Sunday, June 30, 2013

Bon Voyage Sex

Slave came to ground today just west of Abilene, Kansas, the home of  Dwight David Eisenhower, who no doubt would be labeled a RINO by the scary remnants of his Grand Old Party. Mistress was supposed to be jetting to the far east as we speak, but a series of snafus by United "Airlines" left her, our daughters and my very pissed mother -in-law standing at the gate as the plane backed away. Hopefully they will have better luck tomorrow.

Suffice it to say that Slave could have driven them to Newark in the time it took them to get there from River City. 

But you didn't come here for travel whining, did you?

No, you want to hear about what instructions Slave has been given for this long separation.

First off, we did have some epic getting ready to say goodbye sex on Saturday. There was your robust wake-up sex. Then, after we had both done some chores and errands, we reconvened in Mistress's executive suite for a little more ritualized departure frolic. Mistress dusted off her strap-on and gave Slave a nice "so long for now" pegging, then allowed me to take her in more conventional fashion. Of course, Slave had to beg for permission to cum, which Mistress generously granted.

It was after the dust cleared that Mistress gave me my protocol while I am solo at our Southwestern Hideaway.

"Slave.... I know Suzanne will be disappointed, but  I'm not going to make you wear the cage for two full weeks.... You need to get your exercise, and the long drive would be too excruciating with the cage on...."


"I want you to wear it for any socializing.... when you go out to eat.... or hang out with our friends.... I don't want you to succumb to temptation.... I know how you can be...."

Well, if course Slave will not do any "succumbing", but I happily agreed to wear my cage for any outings where the opposite sex might be engaged. I suppose it's a shame Mistress has no trusted friend out there to act as "key holder" the way Suzanne's sister does from time to time.

And no, Suzanne, "Mattress Mary" does not fall into that category. At least not yet.

But what about the traditional "no touch" rule, you may ask?

"I know this may sound odd... but I want you to take things into your own hands once... but no more than once... each day. Send me an email everyday to explain how that is going....I don't want you getting too horny while I am gone... who knows what trouble you might get into.

"Uhh... yes, Mistress....", I said with a little surprise.

I think I am a pampered house slave, don't you?

After dinner we settled into a night of veging together, watching some TV, and clinging. We're not used to such a long sabbatical from our daily routines with one another.

And this morning, though I planned to leave at 7 am, we made sure to have one more session, with me worshiping Mistress, and, after she was pleased, me fucking her slow and hard for the last time for two weeks.

Now I'm all by my lonesome in some sleazy Super 8, and Mistress is sharing a room with her mom in Newark, hoping to leave tomorrow.

I already miss you, Mistress.


  1. I miss my hot slave

  2. sweet. I have a similar "please yourself once a day" requirement...and then send a text about it. I have to ask before I do it. Something quite sexy about doing it when it's sort of under someone else's control - and within their power to take it away. Domination is such a mental wonder.

  3. Well those sound like fabulous instructions. Making sure that you aren't too horny and then looking for trouble is very wise! I hope you all have safe travels and that you survive the heat and fires.



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