Monday, May 6, 2013

Dinner Date

Here in River City its been a little gloomy today. It would be a good night for Mistress and Slave to head home, crawl into bed and let nature take its course.

Unfortunately, Slave has to accompany some of my colleagues from out of town to dinner, in advance of a seminar we have to put in in the morning. Of course, I gave Mistress plenty of advanced notice about my inability to amuse and serve her properly this evening.

And that gave her the opportunity to schedule a dinner date with Steve, her latest AM suitor. This is the guy who she interviewed in our living room Sunday afternoon. So he must have passed that initial screening and is now worthy of some additional scrutiny.

Apparently he and his wife also have gone to some local "swinger" clubs, and she's clued in on this budding courtship.

"He said I can call her and confirm she's cool with it, Slave."

"Hmmm.... that certainly shows his good faith...."

"True.... not sure I need to do that.... but maybe we'll have them both over for dinner some time if this seems worth pursuing."

All very amusing to consider. But the ultimate test is whether there is any sexual chemistry. And the jury is still out on that one.

"He's attentive, Slave.... lot's of nice text messages, but maybe a little too sensitive."

Ahhh.... it's a difficult balance isn't it?

Too macho and aloof, then you're not attentive enough.

Too sensitive, and you're not manly enough.

It's hard to find that sweet spot. I'm not sure how Slave did it, all those years ago.

BTW, Suzanne. You're constant harping about whether I'm in the cage seems to have caught Mistress's attention.

I have a feeling I'll be wearing it tomorrow.


  1. Mick,

    I've put on many seminars, taught many classes and the like, but none while in chastity. Let me know how it goes :)


    1. Really Suzanne? Never do your performance art in chastity? Jay needs to work on that...


    2. oh Mick, Mick, Mick. That was ... a shot across the bow?

  2. Uh oh

    Now its going both ways!!!!!

    Somehow I don't see Suzanne getting locked up........

    Or Mick for that matter:)

    The glad he is not locked up

    Or the lube company would go broke



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