Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Mistress Steps In It.

It's our last night in the UCTMW World HQ. At least the original one. After the blitzkrieg drive back from DC on Monday, it's been non-stop packing, working, and shuttling our delicate items to the new, semi-downsized pad in a more central and hip part of town.

Our cute Co-Eds have been relatively co-operative, though the younger one still has a whole lot of packing to do in her disaster of a room, with the movers coming at crack of dawn tomorrow.

Sadly, Mistress and Slave have barely had time for sex these last few days. Other than a stop at my office for worship on Tuesday afternoon, things have been pretty dry since we climbed in the car in DC on Monday morning.

But things were looking good this evening, after we attended a closing and made one more shuttle to the new house with a variety of items, including our bag of "toys" that I discretely slid into the back of our new closet.  At around 7 pm, the girls announced they were filling up the station wagon with some of their own items and driving over to the new house.  Finally,  it seemed as if a window of opportunity had opened.

But Mistress was a little too cocky when she called out from downstairs to her slave....

"Amazing. Both girls gone.... let's have sex.....!"

Then there was another voice - cute Co-Ed #2.

"I haven't left yet."

I'm not sure who was more embarrassed. Mistress. Or our daughter.

Can you imagine the conversation the two of them had once they pulled out of the driveway?

Don't worry. Despite the walk of shame Mistress had up the stairs after she realized her blunder, once we confirmed that both were gone, we did not let the opportunity pass us by.


  1. WC here


    But I knew a little thing like that wouldn't stop the mighty Mick and Molly from having sex!!!

    Well done U2 nuts

  2. Okay, Mick, I truly laughed out loud with this one!

    Hope your home is filled with lots of love and kinky sex!



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