Saturday, August 31, 2013

Game Day Rituals

Here at the UCTMW World HQ we're counting down the hours until our flight to our SW hideaway Monday morning. Sadly, we're stuck here in the hot, sticky River City air because of some work demands for Mistress. She's got a client dinner tonight, and will be dragged into a long busy day tomorrow that will keep both of us out late Sunday evening.

So it's been nice to go a little slower here today, which just happens to be the kick-off of my alma mater's football season.

Our game day schedule included some robust wake-up sex, an outing at a local park and farmer's market with my cute grandkids, then a midday bike ride in this yucky heat. That got us back home about an hour before "game time".

My preparation was a shower, and handling a few household chores as I counted down the moments before kick-off.  And of course, right before kick-off, I made sure to discharge a little of my anticipatory excitement by lavishing Mistress's clean shaven folds with some attention from my lips and tongue.

Some "good luck" worship can't hurt can it?

So far my team looks good, but then again, the competition is of the "cup-cake" variety.

Of course, Mistress is here too, just across the room but she has a different approach to the "excitement" of collegiate football:

 But at least when she takes a nap at home, rather than at the Stadium, she doesn't have to overdress.


  1. Sigh... Now there's a photo that makes me wish I wasn't locked up... I'm not sure, Mick, how you could hope to pay any attention at all to football, with the luscious Mistress Molly in the room...

  2. I'll bet you missed the opening kickoff.


  3. Molly is a beautiful woman, no doubt about that!



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