Saturday, January 30, 2016

An Update from Our Long Lost Western Correspondent

After a little taunting over the soccer mom physique of the aging but  wily QB of the Denver Broncos, I was surprised to discover a dispatch shoved beneath our electronic transom yesterday afternoon by our long lost and given up for dead Western Correspondent.

Where have you been all these years, Mike?

It's been a long time since UCTMW had to cobble together a W-2 form for you. Or have to explain to the IRS why we were trying to deduct  barrels of high end lubricant costing $1800 a pop as a "business expense".

Molly, our publisher, also understands the challenges you've had to overcome. The repetitive motion "injury" that arose from all those hours of "chicken choking" certainly made typing impossible for so many months.  We felt your pain! It's good to see you've finally learned how to peck out a story using your left pinky.

We're  proud of your ability to overcome! Although, as shown below, you still need to replace the punctuation bar on that dilapidated keyboard of yours!

So my beloved Broncos have made a record setting 8 Super Bowls


Lost 5......

Still I think we have been a very lucky franchise 

We were very lucky to get John Elway



And TD


Shannon, Meck, Atwater, Smith, Randy

And all of the other greats over the years

So Denver fans are nervous

Our Defense is great

So far.......

We will see

The Sheriff is old and broken down

And Cam seems unstoppable  

He seems like a total freak

What a great player

So for other news from the Mile Hi City

We are still very happy about our pot laws

Wake up America

Our economy is doing great

Tax collection is up 

Although  in cash.......... 

Property values are up

You can’t smoke in public 

So only the tourists do

But you smell a lot less pot than you did before legalization 

I love taking my out of state friends to the pot shop for the first time

It blows them away

The many products surprises them

Most Coloradans' don't smoke 

Edibles are the way to go 

I know that Mick and Molly have been to a rural shop in our great state

But cum to Denver sometime U2 nuts!

Sorry about your team Diane and teri

But I love your blogs!!!

Tip of my hat to the late great Suzanne

Ane Donna 

I will give you a call 

Hope you are doing great

Don't stop blogging Mick and Molly we all love you!!!!!!!!

The rooting for the Donks

Oops…..I realized that I didn't include any sex in my post

My BAD!!!

B and I met this couple a wile a go at the Scarlett Ranch

A swingers club here in Denver that I have written about here  before

They have a Tumblr account called Cuckold Pleasure

Check it out they host Cuckold parties 4 time per year

Rock on Mick and Molly!!!!!!



  1. Still waiting for word on the wager, WC!

  2. Good luck to the Broncos WC. Eight Super Bowls is pretty good...i believe Diane's Jets haven't been there since Joe Namath!

    sissy terri

  3. WC here

    Funny teri

    But dangerous!

    Will call Donna

  4. When you say, tip if the hat to late, great Suzanne.......are you referring to the Allmine blog that has been inactive? I have been wondering about this for some time now.

  5. Sadly, the folks at All Mine are no longer in the blog-o-sphere. We all miss them



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