Friday, August 9, 2013

Running out the Clock

Here at the UCTMW World HQ we've been in a bit of a holding pattern this week...

The end of the summer is in sight.... and although we may miss the warm weather, we're (with just a smidgin of guilt) looking forward to dropping the Mistresses in training off at their respective campuses in just about 2 weeks time. We've been spoiled by our empty nest!

In addition, Mistress is making a workplace transition, and is anxious to get that over with.

Then we have two weeks in early September planned at our SW Hideaway, just the two of us!  It won't come soon enough.

So what do we do to "pass the time"?

.... There has been our usual wake-up sex.

(Though I've been warned that this morning we have to leave early....."Slave.... you're just going to have to contain yourself Friday morning... can you handle that....."

"I suppose I will have to Mistress...."

Not that we won't be able to squeeze in some blog reading worship.)

And in the evenings, there has been some bike riding.... worship..... family dinners when the kids get home.... and Breaking Bad binge watching on Netflix.

When we're watching the big computer screen, Mistress settled onto the couch next to me, feet extended onto my pap, she's usually in one of her sexy nighties, the lights low, just in case on of the cute Co-Eds walks through the room and gets "grossed out" by a scantily clad Mom.


Well, of course not.

"I wear them all day Slave.... I need a little airing out....."

Sometimes those clean shaven folds spread so close to me can be distracting, and Slave's hands wander about, delivering a bonus cum or two during slow points in the story line of Walt and his meth lab.

There's something about Mistress shudders and soft moans of delight as she is splayed out next to me that give a Slave some extra fulfillment  after a busy work day.


  1. Mick,

    No talk (whining) about the cage in this post? Is it still in use? Or did one of the ladies at that sex toy conference abscond with it?


  2. The good news is that we ended up squeezing in some wake-up sex this am after all.... Mistress did not have to get out the door as early as she feared.

    And no, the "True Romance" ladies did not run off with my cock cage. But next year maybe I should offer to do a seminar on this particular item, in case they want to add it to their catalog.


  3. I know how you feel about running the clock. My rug rat is here at home too for just a few more weeks. Funny how we love them, but can't wait for them to go.


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