the vibrators, and my magic wand.
Oh, and Mick, I will be submitting the bill for the special shipment of duct tape I had to have delivered to adequately seal my collection of vibrators into a rather large box.
But tomorrow I cut through the duct tape to release the dildos, the vibrators, and my magic wand.
Oh, and Mick, I will be submitting the bill for the special shipment of duct tape I had to have delivered to adequately seal my collection of vibrators into a rather large box.
No problem, Donna. But the next
time this happens, consider using the duct tape to seal your lady bits away
from the temptation of mechanical assistance, rather than the other way around.
It might work like this.
I must add that last night, Donna sent a follow up email, wondering if "vegetables" were also quarantined as part of the wager. I used my discretion to consider the matter, and ruled that since vegetables were "organic" they were not considered to be among the mechanical aids that she had agreed to forego for a week if Cam Newton fizzled and let "The Sheriff" prevail in Super Bowl L.
I have a feeling that there is a well worn cucumber sitting somewhere near Donna's bed this morning. Or maybe one of those skinny purple eggplants?
duct tape,
Valentine's Day
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Friday, February 12, 2016
Mile High HiJinks

As for
slave, I am staying behind. But Mistress has taken security precautions.
“I want you
in your cage, slave.”
“Of course,
already got the tight steel ring on, and look forward to some early wake-up sex
before I go into lock down and Mistress and daughter hit the road. It’s not clear whether I will get a
reprieve tonight, or Mistress will let me “self-release” at bed time.
But today’s
blog is more about our Western Correspondent’s update from the streets of the
mile high city.
.Well yesterday was a big day in Denver
I went down to the party in Civic Center park
Lot of peeps down there!
And vey very cool
Only one arrest and I saw it...
The last two big events downtown in this dust old cow town
The DNC in 08
And Barrack's speech a few days before the election in 08
I happen to know that the famous Mick and Molly were at the DNC in
With very good credentials by the way
Unfortunately I did not know them then then!
What a magical week that was
And then Barrack came to town and gave a fantastic speech
from the same podium that the Donks were on yesterday
Before that I saw a couple of Broncos parades and an Aves or two
But it was very very cool in downtown Denver yesterday
I had on shorts and a tee shirt
Thats how warm it was!!!!
They say there was were Millions people there
Don't know about that
But there were a lot
Our rail system was taxed to say the least
Very very cool
Well Donna
Guess your fingers will have to do for a few more days!!!!!!
Sucks for you....
But I think that your boys were a little bit cocky!
Wade Philips rocks!!
As fro the pot situation
I didn't smell much pot
And the cops were cool
Civic center park was the home of the pot movement in Colorado
Every 4/20 was a cloud of smoke here before legalization
Now you just don't see or smell it
Very very cool
Love you guys
And the great Donna too
Hope teri and Diane get there super Bowl next year
Peace and out
The happy Broncos fan

And Donna, we feel your pain. Let us know how your week of non-tool enhanced stimulation has gone.
cock cage,
Western Correspondent
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Thursday, February 11, 2016
When It Rains It Pours
Mistress and I were headed out last night to two back-to-back political events when she caught me up on her day.
Of course, there was a business lunch. And some meetings with clients. Typically crazy behavior by her sister. But also some unsolicited and out of the blue overtures.
"Remember Jimmy ________, Slave? "
I had to think back.....
"Oh yeah.... that guy who works at [huge consumer products company].... you met him a while back via Ashley Madison...."
"Right.... he's at [Big Local Bank] now.... a VP..... he sent me a message via Linked In, wanting to know how I was doing and if I wanted to get together for lunch sometime ...."
Jimmy was this much younger Hispanic guy.... very full of himself.... who came on very, very hard. Mistress ultimately passed. Something about the cute wife and kids on facebook that made her say "not going there".
"How did you respond, Mistress?"
"Haven't gotten back to him yet, slave...."
But it seemed she still had the same discomfort with Jimmy. Amusing, but not her type.
But there's more.
"Do you remember Mark.... the guy I sort of replaced at the agency a few years ago?"
I did remember Mark. He was close to Mistress's age, maybe a few years older. Tall, and smart. More Mistress's "type", whatever that means. They had some business dinners back in the day, and I did get the impression from Mistress back then hat he was a bit of a flirt. And that Mistress found him mildly attractive. But nothing ever happened. He was married at the time, and lived out of town.
"He sent me an email, wondering how I'm doing. He's down in Nashville now. Says he's divorced and wanted to know if I was "happily married". He said he's thought about me a lot over the years and wanted to know if I'd like to 'date' him."
"He asked if you were 'happily married', not 'still married'"?
"That's right, slave....."
"Interesting approach, Mistress....what did you say?"
"I just said I was happily married, and went onto other subjects."
"I suppose you could say 'you are happily married with benefits."
"I suppose I could, slave....but Nashville?.... not sure that would work."
"They do have nice music down there...."
"Oh, slave.... you are a trouble maker, aren't you."
But there's more. This one via her Slave / Social Secretary.
"Mistress, you know we still have that old Collar Me account."
True, most of the folks who contacted us via Collar Me or Fet Life have turned out to be, shall we say, "odd".
"Well, it's still there. I use it to point folks to the blog, but every now and then we attract some interest from someone who seems interest in playing the cuckolder role. A guy who seems to 'get it', and comes from just up the road. He wanted to know how to get on your dance card....He seemed like a viable prospect so I gave him the email address. Hope you don't mind...."
"Always willing to read an email, slave....."
Why do these sorts of overtures come in threes?
Of course, there was a business lunch. And some meetings with clients. Typically crazy behavior by her sister. But also some unsolicited and out of the blue overtures.
"Remember Jimmy ________, Slave? "
I had to think back.....
"Oh yeah.... that guy who works at [huge consumer products company].... you met him a while back via Ashley Madison...."
"Right.... he's at [Big Local Bank] now.... a VP..... he sent me a message via Linked In, wanting to know how I was doing and if I wanted to get together for lunch sometime ...."
Jimmy was this much younger Hispanic guy.... very full of himself.... who came on very, very hard. Mistress ultimately passed. Something about the cute wife and kids on facebook that made her say "not going there".
"How did you respond, Mistress?"
"Haven't gotten back to him yet, slave...."
But it seemed she still had the same discomfort with Jimmy. Amusing, but not her type.
But there's more.
"Do you remember Mark.... the guy I sort of replaced at the agency a few years ago?"
I did remember Mark. He was close to Mistress's age, maybe a few years older. Tall, and smart. More Mistress's "type", whatever that means. They had some business dinners back in the day, and I did get the impression from Mistress back then hat he was a bit of a flirt. And that Mistress found him mildly attractive. But nothing ever happened. He was married at the time, and lived out of town.
"He sent me an email, wondering how I'm doing. He's down in Nashville now. Says he's divorced and wanted to know if I was "happily married". He said he's thought about me a lot over the years and wanted to know if I'd like to 'date' him."
"He asked if you were 'happily married', not 'still married'"?
"That's right, slave....."
"Interesting approach, Mistress....what did you say?"
"I just said I was happily married, and went onto other subjects."
"I suppose you could say 'you are happily married with benefits."
"I suppose I could, slave....but Nashville?.... not sure that would work."
"They do have nice music down there...."
"Oh, slave.... you are a trouble maker, aren't you."
But there's more. This one via her Slave / Social Secretary.
"Mistress, you know we still have that old Collar Me account."
True, most of the folks who contacted us via Collar Me or Fet Life have turned out to be, shall we say, "odd".
"Well, it's still there. I use it to point folks to the blog, but every now and then we attract some interest from someone who seems interest in playing the cuckolder role. A guy who seems to 'get it', and comes from just up the road. He wanted to know how to get on your dance card....He seemed like a viable prospect so I gave him the email address. Hope you don't mind...."
"Always willing to read an email, slave....."
Why do these sorts of overtures come in threes?
AShley Madison,
Collar Me,
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Monday, February 8, 2016
Super Slip Sliding Away
Mistress and Slave had a rather laid back Super Sunday. Of course, there was your traditional wake - up sex, some afternoon worship and a nice nap before we headed across the Mason Dixon line to the home of acquaintances that Mistress has met through her work.
This was one of those ex-urban communities that is pretty unfamiliar to Mistress and slave: A huge, treeless subdivision of McMansions on proportionately too small lots. Yeah, I know I am sounding like some urbanista snob. But it's true that we have been sheltered from this sort of lifestyle.
Once inside we found the typical selection of Super Bowl foods - cheese, chili, fritos. Mistress found some tasty bourbon, and slave nursed some red wine. The crowd was a little different from who we might typically hang with on the annual ritual of commercial and cultural excess that is uniquely American.
Slave is old enough to remember the first super bowl. We've come a long way from Len Dawson, the Kansas City QB, smoking a cigarette and drinking a Fresca at half time, while Al Hirt tooted some New Orleans tune at the 50 yd. line.
Slave found himself out on the back deck, with a view of a meandering stream and a sanitary sewer pumping station. I took tips from a neighbor of our hosts on the best guns to use to snuff out my prairie dog problem at our SW hideaway. He described some special plastic tipped pellets on the market now that expand on impact and leave a fist size exit wound.
"Make yourself a blind. Then you can just lay back there and pop off those varmints one right after another...."
"you mean sitting in my lounge chair won't cut it?"
I don;t think he got the joke, and actually made me feel sorry for my sordid little varmints.
In any event, the game did not go quite the way I expected.
Sorry, Donna. I hoped you put your vibrators to good use before the score was final. Because you had a heads up by half-time, when it became apparent that Clark Kent, rather than Superman showed up. Maybe the Panthers forgot to have a phone booth handy on the sidelines?
And Mike, our erstwhile Western Correspondent, congratulations on your team's upset victory. That defense sure is fearsome. While PFM got his 200th victory, he didn't have to contribute much to pull off the victory, did he? When the Donkeys handed off the ball at 3rd and 9 with only a 6 point lead and 6 or so minutes to go in the game, you could tell they had little faith in the Ol' Sheriff's arm and a lot more confidence in their defense. And their punter.
As I understand the terms of your bet with Donna, she must now forego use of her vibrator collection for the rest of the week. And you now have license to dip back into your vat of lube for the week to come. I am sure you will put it all to good use.
Donna, I feel your pain! And we look forward to a report on how you cope with this sad privation over the next few days. Somehow I think you will be the Mother of Invention.
This was one of those ex-urban communities that is pretty unfamiliar to Mistress and slave: A huge, treeless subdivision of McMansions on proportionately too small lots. Yeah, I know I am sounding like some urbanista snob. But it's true that we have been sheltered from this sort of lifestyle.

Slave is old enough to remember the first super bowl. We've come a long way from Len Dawson, the Kansas City QB, smoking a cigarette and drinking a Fresca at half time, while Al Hirt tooted some New Orleans tune at the 50 yd. line.
Slave found himself out on the back deck, with a view of a meandering stream and a sanitary sewer pumping station. I took tips from a neighbor of our hosts on the best guns to use to snuff out my prairie dog problem at our SW hideaway. He described some special plastic tipped pellets on the market now that expand on impact and leave a fist size exit wound.
"Make yourself a blind. Then you can just lay back there and pop off those varmints one right after another...."
"you mean sitting in my lounge chair won't cut it?"
I don;t think he got the joke, and actually made me feel sorry for my sordid little varmints.
In any event, the game did not go quite the way I expected.
Sorry, Donna. I hoped you put your vibrators to good use before the score was final. Because you had a heads up by half-time, when it became apparent that Clark Kent, rather than Superman showed up. Maybe the Panthers forgot to have a phone booth handy on the sidelines?
And Mike, our erstwhile Western Correspondent, congratulations on your team's upset victory. That defense sure is fearsome. While PFM got his 200th victory, he didn't have to contribute much to pull off the victory, did he? When the Donkeys handed off the ball at 3rd and 9 with only a 6 point lead and 6 or so minutes to go in the game, you could tell they had little faith in the Ol' Sheriff's arm and a lot more confidence in their defense. And their punter.
As I understand the terms of your bet with Donna, she must now forego use of her vibrator collection for the rest of the week. And you now have license to dip back into your vat of lube for the week to come. I am sure you will put it all to good use.
Donna, I feel your pain! And we look forward to a report on how you cope with this sad privation over the next few days. Somehow I think you will be the Mother of Invention.
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Sunday, February 7, 2016
High School Sex
Mistress had Friday night to herself as her Slave flew back from San Francisco. So it only made sense that she would look elsewhere in an effort to fill her dance card. Fortunately, the stars aligned and her long lost lover Jay was actually available to entertain her. But there was a complication.... our daughter was going to be home, and it was not clear when.
Mistress gave me a scheduling update before I boarded my first of two flights home.
"We're planning on going out to dinner, slave...."
"No sex, Mistress?"
"Not sure how that's going to work, slave.... I don't want [our daughter] to walk in with Jay and I all hot and heavy. Do you?"
Well of course not. That would be a little hard to explain, wouldn't it?
When I arrived in the great northern tundra in Minneapolis, I touched base with Mistress again. By then she was at a local restaurant / Bourbon Bar we often frequent. It seemed she was having a good time....
"Those two drinks went to my head, slave.....we're having fun talking politics...."
"Have fun, Mistress....'
By the time I got home at around midnight, I noted that Mistress's car was in the drive. So was our daughter's. So I was not surprised to find Mistress in bed . . . by herself.... awaiting her slave.
The conversation quickly turned to how her evening had gone.
"You won't believe this slave....we actually went to that park up the was like high school. Jay liked the view."
"You mean "parking sex"?"
"Exactly, that bad?"
"Uh...of course long as you didn't get caught...."
"I was a little nervous .... thinking what would happen if a cop shined a light in on us...."
Apparently Mistress and Jay were a little too horny and cast caution, and comfort, to the wind.
"So what did you actually do, Mistress...."
"Well some nice cock riding, slave... and Jay got a very good blow job."
Apparently they took Mistress's car, which had a little extra room on the passenger seat. I imagined Mistress astride Jay, the seat reclined, riding him to a cum or two. A pretty hot image if I do say so.
"When I sucked his cock he was in the driver's seat...."
Of course, all of these images will be in slave's head the next time I drive Mistress's car. And in Mistress's head too, I suppose.
Rest assured they were in my head on Saturday morning, when slave finally had the chance to take care of my own accumulated horniness after two days on the road.
Mistress gave me a scheduling update before I boarded my first of two flights home.
"We're planning on going out to dinner, slave...."
"No sex, Mistress?"
"Not sure how that's going to work, slave.... I don't want [our daughter] to walk in with Jay and I all hot and heavy. Do you?"
Well of course not. That would be a little hard to explain, wouldn't it?
When I arrived in the great northern tundra in Minneapolis, I touched base with Mistress again. By then she was at a local restaurant / Bourbon Bar we often frequent. It seemed she was having a good time....
"Those two drinks went to my head, slave.....we're having fun talking politics...."
"Have fun, Mistress....'
By the time I got home at around midnight, I noted that Mistress's car was in the drive. So was our daughter's. So I was not surprised to find Mistress in bed . . . by herself.... awaiting her slave.
The conversation quickly turned to how her evening had gone.
"You won't believe this slave....we actually went to that park up the was like high school. Jay liked the view."
"You mean "parking sex"?"
"Exactly, that bad?"
"Uh...of course long as you didn't get caught...."
"I was a little nervous .... thinking what would happen if a cop shined a light in on us...."
Apparently Mistress and Jay were a little too horny and cast caution, and comfort, to the wind.
"So what did you actually do, Mistress...."
"Well some nice cock riding, slave... and Jay got a very good blow job."
Apparently they took Mistress's car, which had a little extra room on the passenger seat. I imagined Mistress astride Jay, the seat reclined, riding him to a cum or two. A pretty hot image if I do say so.
"When I sucked his cock he was in the driver's seat...."
Of course, all of these images will be in slave's head the next time I drive Mistress's car. And in Mistress's head too, I suppose.
Rest assured they were in my head on Saturday morning, when slave finally had the chance to take care of my own accumulated horniness after two days on the road.
parking sex
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Friday, February 5, 2016
Our Senior Correspondent Wades Back Into the Pond
Slave is out in the City By the Bay for a quick 24 hour
foray. The town is all tricked out for the Super Bowl, and I even saw one of my
fellow alumni who plays tight end for the Vikings on the flight out today. But
somehow big “Bud Light” signs on Union Square and guys patrolling the streets
with automatic weapons takes a bit of the charm away from one of the world’s
greatest cities. It seems like the locals will be happy when the NFL circus
leaves town. Of course, if the Panthers and Superman go home with the big
trophy, our Western Correspondent could have a tough week without his high end
lube to grease the skids for his chicken choking.
But today’s entry features the lady who I think will win
Sunday’s bet…. Our Senior Correspondent finally updates us on her adventures
over the last year:
So let's catch up a bit. Over the last year, I set out to begin dating again. I have found it to be an interesting learning experience, and much, much different that the pre-computer dating days.
I started with an adult dating service that advertises on television about meeting people in a similar age group. I wasn't looking for anyone kinky, for gosh sakes, the word kinky isn't even on their questionnaire, I was just hoping to meet some guys to maybe share a dinner date and interesting conversation. So when the company had a free trial period, I decided to take a closer look.
I flipped through their questionnaire, but something told me to hold back. And before filling it out, I decided to take advantage of their offer to look through the local profiles. As I flipped through the numerous selfie photos, I was somewhat surprised to come across two guys I know rather well; I also know their wives from political and environmental groups I belong to. I guess they weren't too careful about that part of the questionnaire where you mark your marital status. I moved along.
One gentleman listed his religious preference as Purity Fundamentalist Christian. Nope, zealots of any variety scare me. Another gentleman wrote that the first date must include his adult children because they need to approve of the women he dates. No, I don't think so.
In the last folio, the guy was wearing casual wear, nauseatingly casual. He was wearing overalls with no shirt. There probably is a time and body type for overalls, but I really think people weighing well over three hundred pounds should wear a shirt with their overalls. No kidding, and one of the straps on his overalls wasn't buckled. Ugh! Plus, I can only assume the economy has been really tough on the poor guy because he hadn't been able to afford dental care. The missing two front teeth in his big smile clued me in on that. His second photo had been taken from a distance and showed him standing in front of a double-wide trailer with a hunting dog chained to a stake behind him. Now some might think of this as truth in advertising, and it is, and he is probably a wonderful guy, but things just didn't add up to feel like a good match for me.
I never did fill out the questionnaire for that company, and I moved on. I decided to work at meeting more local, like-minded, kinky people on FetLife. I know, I know. There are weirdos lurking everywhere, but I am feeling more comfortable with the Jimmy Buffet song, "We Are The People Our Parents Warned Us About".
My first foray to meet others was at a rope tying class at the local big city. I had a great time and met some really terrific folks, D/s, M/s, and just plain kinky! I learned some basic knots and releases, and worked with some other subs on self-tying. That was a new concept to me, and believe me when I say that I will never be as into it as one man I met. He ties his neck and wrists, then with a different piece of rope he ties his ankles leaving a long lead rope. Flipping over onto his stomach, he ties his ankles to his wrists behind him. Did I mention he's quite limber? He ties himself like that and stays that way for hours while his Domme is working her day job on her computer in another room of their house, and has been doing that for years. He taught the under 30 subs how to do that tie, while the two of us who were over thirty, tried it and gave up in gales of laughter. We then watched the others in amazement, helping with their knots when needed, and cheering them on. Mission accomplished, new friends!
I was a bit taken aback to learn that most of the classes and events for the local BDSM group are held at a building in the big city that isn't wheelchair accessible, outside or inside. I spoke to the organizer, who is a great gal, and she said she would be happy to send two guys out to the parking lot (which is across the highway), one to carry me and one to carry my wheelchair. While being carried a distance by well muscled young men holds a certain appeal for me, I think I'll wait on that.
And, I decided to take that as a sign that I needed to work harder at finding someone to date or scene with on my own. I went back to FetLife and, sure enough, things perked up. I began exchanging emails with a very nice man, a very nice younger man. But that's a report for another day.
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Thursday, February 4, 2016
Bon Voyage Sex
Slave is jetting off to the left coast this morning for an overnight work gig. Mistress is back in bed at the UCTMW world HQ. I already miss her, and long for my return late on Friday night.
But last night my trip became a good excuse for some raucous post work sex.
"It's going to be until Saturday morning, slave".
We had gone for a bike ride and I suspect Mistress thought her old slave might only be up for some worship. But I surprised her with an avid work-a-day cock.
After a cum or two delivered by my well trained tongue There ensued some enthusiastic cock riding which seemed to leave Mistress "topped off" for my 36 hours or so of absence. And in case that won't tide her over, there's talk of a dinner date with her lover Jay tomorrow night. It's been a while.
We were lucky our daughter was working late because the sounds of passion would not have been easy to miss.
Of course slave was topped off too. If you have to leave town there's no point in leaving horny.
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
Slave's Horrific "Losing Streak" Broken
Over at A Married Sissy, poor Terri is on a long string of days without any sexual relief. I'm thinking about getting in touch with the Submissive Protection Program of the SW to see if they can intervene.
Fortunately, Mistress Molly is much more merciful than her counterpart Dianeover at AMS. Slave's "horrific" abstinence streak ended at about 46 hours on Tuesday morning, though Mistress insisted on a report on the final count from Iowa before she indulged me. Oh, and some between the thighs worship too.
Then it was off to work.
Upon my return to the UCTMW World HQ at the end of the work day I found Mistress relaxing under the sheets in those alluring work out tights she knows are a real turn on for her fetish hooked slave. You can bet there was more worship for Mistress before slave went about the task of preparing our dinner.
It was a restful evening after that, giving us time to catch up with the latest episode of Billions. As mentioned a few days back, there is a backstory involving Maggie Siff's character engaging in some rather kinky Fem Domme fun with her husband, the hyper-vigilant US Attorney played by Paul Giamatti, the hardly a Hollywood hunk son of the former baseball commissioner. Episode 2 left us without a window into the F/m private life of the two co-stars. But there was a rather kinky scene at the very end of Episode 3 that raised some eyebrows in our living room.
There was Paul, tied hand and foot to the marital bed. And. Maggi, with some sort of electric wand type of device she applied to her sub hub's tummy that apparently was rather shocking.
When she decided he wasn't focused in the way she required, she turned her back, left the room and let him languish and consider the error of his ways.
Of course, walking toward the door gave us all a nice glimpse of her alluring Domme outfit. But I must say I've never seen that little magic wand device before. Can any of our readers let us know what that nasty little device is?
In any event. Billions may generate a lot more Showtime subscriptions among kinksters once word gets out about this fun little sub-plot.
Fortunately, Mistress Molly is much more merciful than her counterpart Dianeover at AMS. Slave's "horrific" abstinence streak ended at about 46 hours on Tuesday morning, though Mistress insisted on a report on the final count from Iowa before she indulged me. Oh, and some between the thighs worship too.
Then it was off to work.
Upon my return to the UCTMW World HQ at the end of the work day I found Mistress relaxing under the sheets in those alluring work out tights she knows are a real turn on for her fetish hooked slave. You can bet there was more worship for Mistress before slave went about the task of preparing our dinner.

When she decided he wasn't focused in the way she required, she turned her back, left the room and let him languish and consider the error of his ways.
Of course, walking toward the door gave us all a nice glimpse of her alluring Domme outfit. But I must say I've never seen that little magic wand device before. Can any of our readers let us know what that nasty little device is?
In any event. Billions may generate a lot more Showtime subscriptions among kinksters once word gets out about this fun little sub-plot.
Maggie Siff,
Paul Giamatti
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Tuesday, February 2, 2016
Sucker's Bet
Here at the UCTMW World HQ slave had an unscheduled abstinence day on Monday. Mistress had one of those way-too-early meetings to attend, meaning that there was only time for some early morning worship.
Slave was able to ride his bike to work with the temps pushing into the 40's here. When I wandered into the bedroom after my up-hill slog, Mistress was lounging in bed in her black tights and undies, having ended her work day 30 minutes or so earlier.
Fortunately, both of us had the energy for some end of the day worship. Mistress wriggled her silky
black tights down far enough to provide her slave with access, and my eager tongue was quickly on task. And although we opted for a pre-dinner nap rather than full blown fucking, I have a feeling I'm going to "get lucky" this morning.
We did spend some time last night watching caucus returns from Iowa. And although we don't feel we have a "dog in this hunt" the way we did in 2008, it's always amusing to watch the talking heads hyper-ventilate over all those farm folk huddling in school auditoriums and social halls flipping coins and counting scraps of paper. And you had to laugh at the notion that the Donald is now a certified LOSER. And to a Canadian, no less! The biggest winner though might be Goldman Sachs: they paid the apparent winner on the D side more than $600,000 in speaking fees, and bankrolled Ted Cruz's Senate campaign to the tune of $250,000. Plus Cruz's wife is on leave from GS. They clearly got what they paid for from Iowa!
Yesterday we did get a message from our Western Correspondent, who has proposed a bet with Donna over Sunday's Super Bowl. Check out his proposed terms:

Fortunately, both of us had the energy for some end of the day worship. Mistress wriggled her silky
black tights down far enough to provide her slave with access, and my eager tongue was quickly on task. And although we opted for a pre-dinner nap rather than full blown fucking, I have a feeling I'm going to "get lucky" this morning.
We did spend some time last night watching caucus returns from Iowa. And although we don't feel we have a "dog in this hunt" the way we did in 2008, it's always amusing to watch the talking heads hyper-ventilate over all those farm folk huddling in school auditoriums and social halls flipping coins and counting scraps of paper. And you had to laugh at the notion that the Donald is now a certified LOSER. And to a Canadian, no less! The biggest winner though might be Goldman Sachs: they paid the apparent winner on the D side more than $600,000 in speaking fees, and bankrolled Ted Cruz's Senate campaign to the tune of $250,000. Plus Cruz's wife is on leave from GS. They clearly got what they paid for from Iowa!
Yesterday we did get a message from our Western Correspondent, who has proposed a bet with Donna over Sunday's Super Bowl. Check out his proposed terms:
Well Donna
has asked me the terms of our bet
I purpose
that we bet Mick and Molly.....
After all
When was
the last time you were paid by that skin flint Mick!
If you win
Mick must
stay in his cock cage for 3 days
And Molly
can cum as many times as she wants
I know I
know that would be a record
For the
over pampered house slave
But still
it's just a bet
But if I
Mick must
still stay in his cock cage for 3 days
Can't cum
for 3 days
But He must
tease her all the time
her nipples
Rubbing her
Keeping her
on edge!
But if the
Lovely Molly can set up a date with one of her Cuckolders
Then she
can cum as often as she wants during those 3 days!!!!!
As long as
the side dish provides the orgasms.....
I know we
are risking a lot Donna:)
But it is
for a good cause!
Nice try, Mike. And Donna. But it seems a little unfair to put the burden on poor old Mick or the lovely Molly to suffer if one of your teams fails to prevail on Sunday. Aren't we suffering enough by virtue of the fact that the Pussycats haven't been to the big game since the days of Joe Montana and Jerry Rice? Your proposed wagering contract fails for lack of consideration.
Let me suggest something else: Mike, you go without your high end lube for an entire week if the "Sheriff" can't find a way to beat Superman! If you can figure a way to stroke one off with a dry SOC (special occasion cock) then more power to you!
And Donna, if it turns out the Dreaded Donkey Defense (DDD) turn out to be the kryptonite that can quash the TD dance steps of Mr. Newton, then you go without your trusty vibrators for a week!
How are those terms?
Abstinence Day,
Cam Newton,
Peyton Manning,
Super Bowl,
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
Monday, February 1, 2016
Our Senior Correspondent Discovers a Kindred Spirit

But then the other day, what shows up in my in box but a "tip" about a breaking story from the left coast that sounds like something Donna herself could get in trouble doing:
CALIFORNIA – A 79-year-old
woman, Harlen Green, was found unresponsive in her Beverly Hills home after an
unfortunate incident with a “personal massager.”
recovering, Green told investigators that she likes to “give herself a little
massage now and then” to ease her loneliness. “I haven’t had a man friend in my
life for a really long time,” Green told police. “So I started to collect
personal massagers. I have a Smoothie V, Pocket Rocket, 2 in One, at least 10
different ones so I don’t get bored. But the Hulk, it really rocked my world,
and I guess I fell asleep. It gave me a real zap in the gap!”
members say they were shocked and appalled, as Harlen Green is known for her
cookie baking for the neighborhood kids. Green’s son said he has confiscated
all of her “massagers” and will keep a better eye on his mother.
Donna mentioned that she found it compelling that Mrs. Green had names for her many vibrators.
Well Donna, not unlike Mrs. Green's distraught family members, I am "shocked and appalled" that it's been so long that we have heard from you. I am sure our readers want to learn more about what trouble you've been getting into in the hills of NC.
But thanks for checking in. And remember to disconnect the vibrators before you go to bed tonight!
Senior Correspondent,
Femdom couple interested in and expoloring the cuckold dynamic.
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