Tuesday, December 15, 2015

When it Rains It Pours...

And I'm not talking about the damp, blustery weather here in River City yesterday.

No, I'm talking about Mistress's sudden abundance of side-dish nookie over three days.

Sunday I spent too much of my day watching the Pussycats succumb once again to that dreaded team from up river, who once again left our star QB on the sidelines. When I got home around 5 pm, Mistress was primping for a date with Jay.  It has taken them a while to co-ordinate their schedules, but finally the stars aligned.

I kissed her good bye and she headed off into the evening, promising to return around 10 pm. Slave cooled his heels at home, making some dinner for myself and watching a little more football.

Sure enough, Mistress slid back into our bedroom at around 10.  I was there waiting for her.

"I'm tired slave...."

"No doubt, Mistress."

It was the classic "rode hard, put away wet" situation for poor Mistress. She was a little too tuckered for a detailed debrief. But I got the highlights.

"We went out to dinner at (the rib place in his neighborhood).... then back to his house, slave.  It was your typical very athletic encounter.... only for about an hour...."

"An hour is a lot of sex in my book, Mistress".

(At least compared to our more efficient, and frequent, encounters.)

I didn't ask for the cum count. I suspect Mistress lost track. And we don't keep a monthly chart here at UCTMW the way Diane and Terri do at A Married Sissy.

As you might have expected, Mistress was a little too tired to indulge her slave with a second round of Sunday sex as she settled into bed.  But by Monday morning she was recovered enough to allow me to taste the results of her Sunday night fun, and also deploy her work-a-day cock to keep me on schedule for my monthly 22+ of cums.

By last night she was looking forward to a visit today at lunch time from her side-side dish K.

K has been texting her ever since Thanksgiving, hoping for a holiday season get together. And somehow Mistress was able to pencil him into her dance card before our other daughter returns home to overcrowd the UCTMW World HQ.

"I think you should be in your cage tomorrow while I'm entertaining K, slave...."

I thought about coming up with an excuse. Example: I have a dentist appointment this afternoon. Could that confounded electric scaling device the hygienist uses to clean my teeth form a circuit with my hard steel cock cage and fry the family jewels?  Would the hygenist ask me to "drop trou" as part of her oral health exam?

I guess those won't be too persuasive.

So it's a cage day for me, which will be a little more frustrating as I contemplate Mistress in our bed with the guy who seems able to do it three times in an hour.

Poor me!


  1. It was the classic "rode hard, put away wet" ... ha ha! :)

    Meanwhile, three times in an hour? Better make sure you're not full! sara

  2. Mick,

    i may be thinking like Diane but, all the more reason to be caged if you're thinking about the hygienist in those terms.

    We're in a bit of a cuckold drought here in the southwest. Probably falling far behind in the orgasm count too.

    sissy terri


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