Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Mistress's New Lover Sleeps Over

With our plans to leave town on Wednesday, Mistress had to decide whether to further risk her still tender folds or forego the company of her new lover for several summer weeks.

Let's just say that Mistress is not the "better safe than sorry" type. She let me know Monday morning by text that JJ would be sleeping over.

On Saturday night Mistress had sent him home with a little reluctance on his part (and maybe hers). But we had not agreed in advance on a sleepover.  That problem had been resolved for this third encounter with JJ.

"He seemed happy to know he was welcome to stay, slave....."

We also agreed that slave would be back in his cage, and Mistress made sure it was on before I headed to a later afternoon meeting.

"Better now than you coming home and he's already here, slave....."

As it turned out, I arrived home before JJ arrived, Mistress was "dressed down" in her typical evening attire - revealing black sexy nightie, that descended no lower than her upper thighs, and no panties.

Daring? I suppose you could say that. But it was Mistress's typical attire for an evening home with her slave. I suppose it showed just how comfortable she's already become with her new lover.

JJ arrived at around 8:30, dressed again in shorts and a casual shirt. Mistress was lounging on the couch when the bell rang, and sent me to the door to greet him.  JJ promptly sat down on the couch next to Mistress, and leaned in for a deep kiss before taking in the site of Mistress's revealing outfit.

"Oh my......", he reacted.

His hands slid over Mistress's tanned and fit thighs, rising to those clean shaven folds.

"And no panties...... all ready for me, are you?"

Mistress blushed a bit, appreciating his roving fingers.

We settled in for some chat. One thing we agreed on was the need for discretion and a "back story" to explain to mutual friends how we had met, in case we are spotted together in public.

"We met through mutual clients or work" was the agreed "legend".

Mistress also pointed out that slave was caged again.

"Excellent", JJ responded.  That lead to some conversation about the materials and fit of my cage.  Where we ordered it, etc.

"In case your interested, maybe Mistress can find one for you", slave helpfully suggested.

"Oh, no.  That's definitely not my role here, Mick....."

No, I suppose it's not.

All this talk, and JJ's roving hands, which had been running across Mistress's thighs, may have gotten her wound up a bit.  She was eager to move onto the next item on the evening's agenda.

"So what's the plan for tonight", she queried. She added that we had decided that this would be another evening where slave did NOT participate in the fun.  JJ was agreeable, but also seemed interested in demonstration who was in charge.

He leaned in again for another kiss, letting his roving hands expose Mistress left breast to me and to him, a little nipple tweaking followed, and a conversation about his appreciation for "natural" breasts as opposed to the manufactured variety.   During this conversation, Mistress's hands could not seem to prevent themselves from sliding over to JJ's lap, and his cock was clearly putting some pressure on the confines of those cargo shorts.

Was this a cue for slave to get lost, or them to ascend the stairs to the UCTMW Executive Suite?  Not quite yet.

"Maybe it's time for you to show Mick how well you suck my cock?"

JJ was reaching for his fly. Mistress was looking at me with that "is this going too far for you slave."

I was a little transfixed by the sight of JJ's cock, emerging at half mast from his shorts.

"Fine by me", I muttered, a tad aghast. That was one fucking big cock. And while I am hardly a connoisseur, it was surely the biggest cock I had ever seen.  No wonder Mistress was tender.  But clearly not so tender as to be eager for more.

By now Mistress's head was descending to JJ's lap. Her hair falling over her face as she greedily took it into her mouth.  JJ seemed quite pleased with her efforts. I couldn't see his right hand, but apparently it was busy.

"Your wife is so wet, Mick....."

"I'm  not surprised......"

Mistress came up for air, squirming on JJ's hand.  Would she come? Would he? This was spooling out a little faster than planned. And slave was watching. A first for me.

But when he asked if she'd like to ride his cock - right there on the couch, right now in front of me - Mistress looked at me a little confused about whether things had gone a little beyond our "game plan" for the evening. So seemed tempted. But then she demurred.

"Maybe we should go upstairs now."

And so they did.

(Further update tomorrow).


Monday, June 5, 2017

Tender Mistress Signs Up for More Cuckolding

By the time Mistress woke on Sunday morning, she was very conscious of her marathon session with her new lover, JJ.

"I'm sore, Slave.....very sore."

Apparently JJ was not just blowing smoke when he mentioned that his "equipment" was super-sized.

"He's big, slave....very big."

It sounds like it's more a matter of girth than length. She made a circle with her hand that suggested that JJ wields a trunk, compared to her slave's work-a-day sapling.

That larger than normal mass, along with 3 hours of intermittent fucking, had been more than Mistress's tender clean shaven folds could handle.

"He says I will adjust to him, slave....."

Let's hope.

Of course, there was a more detailed debrief, though I think Mistress was in a bit of a fog after all that sex.

Apparently there was multiple and varied positions, including cock riding, from the rear, from the sides, and him on top with her legs pushed to his shoulders. JJ must be quite a sexual acrobat.

He also brought Mistress to orgasm with his tongue.

"He says he loves the way I taste, slave."

And Mistress courteously returned the favor.

"He seemed to like it" when she sucked that big cock.

No doubt.

So after this initial encounter, what comes next?

"He's the real deal on the whole cuckold thing, slave....."

"How do you mean?"

Mistress was a little hesitant on this part.

"Well it's clear he wants you to do some . . .  fluffing.....I told him you are very straight, but that didn't seem to discourage him. It's what he seems to expect. "

She seemed dubious about my response, and we had a frank conversation. It's not something I've done, or been asked to do in the past with any of Mistress's lovers.

Would slave be willing to do that?

"I would if it was a turn on for you Mistress... that would fuel the whole submission, humiliation thing for me.....So it's your call."

Mistress seemed a little uncertain about her own feelings on the subject. So the jury is still out on that for now.

Mistress allowed her slave to "reclaim" her yesterday morning. And even though I proceeded very, very gently in light of Mistress's obvious tenderness, it was probably a mistake.

"It hurt, slave......" she admitted later.  I apologized and reminded her that she always had the authority to turn me away. In fact, that might be a turn on in it's own right.

As for Mistress and JJ. Mistress has said he wanted to see her again before we leave town on Wednesday for a few weeks. And by Sunday evening they had confirmed that he will be joining is here tonight.  Hopefully Mistress's tender parts will have bounced back.  But in light of an early morning meeting on her schedule, she won't have the distraction of my own relatively diminutive cock to complicate her recovery.

BTW, I sent an email to JJ yesterday telling him we enjoyed his company and giving him my own number in the event he needed to get in touch.  His response:

"Totally enjoyed your wife. Looking forward to devouring her again tonight!"

It seems that despite her discomfort,  Mistress is looking forward to being devoured.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Tuckered Out Mistress

Both of us were a little apprehensive about the upcoming arrival of Mistress's new "prospect", JJ, as we waited in the kitchen last night.  I was doing dinner prep.  Mistress was sipping some white wine, checking her cell phone.

"He says his GPS estimates arrival at 7:39, slave....."

And sure enough, within a few minutes Mistress reported, looking up from her phone, "he's hear. Do you want to greet him, or should I?"

"Why not you, Mistress?  I'll get dinner going....."

JJ had let me know that he wanted to make sure he had some digestion time between meal and "play". So do we hold dinner until later? or eat right away? Since Mistress needed some more "getting to know you time" before, as she said "just hopping into bed with him.....", we opted for a quick dinner on his arrival.

Of course, JJ had made some progress with her before arriving with his text messaging campaign, warming her heart and other key body parts in a form of remote foreplay. He was halfway there, but the question in all of our minds (probably) was, would Mistress allow him to  close the deal?

JJ came in relaxed casual mode. Cargo shorts and a sporty, patterned  shirt. He's a tall guy at about 6'4", looming over both of us. He gave me a confident, but non-Trumpian handshake in greeting. He clearly had no need to demonstrate his dominance of the turf in some artificial way. After all, he already knew that I was prepared to cede my wife to him later in the evening.

As I got dinner going - grilled Salmon and a batch of my fried potatoes and brussel sprouts "hash" - Mistress gave him her tour of our old house. Slave couldn't help but ponder whether some additional foreplay might be part of the tour.

They came back down to the kitchen as I got my "hash" going and put the salmon on the grill.  Mistress was still nervous, accidentally spilling that glass of wine on the table. JJ was a gentleman and helped wipe up as slave replenished her glass.  "Poor Mistress", I thought. A lot of pressure here.

Dinner went well. The two of them sat chatting out in our garden as I finished up and served our meal. JJ ate moderately and passed on a glass of wine.  He clearly was not compromising his ability to perform. Our conversation covered everything from mutual acquaintance (including some folks we all know who he says are "swingers") to his experiences traveling in  Africa, where Mistress is headed in a few weeks.

As I cleaned up and loaded the dishwasher, the two of them sat at the counter. JJ probed more directly on our preferences and history.  Mistress covered how our marriage evolved into one involving my submission. She confirmed that I was caged for the evening. Thankfully, he did not ask for a "show and tell". I told him that Mistress was pretty easy on cage time.

Then, without much warning, JJ pulled Mistress in for a kiss. She seemed more than happy to be in his arms, quickly and eagerly succumbing to his probing tongue. His right hand moving down to her ass possessively, kneading and pulling her closer to him. Later she confirmed to me that "he's a good kisser, slave...."

He had asked her to dress in something "revealing". She had picked a cotton mid-thigh summery black dress with a halter style top. ("Do you think this looks OK without a bra, slave....." Of course it did. )

If he hadn't noticed already, JJ discovered the absence of that bra as his hand moved up her flank, reaching in to expose her left breast to both of us. Breaking the kiss, he helped himself to an engorged nipple as I watched, learning against the kitchen sink, my cock reminding me of it's close metal confines.  Mistress and I had an embarrassing moment of eye contact then as he greedily pulled her nipple between his teeth.

"What's that look, slave......", she asked me.

That was hard to answer. Embarrassment?  Arousal? The ache as my cock hit the walls of it's confining steel cage?

"Maybe we should go upstairs now", she said to him. It was about 9 pm now.

"What, does this make you uncomfortable?  Doing this with him watching?", JJ asked, teasing, smiling at us both.

"No.... but we might be more comfortable if we weren't standing", she responded. He had clearly closed the deal.

JJ asked her whether we should take "him" along, nodding in my direction. She told him that at least for tonight it would just be the two of them.  The two of us had agreed in advance that this was time for them to get to know one another before slave got mixed in.

So they headed upstairs as I finished loading the dishwasher.  Ultimately, I camped out in our living room, one floor below Mistress's "executive suite".  Sort of "on watch". With the TV low, it was not hard to hear the sounds of their on again off again fucking..... which went on for about three hours.  Mistress;s rythmic  moaning, JJ's occasional exclamations, and the sounds of groaning floor boards or creaking bed reaching crescendo after crescendo, interrupted by the sounds of low voices or laughter, then another round.... and another.

Mistress was probably wise to keep her slave caged for the night. Otherwise it would have been tempting to take matters into my own hand.

A bit after midnight they descended the stairs. They greeted me where I was nodding off on the couch. "I'm exhausted", Mistress told us both, speculating whether she'd be able to join me in the bike ride we had planned for this morning. Mistress asked me to show JJ to the door, which I did. He commented that "he had left me something", which I took to mean his deposit in her clean shaven folds.

When I came back upstairs, Mistress was getting ready for bed.

"I don't think I've even been fucked that hard for so long in my life, slave....."

That was about all I got out her her before she was asleep. Oh, and "he wants to see me again before we leave town (on Wednesday)".  She did show her slave some mercy by unlocking me before closing her eyes.  It's clearly a "sleep in Sunday morning" here at the UCTMW World HQ.

Updates to follow as slave gets a more thorough debriefing.

Friday, June 2, 2017

The Smutty Text Messaging Phase

Mistress's new prospect, JJ, has been keeping her attention the last few days with a series of fawning and provocative text messages. The intent seems clear: fanning her sexual fires into a nice smoldering  blaze before he joins us here for dinner on Saturday night.

Mistress alerted me to his text based seduction strategy sometime on Thursday morning.

"He's been texting slave....it's a little distracting....."

She was working on a long and tedious work project for much of the day at her computer.  The frequent ping of an arriving text on her I-phone was providing a welcome diversion.

"I'm responding some, but I can't just do this all day, slave....I have work to do."

Before our late afternoon siesta, Mistress handed be her I-phone to check our her ongoing dialog.

"It's a shame I can't just transfer this to you slave.....it would be great for the blog".

Yes it would be. And it also got slave's uncaged cock distracted as I scrolled through their smutty conversation.  Here are a few highlights that I recall:

"So do you keep him caged?"

"Yes. He was caged last night...."

Ouch.  There goes that little somewhat embarrassing secret.

"Do you like oral...."

"Of course. Do you?"

"Yes. I am anxious to taste you......"

There was also some puffery about the girth of his cock.

"Slave, do people actually measure that?"

"Apparently he does."

We recalled the need to take measurements for the right size of my cage a few years back.  Somehow I don't think that's why JJ had measured his, which seems to exceed my "work-a-day" dimensions.

There was also some discussion about whether and what role I might play in preparatory or clean up service - a subject that was left hanging for now.

After our siesta slave enjoyed the benefit of JJ's "pump priming" ( I got that analogy from Donald Trump!), when some worship turned into some full blown late afternoon fucking.

Yesterday, JJ's campaign resumed.

"Today he asked me if I was shaved, slave."

She apparently told him about her clean shaven status, which seems to have pleased him.

"He also wanted to know if I could take a spanking."

'What did you say, Mistress?"

"That my bottom is pretty solid, and can take what he has to dish out."

Hmmm..... that sounds like a challenge, doesn't it?

For my part, I sent an email to JJ asking about whether Salmon was OK for the menu.  He agreed, while noting his preference that any "play" occur before dinner, or after sufficient time passes to digest his meal.

I responded that he and Molly need to work on the schedule.  I will serve when they direct.

As for my status, Mistress made that clear.

"I definitely think you should be in your cage again on Saturday night, slave".