Thursday, February 7, 2013

Only a Week Left for Your Valentine's Day Shopping

 I'm wondering if Bill, our Director of Security International picked up on this gift giving opportunity in his home state.

North Carolina Jeweler Offers Free Shotguns For Valentine's Day | TPM LiveWire


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  2. Bill, Dir. of Security UCTMW, Int.February 7, 2013 at 9:25 AM

    I did see this and it scares hell out of me! With some of the so far right wing, low IQ score, nutcases we have in this state what we don't need is more fire power in their hands. This store is also proud that it sells diamonds that come from war zones, because there cheaper, must not care about the poor schmo that digs them up.

  3. How romantic! Hope they don't forget to pick up the ammo at Walmart on the way home.


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  5. Yes ammo is always a romantic gift to go along with the roses


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