Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Mistress and Slave Play Hookey

For reasons too complicated to explain, Mistress and Slave ended up at home together at around 3:45 pm yesterday afternoon. Sure, it was only about 2 hours earlier than the typical end of the work day, but it was as if we had discovered one of those mythological cracks in the space time continuum.  Two whole hours in our empty nest..... what ever to do?

"It's like we're having an affair, Slave....."

Sort of. Mistress generously sprung her work-a-day cock from its close confines. Slave showed his generosity with some enthusiastic worship. And before I was allowed to fuck Mistress, she instructed me to insert my "device" (the aneros), a special treat which certainly enhanced the experience of me taking my pleasure as afternoon turned to evening.

When the dust settled, there was a relaxing nap, then plenty of time for Slave to whip up some dinner and us to enjoy some TV. In the spirit of things we watched that new Showtime series, "The Affair" which shows some promise.

Of course, when Mistress "steps out" it's not really an affair in the traditional sense, since she has contractual privileges. In fact, today she's scheduled another "nooner" with her lover Jay. 

I suppose the lesson is that slave better take his opportunities when they are presented. I have a feeling Mistress's clean shaven folds will be a little too tuckered out by the end of the day today for me to expect a replay of our Tuesday afternoon fun.

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