Friday, June 7, 2013

Desperately Awaiting Reunion With Mistress

We've been pretty quiet here the last few days because Slave has been off to our nation's capitol visiting   one of my older daughters who is leaving her current job for further life adventures.  They gave her an amazing send off, and she was nice enough to let her parents participate.

I'm lucky to be a guy who gets to see and watch a child do amazing things.

Before leaving town early Thursday morning Mistress and Slave had a particularly stressful 24 hours or so, so our normal dosage of sexual release was missing. Yes, I made sure to worship Mistress Wednesday evening after we got home later than normal, but there was none of the post worship fucking that usually follows.

So, by now, its been more than 2 days since the normally pampered Mick has the proper discharge of pent up bodily fluids. I know.... you're all feeling sorry for me....

Before I left, Mistress and I had the "cage talk". She would have liked to have me securely locked up here. She knows that in my earlier days, there was more than one babe here in the hothouse of our nation's political life that I was accustomed to calling on after a busy work day for a little nooky.

But that was many years ago. Slave's cleaned up that particular act.

It was also before there were metal detectors in airports and all these official buildings. And yesterday I was definitely in high security country. They even did something funny with my I-Phone at one entrance. Maybe they thought I was a spy?

Can you imagine what those guys would have done if the alarm went off as I passed through the metal detector and their wands found a big lump of steel wrapped around my privates?  I'm not sure my daughter would have been amused.

Mistress pondered whether  I should bring my cage, to put on and take off when security was not an issue.

Ultimately she gave me a pass. But it does make me wonder if I should get a plastic device for back-up on such occasions.

So Mistress simply imposed the no touch rule, which, despite some folks' scepticism, has been rigorously followed.

I just hope my flight gets out of here on time this afternoon, because I am already desperately anticipating this evening's encounters with Mistress once I finally get home.


  1. Oh my goodnes, thinking about high security with your cage on with your daughter around made me laugh...and cringe. Glad you were able to participate and not embarrass.


  2. Agree with Fiona. That would be a concern for us too. (If we used a cage.)


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