Wednesday, November 28, 2012

New Neighbors on the Block

Mistress stopped by for a little worship in Slave's office yesterday, sliding out of one leg of her tights and black velvet pants to accommodate my devoted tongue and lips. When my work was done, I took her to lunch, then walked with her around the block to a new hotel where she and an office mate would be scoping out the facilities for their office Holiday party.

This place is a total renovation of what for years had been a downtown "SRO" (aka,  flop house). And the concept is very hipster: the first two floors are a contemporary art gallery, the upper floors are the hotel rooms. Oh so edgy for River City.

As we strolled around the galleries, we found a collection of very life like sculptures of nudes of various ethnic backgrounds, they left nothing to the imagination ----

Well, I guess you still have to imagine what this guy's un-cut cock would look like at "full staff", as I suspect Mistress did when she seemed a little surprised to find him greeting her.

Then there was this lady with a hat and nothing else:

Also in the collection were 6 or 7 depictions of what must have been tweens, boys and girls, of various ethnic backgrounds, all explicitly depicted. (I was reluctant to photograph or display those here for fear of being accused of a kiddie porn violation, though these clearly fall in the "fine art" exception.) This in the town that tried to prosecute a Museum a generation ago for displaying Robert Mapelthorpe photos!

Next thing you know, seemingly respectable professionals here will be writing sex blogs!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


To have our empty nest back.

It was lovely having the cute Co-Ed and her surly sister back in town for the long holiday weekend. But all the other family members who expected us to entertain and amuse them?  Well they wore out their welcome by Saturday night.

And poor Mistress.... maybe it was abusive of her Slave to move the dinner with my older daughter's home  to ours on Saturday evening.... just so Slave could watch his alma mater take on its dreaded rival from the West Coast, with a national title on the line. In my defense, I did not realize what the head count would be.  Unbeknownst to me, my daughter had included my sister (who had cancelled on us at the last minute for Thanksgiving) and her wacked out boy friend. I figured we had dodged that bullet for the weekend when other pressing matters prevented them from joining us for the big Holiday feast.

Then there was a former sister -in-law, her current husband, and his 5 year old granddaughter. I still can't figure out who invited them. But there they were. Toss in my two cute but Oh so noisy and raucous grandsons. Another daughter and her fiance, my mother in law, her husband and the crowd easily exceeded the more sedate group we had for turkey on Thursday night.

All so Slave could watch a football game in the comfort of his own home?

I suspect I deserve a punishment, since Mistress ended up with the lion's share of the cleanup because her Slave was parked in front of the TV, and also made the Chili.  At least I was in a gracious mood after the dust settled in the Coliseum and my team was headed to the big dance in Miami.

But now they've all gone home.

We've had two delightful evenings (and sexy mornings) without having to worry that our lovely daughters are muttering "ewwww" to the sounds down the hallway.

And Mistress has set up her first tryst with "More Matt" , her would be Dom, for Friday evening.

One question yet to be resolved: Does Slave "get lost" for the evening, figuring they have to get comfortable with one another before "More Matt" has to come to grips with Old Mick. 

Or does Slave make dinner for the two of them, and let nature take it's course?

Any thoughts?

Saturday, November 24, 2012

When Black Friday Comes....

Molly and Mick survived Thanksgiving here in River City with surprising aplomb. Our dinner was far above last year's low point, thanks to "addition by subtraction."  In the absence of a few joy sucking, "pay attention to me and all my problems" guests, all was pleasant, relaxed and laid back.

And though Friday was a bit over-scheduled, Mick did make sure to avoid any retail shopping,  dodging the potential for participating in the mayhem that has become the Friday after Thanksgiving here in these United States.  In case our overseas readers don't get the concept, here is a brief update of guns drawn, windows broken, and crazy Wal-Mart line hoppers   getting hauled away to jail. All for a discount on one more plasma screen TV. The worst of Black Friday.

But there are other ways to get your Christmas shopping done. Our cracker jack former Senior Correspondent Donna is always on the lookout for that special stocking stuffer. But in this case, something else is getting stuffed into something else.

She thinks this might be the perfect gift for the WC, something special to soften the blow of getting laid off during the holiday season:

Keep your package festive & toasty even in a blizzard!
The X-Mas Tuggie is the hands-free way to keep your stuff covered, cuddly and warm no matter how low the temperature dips!
The soft and fuzzy X-Mas Tuggie slips easily around your package to keep your shaft and balls nice and warm while caroling, skiing, sledding, building snowmen, or throwing snowballs. An adjustable drawstring in the base ensures a secure fit and keeps the tuggie from slipping off no matter how active you get. The tuggie itself is covered with red and white straps to make your cock look just like a festive candy cane. But it’s your job to talk your lover into taking a lick!
Sure you could just use a tube sock to keep your package cozy. But then you have to worry about the sock slipping off and falling out of your boxers. And your typical tube sock isn’t nearly as festive or as sexy as the X-Mas Tuggie! Just imagine the look on your lover’s face when you tell them there’s one more present to open… and show off your X-Mas Tuggie!
The X-Mas Tuggie measures 8.5 inches long and 2 inches wide, with a generous sized ball sack. It is made by Pipedreams from polyester. 

Molly checked this little number out and had only one concern.

"I'm not sure it's going to be big enough for the Special Occasion cock."

I suppose one size fits all may not always work.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving from Molly and Mick

 When it comes to TG humour, we can't do any better than Dumb Domme:

fowl suspension, spanked chicken, turkey fisting » Dumb Domme

But in case you're missing your fix of sex scandal reporting, check out this essay by Dana Millbank on why the whole Petraeus dust up isn't really a sex scandal at all:

How to tell when a sex scandal is a sex scandal

We will be hosting extended family for yet another holiday ritual today. Let's hope it's not as bad as last year!  And when they all go home and the dishes are done, we'll have plenty to be thankful for!

We hope your day goes well too!