Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Some of the comments we got after Slave’s attempt at “orgasm overload” on our switch day Sunday got us talking here in the Collins’ household about sexual appetites.

Mistress was pretty tender after all the “abuse” she absorbed on Sunday from her favorite power tool. So we passed on early morning sex, and Mistress settled for one of those finger induced comes as she clung to me in our shower.

Then, on our drive home, Mistress shared a bit of her day’s text message trail with our Western Correspondent.

“He says he’s feeling deprived, Slave….”

“Huh?  I thought you said that he and B had ‘epic’ sex over the weekend….. “

“But that was yesterday, this is today.”

Mistress giggles. She says she feels like his confessor sometimes, getting the full orgasm count. Though I expect he demands the same from her.

“And  he didn’t  masturbate today?  That’s not like him.”

“Oh he did…. Twice he says.”

“Man…. He should be happy …. I’m not even allowed to touch.”

“Yeah…. That’s what I said ….’stop the whining…  but he just threatened to impose an orgasm embargo if I didn’t watch out….”

“Oh dear…. Wouldn’t that be a horror for you, Mistress.”

I think she caught my sarcasm, as my finger roamed up the inside of her thigh, along the smooth black fabric of her tights.

Obviously, this Slave is quite content with allowing Mistress to be the “decider” when it comes to my coming. Usually it’s twice a day, with an occasional abstinence day thrown in. She seems to know when I need it, and when a little denial might make me all the more desperate for her. And she does enjoy a desperate Slave.

“How old is M …. 51 maybe…. I don’t think I was quite that desperate to come all the time 8 years ago, Mistress.”

“You, Slave…. If anything we probably did it less back then….but now I have you  well trained to please me.”

“Glad you think so Mistress….”

“It is funny how much M needs to come Slave….I know  you would like to test whether you are woman enough to quench his appetites, Mistress….”

She got that dreamy, far way look in her eye.

“I suppose so, Slave….”

I like those little involuntary squirms Mistress displays when the subject of his special occasion cock comes to mind.

“Do you think M is a little out there though, or am I the one who is ‘under-sexed’, satisfied with once or twice a day?”

She laughed.

“Well, we did find him through a sex blog, Slave…. Maybe that should tell us something.”

Yes. I guess that is a sort of self-selecting pool.


  1. OMG, LOVE those boots!

    It is interesting - here we are, this group of intensely sexual folks, sharing stories...

    very cool.


  2. yes, i loved this post too. verrah hawt boots. i tried on some boots this past weekend while i was glum. my wife would have freaked out but gods i loved them.

    (so i settled for a pair of 4" peep toe shoes on clearance...easier to smuggle them inside...*smiles*)

    i bet, after 16 days with only 1 cum, i could come with a thought now.

    but i've been known to be a twice a day pleaser...(unless Sir B is in the room, then ALL bets are off...)

    so squirmy today
    punishment is *almost* done

  3. I think you do just fine Mick.

  4. I have no complaints.

    Glad you liked the boots, Aisha. Should Mistress wear them to the munch / party?


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