Sunday, December 13, 2015

Naughty or Nice?

Mistress and slave had a night on the town last night, dining and wandering around one of River City's old, funky neighborhoods that has become a big night life scene in recent years.  It was a nice cap to a relatively laid back Saturday, with the nest empty most of the day and evening.

That meant Mistress could sleep in, and then engage in some feisty cock riding without having to suppress the volume on her moans of delight.

After we both did some errands and visited our respective mothers, we were back in bed for a luxurious late afternoon nap and some reading.  We were so relaxed we forgot to have afternoon sex!

"This may be the last day we get to hang around here by ourselves for a while, slave...."

Sadly, that's true.  Mistress is retrieving our remaining Co-Ed from the east coast later this week. She will be back for Christmas, then heads back to Europe for her final semester once the holidays are over. And while she's here there will be a few too many family gatherings, holiday parties, etc., etc.

So that made it nice that we were able to slide off into the night for some frivolity last night. There were drinks, dinner, and a night cap wandering the sidewalks and engaging in some "Santa watching".  Apparently someone organized an "event" downtown where Santa attire was de riguer. And while it was hardly the same as wandering the charming farallito
lit streets near our SW hideaway, it had a certain funky charm of it's own.

As we were walking around, Mistress mentioned that before the house becomes more crowded, she had made some last minute holiday season plans of her own --

"It's going to be a busy week for your Mistress, slave..... Tomorrow night (Sunday) I'm going over to Jay's for "dinner"..... and then Tuesday, K is coming over to our house for "lunch"....."

I knew that both Jay and K had been lobbying for some intimacy time with Molly.  But work, family and travel schedules had been getting in the way. It was good to hear that Mistress had used her advanced multi-tasking skills to work things out before our holiday schedule got too crazy.

"Just in time for the holidays, Mistress".

Isn't it  good to know that Mistress will be able to be naughty with and nice to her side-dishes this holiday season?

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a wonderful day before the craziness hits.....glad you both got to enjoy..
    hugs abby


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