Sunday, September 13, 2015

The Case of the Disappearing Tan Lines

Our summer is now officially living on fumes.

Mistress and slave have one last day here in the sunny SW before we jump back in the car for that 1350 mile drive back to the hassles, work pressures  and infested nest awaiting us back in River City.

Rest assured we have been trying to squeeze that last bit of fun out the few hours left us. We started yesterday with some noisy wake-up sex, doors wide open, with Mistress riding her slave's cock to her heart's content. We may have even frightened away the prairie dogs, who seem to have moved onto greener (or possibly dryer) pastures this September.

Then we spend the day at a local music festival, that culminated in a "big barn dance" last night. The ladies were all gussied up for the highlight of the boot-scootin' season in skirts that flared while they spun.  The men had on their bolo ties and cowboy hats. Nothing flashy in their closets were left behind.  Slave did not wander far from Mistress. Otherwise I am sure some cowboy would have grabbed her by the wrist and waltzed her away onto the crowded dance floor.

Today we plan a long bike ride crossing from NM to CO and back again as out final fling before the long tedious trek eastward.  And I suspect somehow Mistress will squeeze a little more nakers time out of our Sunday.

Over our 12 days here she has certainly made some progress when it comes to homogenizing that bronze skin tone of hers.  Here is the "before" (or at least mid week) Mistress:

And here is the "after" (or at least Friday's version):

"I think I'm done with the sun for the season, Slave", Mistress sadly acknowledged Friday evening.

Well, at least she is well done.

1 comment:

  1. Very lovely, but i would have also liked to catch a glimpse of Mistress' bathing suit :)

    sissy terri


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