Sunday, October 10, 2010

MIstress dusts off the Shoe Horn

Maybe it was the stunning sight of Aisha’s post risotto spooned bottom this morning – I showed it to Mistress after she read the blog and we had made love – but when we retired to our chambers yesterday Mistress was in the mood to discipline her Slave.

She told me to insert my little white device. She clearly wanted the hardest version of cock I could make available to her.

When I came to bed, naked, after following her directions, it was already twitchy, interested in what she had in store.

Mistress had her laptop open., sitting up in the bed against a bank of pillows. She had one of those lacy, frilly and very shear top and bottom numbers I had gotten her several years ago. Very charming.

“Just a minute, Slave…. I need to send a little good night note to M….”

I stood there patiently as she typed away. They had not had a chance to talk through the day, but there certainly had been a little text message chatter between them. It made me think about their surprise Friday morning date. And that I needed to ask Mistress about one of his texts she had shown me. Something like:

“Don’t forget to tell your Slave about the part where you had to suck the Domme’s clit, and make her cum….. “

Hmmm. I guess I need to ask about that one….

By now Mistress had put down the laptop and assumed a more commanding demeanor.

“You know Slave…. M reminds me that I need to be firmer with you… is that true?

“I have no problem with that Mistress….”

She gave me that little look of disapproval.

“Passive aggressive. Slave. Is he right …. Should I be firmer?”

“You should, Mistress….”

Why is it so embarrassing to ask to be punished?

“Why don’t you lie face down on the bed, Slave.”

“Of course.”

I settled onto the bed, as directed. She was not leaving this thread unclosed though.

“Is he right, Slave…. Do you need to be punished more often?”

“I am sure he is right, Mistress.”

She reached for the long wooden shoe horn hanging from it’s loop on a chair at her desk. The sound of it smacking against her elegant hands was …. startling. My butt clinched, gripping the white probe, sending a little jolt down my cock as it pressed against the cool sheets.

Then the wood slapped against my ass.

“Ouch….. and why am I being punished, Mistress….”

“You were a little grumpy with me , Slave…. Several times this week….”

“I suppose I was …. Sorry, Mistress.

Smack. Ouch. My ass squirmed. But I took my punishment.

“Will you do it again, Slave?”

“No , Mistress…. I won’t”


“I don’t believe you, Slave…. Will you do it again….”

Smack. A particularly hard one. I could feel the blood rushing to my ass, wondering if it was already getting red and puffy. Or, in my case, puffier.

“Wow,,,, that hurt Mistress.”

“It was supposed to Slave…. Now lets try again…. will you act that way again….?”

“I suspect I will, Mistress…. It’s probably my nature…. “

Smack… Youch.

I could hear the tone of wry amusement in her voice now. She knew I was hopeless … of course I would get grumpy again.

“But will you try to be more respectful of your Mistress when you get in one of those snits?”

“Yes…. Mistress. I will certainly try.”

And maybe the knowledge that there could be painful consequences of this sort will help me “stifle”.

“Roll over, Slave….”

Ahh. Apparently my punishment was over. I had taken 10 or so. She had been easy on me. But I could feel the glow of my bottom as I rolled over to present my semi-hard cock to her.

She poked and prodded it a bit with the shoe horn. “Ooohing” and “Ahhing” a little as she made it twitch and stretch.

Then she hung the horn back on the chair and slid into bed with me, her fingers working their magic where the hard wood had been so recently.

I slid down to cover her folds with my mouth, sliding the silky undies she wore off her and making sure she had a worthy starter cum.

But then I was on my back again, and Mistress gentle “torture” of my cock and balls resumed. All finger tips teasing and tormenting, until she had me squirming and begging for the privilege to fuck her.

“My you are rather demanding, Slave…. What’s the deal?

“Ahhh you’re driving me crazy Mistress…. But I know you don’t want me to come this way…..wouldn’t you rather have me fuck you?

“I suppose I would, Slave….”

Her work done, Mistress rolled onto her back…

I was happy to take over from there.


  1. O, shoe horn sounds ouch-y too! But only fair, since your started the "household implements used on OPB." (Other People's Bottoms. Or maybe it should be OPA, "ass" instead of bottom so there's no confusion with "bottoms" in the "as opposed to 'tops' sense." Did that make any sense??? lol)

    Hot story though. Thanks!


  2. I agree, hot story.

    You know, it's true, you will be grouchy again. I'm in the middle of the world's longest punishment, and I'm grouchy now. It's human nature.

    I was worried for you when she had you roll over onto your back and she was still holding the shoehorn....


  3. Mistress would not abuse one of her most favorite tools.

  4. a long wooden shoe horn...ouch! and how delightful. There is nothing to compare to a hot stingy butt (ass...i agree with aisha about the whole bottom/top/bottom confusion!!)

    it puts you into a spacey mindset and back in the place you need to be.

    and you will be grumpy again. no one is perfect. one wonders if you will someday be grumpy just to test Mistress' resolve of more discipline, or simply because you crave it....


  5. Mick,

    I enjoy reading you and Molly's adventures as you live a FLR! I am curious about your frequency of spankings and the method. I have read almost all of your entries, and do not find that Molly spanks you that often. I also noticed that she only seems to spank you when you are on the bed face down. Does she ever spank you OTK, or some other position? Just curious! Thanks for the blo, and I hope you keep it up!


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