Sunday, May 11, 2014

Relief at Last

On Friday night, Slave had one of those interminable firm dinners up in our boring state capitol. Happy Hour Reception.  Dinner. Small talk with folks I see most work days anyway. Then a lame "comedian" to conclude the night. It must have been around 10 pm before I was able to wander back to my hotel room. And as the evening progressed I noted that Mistress had not texted me, not even once. It led me to conclude that there was "mischief" going on down in River City, and Slave was in the dark about exactly the sort of mischief I was missing. 

I knew she was meeting some lady friends for a drink down in our hipster neighborhood. Were they just chatting? Or had Mistress been chatted up my some stranger at a bar, one thing leading to another? With her full contractual privilege to play at her own whim, Slave's curiosity was peaked. And after a whole 36 hours without any "action", Slave's cock couldn't hep but twitch a bit on the walk back to the hotel at the thought(s) of what Mistress was doing on her night out on the town.

The mystery was solved around 10:30 pm when my phone rang back in my hotel room.

"Hi Slave..... did you miss me?"

"Of course, Mistress....."

"After drinks with the girls, I decided to stop off at J's for a little 'night cap'."

It turned out to be a reverse "booty call", with Mistress dropping by to check in on her sometimes lover after his son had gone off to bed.

"It was just a quicky, slave."

So it turned out Mistress got a little action to take the sexual edge off, while Slave was all hot, bothered, but nonetheless obediently following my "no touch" protocol.

Ouch. Mistress provided some selective details of  her multiple cum encounter, which got  Slave all hard and horny. How Pavlovian. But it would still be another 14 hours or so before I was reunited with Mistress in her Executive Suite.  I did my best to focus on the NBA playoff game before drifting off to a fitful sleep.

Saturday morning I stayed at our retreat only so long as seemed required to show my face, then slipped out the door around 10 am or so for the 2 hour drive home. Mistress was out running some errands, and I unpacked. But it was not long before we were in bed together. Mistress had her suitable for spring time yellow thong on to taunt me -- it made me wonder what she had worn for J. Soon I was down between those lovely thighs, tasting the sweet and fragrant juices (and maybe a little left over remnants of the night before?) that fuel my addiction.  I will leave the rest to your twisted imaginations.

Is there anything better than reunion sex?

This morning, I am looking forward to a 2nd round, and will need to consider some special kinky treat for Mother's Day.  Hope all of you Mothers out there will have as many opportunities to orgasm as I plan to give the mother of our cute Co-Eds!


  1. Back when Bill and I had to do professional conventions twice a year, we called it the Rubber Chicken-Green Bean Almondine circuit. The best part was opening up our special travel case of tools and toys and having great kinky sex without the business phone ringing or the kids knocking on the door.

    That is a beautiful photo of Molly! Springtime panties? I need to go get some! Mine are sexy, but not so seasonal. Victoria's Secret, here I come!

    Happy Mother's Day to Molly!


    1. thanks Donna. Happy Mom's day to you too!

      Molly and Mick

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. WC here

    Very hot picture Molly!


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