Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Western Correspondent MIA?

Despite the fact that his seminal work here on such matters as ass fucking still continues to draw clicks at UCTMW, we've not heard much other than the occasional snide comment from our Western Correspondent lately.

(In fact, this post about Slave Positions from the WC is the all time leader here, with more than 7100 views; this one about taking a lady's behind comes in 3rd with more than 6200 views.)

This led our Senior Correspondent Donna to speculate that there may be some concerns about Miguel's health, as shown by this cute little e-card she just passed on:
But at least we know that if this is the WC's excuse for not sharing much of late, it's not because he's been doing too much keyboarding.


  1. Funny Mick,

    Yes I know I have been underproductive lately

    Am going to visit my brother tommorow but will write something when I gat back

    I does hurt to type though:)

  2. In his defense, Mick, last month was National Masturbation Month and you know how competitive WC can be. Or maybe he has taken under advisement the medical report that came out this week stating that men who ejaculate at least five times a week are less likely to develop prostate problems as they age.

    All that being said, I think the WC just enjoys jerking off. You?


  3. Donna- as you know here at UCTMW we follow the no touch rule.

    The very disciplined,


  4. Good discussion until the BS got a little too deep when the infamous "no-touch-rule" was brought up.

    Cut the WC a little slack. He's hurt and hungover from National Masturbation Month.


  5. Thanks Suzanne and Donna,

    I feel like a major league pitcher who just went nine innings on 3 day rest

    That national masturbation month was a bitch

    My hand is all cramped up, growing hair and I can't see too well


    I muddled through

    And I agree Suzanne

    No touch my ass:)

    The wounded but still carrying on


  6. wahahaha...oh WC, that last bit did me in...your hand is growing hair...omfg....

    nilla, falling over and laughing so hard she misspelled her own name...twice.

  7. Congratulations, you've been awarded the "Sensual Blogging Award" and the "Very Inspiring Blogger Award." !

    ~ Vista


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