Thursday, February 9, 2012

HNT / Mistress's Distracting Boots

Yesterday Mistress had plans to meet with a friend at the end of the day. A male friend, I might add, who - presumably in jest - had warned her not to wear her over the knee boots which he had described as "distracting".

Of course Mistress does not take "direction" well. I mean she is a Mistress isn't she?  And it was seasonably cold here yesterday in River City. We even had a wisp of snow in the AM - our first of the season. So what did she wear: those black over the knee boots that were the consensus recommendation of our readers in Tuesday.

We both ended up at home at around 6 pm, and I asked her how that meeting went.

"Well it was odd, Slave."

"How so, Mistress?"

"He did seem a little .... distracted. But he did seem to have a need to reach out and touch my boots."

"I'll bet he did."

We had thought about heading to the gym - it was too cold and gloomy for a bike ride. But we decided to bundle up and go for a walk instead. But first things first.

I still had that cage locked on tight -- since we had drived separately to accommodate Mistress's end of day meeting.

"How about a little worship, and then you can unlock me Mistress?"

"In a moment Slave."

I do think she likes to drag things out.

But soon she was lying back on the bed, those booted legs spread to allow me access. Naturally, her peek-a-boo tights were there to allow me easy access. (When I snapped that photo, I had to strategically place a pillow -- this is an R rated sex blog, after all.)

"Maybe your friend sensed that there was something on display not far above those boot tops, Mistress.... that could explain why he was "distracted".

"Oh Slave..... now why would he think that?"

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

End of Day "Release"

Here in River City, Mistress had a dinner engagement with a colleague. That meant Slave and Mistress would be driving to work separately, and you know what that means.

""You'll be wearing your cage tomorrow, Slave", is what she told me Monday night.

So I made sure that the little steep ring was sitting on my dresser yesterday afternoon, to remind me to slide it on when I woke. It also meant that Mistress got the particularly hard cock it produces when it was time to wake her for a little pre-shower and primping sex.

As the work day proceeded, Mistress checked in with me from time.

"How are we doing over there, Slave...."

Sounded like she was not in a private place. But I knew what she was asking.

"Tight, Mistress.... the cage is tight."

At the end of the day, I had to deal with my ultimate nightmare.... a trip to the mall and the Apple Store.

I suppressed the urge to break into hives. Groveled for highly tattooed "geniuses", and within an hour or so had my laptop back, but only after a few comments about it being a "collector's item". (I guess that means they were thought I had an antique on my hands).

Finally, by around 8:30 pm, Slave and Mistress were back at the UCTMW World HQ.  Of course, I was wheedling a bit for release, offering to worship at the earliest opportunity.

"What's the rush, Slave..... I have to wash my face, organize a few things for tomorrow.... patience."

I got the message, and cooled my jets (or in this case my caged cock), and waited until Mistress was ready for me.  Nothing worse than an "in your face" pampered house Slave, I suppose.

Finally, Mistress was ready, lounging back on the bed for my attention. She even took a photo she thought would amuse our readers.
At least her lovely fingers muffled the glare of Slave's shiny head.

So what happened next?

Both of us were pretty tired, but Slave did get released from his cage.


And at around 4 am this morning..... that freedom was quite useful.

"Want to fuck now, Slave?"

Who was I to say No.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Closer Domme

Mistress is in a business that sells services to other businesses. And one of her duties is to make the pitch - close the deal - to bring in  new clients. It has it's ups and downs, particularly in this tough economy. Sometimes the sledding is tough. But yesterday was .... unusual.

She filled me in when she picked me up at the end of the day, with a quirky smile on her face as she let me settle into the driver's seat. Of course, she was impressively attired: black dress, peek-a-boo tights, and black boots.


Well apparently this costume had created some ripples during the day.

I'll pick up the narrative as Mistress was driving to a customer meeting with two of her younger female colleagues.

"We're driving to meet with a prospect, Slave, and first I get a call from one of my 'admirers'... he wants to meet later this week, but had a special request."

"What was that Mistress?"

"He said please don't wear those over the knee boots.... they're too distracting!"

"Awww.... poor boy."

"What did you tell him, Mistress...."

"That if you can't take the heat....."


"Then at this meeting.... the strangest one I've ever been to...."

"How so, Mistress?"

"The President of this company comes in.... sits next to me.... way too close for comfort.... and says 'you were so aggressive with us over the phone.... I just had to meet you in person...."

"How come?"

"He said it was my voice.... that I was very 'insistent' about what they had to buy from us...."


"And he really liked that approach...."

"Did he try to argue with you?"

"Well he tried to ask for a discount.... and I said 'No'."

"And how did he react to that...."

"He rolled over on that too, Slave...."

"Did he make any comments about your get up, Mistress?'

"Well he said something like 'just look at you. You match your voice...."

"I have a feeling you'll be hearing from this guy again...."

"You think?....He is a little shorter than my taste, Slave...."

"They all look the same size when they're on their knees, Mistress."

"So true, Slave."

When we got home, Mistress was mulling which of her thigh high boots to wear to that meeting later this week.  We even did a photo shoot, and ask for your advice... which do you think will be most likely to distract her "admirer"?

These are black of my favorites in her collection. (note the special occasion tights!)

These are dark brown suede.

So let Mistress know what you think.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Super Switch Sunday

It's Sunday night here in River City. The Giants and Eli Manning now officially own the Patriots and Tom Brady when it comes to Super Bowl showdowns, and Slave has a very early drive to the airport in the AM to make sure my daughter gets back to work tomorrow morning.

So I'm doing a late night abbreviated blog to fill you in on today's developments.

Mistress craftily thought that her switch day obligations were dodged again, with the pretext being a trip to the gym for that early Sunday AM spinning class. So while we fit in some hot wake -up sex, there "wasn't time" for a more ritualized exercise in the executive suite.

But she underestimated her sometimes too docile Slave.

Once the grocery shopping for this evening's Super Bowl gathering was done, and the Chili was simmering on the stove, I directed her upstairs. The lame excuse about having to do some work related task fell on unsympathetic ears.

Soon Mistress found herself bound to our bed, ass elevated, and grudgingly accepting a firm bare bottom spanking. It didn't take long for her firm and seductive tush to take a nice red glow. And I might add that accompanying that glow was the intoxicating aroma of her wanton arousal.

My fingers came away damp and pungent from those clean shaven folds in the intervals between the firm slaps to her bottom, confirming my suspicion that the little slut was secretly longing for the switch day exercise that she had dodged the last two Sundays.

Once I had taken a few photos to share of her reddened bottom, I felt it was time for her reward. I pulled her favorite power tool from under the bed, and slid it between her legs from behind.

It's always a joy to make her squirm and shudder and beg for the privilege to come.

And of course afterwords, once the shuddering and moaning had run their course, I made sure to take my pleasure from her as well. And not too soon, I might add.  Some guests just don't no that its better to come late rather than early!