Monday, February 11, 2013

Slave's Comeuppance

Sunday started out pretty normally here at the UCTMW World HQ.

Because of an early spinning class, Mistress deferred out traditional "wake-up sex" until after she was nice and sweaty from an hour on the faux bike, surrounded by a variety of socially competitive work out buffs.

"Some people actually have spinning 'outfits' and come all made up at 9 on a Sunday morning, Slave..."

"You look better than them au natural, Mistress."

I eased up on my Switch Day rights,  simply treating Mistress to some time with the her favorite power tool wedged between her thighs.  Then, once she asked permission to cum, and I gave it, Mistress allowed me to fuck her properly, much to our mutual enjoyment.

After that, there was another round of catch up with Downton Abbey via the PBS website, and a trip by Slave for provisions at the local grocery store. (Slave used a lapse in the upper crust twit Downton "action" to pleasure Mistress with my devoted lips and tongue. She seems to enjoy laying next to me, on full display. And its hard to resist the temptation).

We even fit in a brief nap, before heading up to our cute Co-Ed's campus to share dinner with her, bring up a Valentine's Day gift, and find out how her semester is going.

It's a short trip, so we were back around 7:30 pm. We watched a little more TV and paged through the Times when Mistress had a surprise announcement.

"Slave.... I've been way too lax on you these last few weeks, and it's not been good. You've become too surly...."

Moi, an uppity, Slave?

"What ever could you mean, Mistress?"

I tried to look shocked, but she's probably right. I have taken my "pampered house slave" status a little for granted.

"I think you know exactly what I's been weeks since I fucked you in the ass...then you raised your voice the other night, and you know what I think about that.... and there's been a little too much sarcasm of late.... tonight you're getting a spanking before bed time."

While it wasn't exactly clear what had led to this revelation, I was certainly not going to defy Mistress. After all, our life together is as good as one man could ever expect. And I am pampered...spoiled even.... I'm the guy who gets to go home with (and fuck) the hottest babe I know. It's been that way for more than 20 years. Pinch me!

We watched a little more TV. But when we elected to head to bed, Mistress gave me unambiguous instructions.

"Get out the crop, and get into position, Slave.  I'll take care of you after I get ready for bed.

Slave did exactly that, laying the crop at the foot of our bed.

And when she was ready, directing me onto my belly, she wasted no time laying about 10 hard wacks on my ass that made me squirm and yelp.

I'll confess I don't take these "like a man".

"No more surly, Slave..... have I made myself clear....."

"Yes, Mistress....."

When she was done, I feasted on those clean shaven folds, making sure she had one more cum before bedtime.  I'd be waiting until this morning for my own reward.

"Nice, Slave....", she said as she laid back on her pillow, seemingly purged of her annoyance at me.

'Can I expect a better attitude this week, Slave....."

"I will do my very best, Mistress....."

And I will.


  1. This could be a dangerous (and sore) week for you. Be careful lol...


  2. I think it's just solid and sound "Slave Management" by Mistress. Surly, uppity. raising your voice....all no-no's. More time in the cage would certainly cure that.


  3. I agree, more time in the cage....

  4. Certainly a well deserved spanking and I agree with you about more time in the cage Suzanne

    Especially as he tried to get poor Jay locked up!!!

    Why then poor Sue would have the TC at her disposal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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