Friday, February 8, 2013


Here in River City we have some Irish weather today.... chilly and damp.  And since Mistress was leaving the house a little later than normal, it gave us some extra time in the warmth of our bed for some slow and lazy wake up sex. It was hard to disentangle myself, but duty called.

But we are deeply concerned about the well being of our friendly competitors in the blog-o-sphere over at All Mine. According to increasingly alarmist weather reports, a blizzard of historic proportions is bearing down on their cozy (if highly secret) hideaway somewhere in scenic New England.

No doubt panic is setting in, as all those reputedly hardy, flinty souls of the Northeast scramble to clear grocery shelves of milk, bread, eggs, and duct tape. I'll bet Tom Brady may be picking up the last available Spanx and ballet slippers at Target even as we speak. And for extra warmth, a certain football coach is desperately looking for a hoodie without the sleeves sliced off.

Of course, anything that happens in the Northeast, with its hyper-active media and chattering classes,  is far more newsworthy than the mundane goings on here in the heartland. Doing a little research, I discovered a whole page of photos on Google images about the "Great Blizzard of 1978". There was even a picture book on the subject.

I can remember the winter of 1978 and a blizzard of seemingly equal "horror" here in River City the week my first daughter was born. We sucked it up and took the bus to work! Can you imagine that?

And Mistress and I hunkered down and through the blizzard of 2012 in Illinois and Indiana a few weeks back in our aging AWD Volvo.

But back to our friends at All Mine, in the eye of the storm. With the snow and wind bearing down on them, I suspect that Tammy, Suzanne, and Jay have taken the day off, and will be hunkering down  until the road crews figure a way to rescue them.

Presuming they want to be rescued.

This would seem like a good time for the three of them to engage in some boundry pushing, don't you think?

In particular, maybe Suzanne should consider exploring what surely must be a secret fantasy of any self-respecting Cuckoldress / Domme: fitting her otherwise Alpha lover Jay with his own chastity device.  With a full weekend with no where to go, what better time to get those tender guy parts accustomed to the friendly confines of a cock cage?

I just wouldn't let him operate a snow blower with one of those infernal devices on just yet, Suzanne. At least not until he gets used to it.

And Suzanne, if you decide to take some time off from deploying Big Blackie for some other spontaneous winter sports, please dress appropriately. We don't want you to catch a chill.


  1. Funny funny funny Mick!!!!!!!

    And very clever as uaual.....

  2. WOW -- Snowed in sounds great, hot and romantic ---
    wish that Mick and I could join you.

  3. Hey Mick, I thought we agreed you wouldn't share those pictures of Bill and me. Hahaha!

    Great post.


  4. Mick,

    We're always happy to provide blogging fodder for the correspondents here UCTMW. Next time, use the picture I sent you of the three of us on the toboggan.

    Funny how things work out, but Jay was actually in Boston during the famous Blizzard of '78 recovering from knee surgery at his off-campus apartment with his Dad. I was in balmy Wisconsin! tammy wasn't even born yet!

    Molly - I'm very concerned about Mick's recent obsession with my locking up Jay. What's up with that? It could be he's just a little to shy to ask you for some more lock-down time. You know how I feel about that. Screw the no-touch-rule. Lock it up and unlock it only when YOU need it. You'd be amazed at the results. I hope that's all it is and nothing more serious.

    Snow's started falling, little accumulation. We have all the provisions we need - sexual and otherwise!



  5. Well Suzanne

    I think your theory about Mick is exactly right

    And after looking at Jays picture and your picture I decided that you New Englanders are a hardy lot!!!


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