Sunday, October 28, 2012

Mistress's Day of Rest

Mistress was wise to rest a bit here on  Saturday.

After some early morning wake-up sex in the Executive Suite, Slave was off to teach a voting rights to some election day volunteers, and Mistress went to her spinning class and tended to her nails.

And Suzanne will be pleased to know that Mistress made sure I was locked safely away in my steel cage for the duration of our time apart.

"I know it can be uncomfortable Slave, but I really can't trust you at these political events."

After noon, on my way to visit my cranky mother, I checked in with Mistress via phone to see how her morning had gone.

"Good. Slave. nice class. And Dave (cougar bait #2) called me while I was headed there.... I think he was in the mood for more phone sex, but it's a little hard to do that while driving."

Once I made it home the rest of the afternoon was spent in bed. Mistress napped first.  I joined her. Then there was some slow and lazy twilight sex.  Mistress was in her black T-shirt showing her "team colors". Slave was too lazy to yank it off. I think her nipples may still be a little tender from her encounter with Nick earlier this week.  And, in any event, I was focused more on attending to those clean shaven folds.

All through the afternoon, it was hard not to notice the little soft buzz as text messages from Matt (this week's cougar bait #1) were flowing into Mistress's I-phone. Matt (the divorced guy)  was at his cabin out in the country with his two young kids, giving Mistress updates, and sending cute photos. 

This one seems very earnest, and certainly vanilla. But I think he's working hard to charm Mistress, and who can resist someone trying so hard to flatter and please.

Later, after we watched the old Hitchcock classic "Marnie" ( a very strange psychological drama with a young Sean Connery and Tipi Hedron with an utterly politically incorrect honeymoon "rape" scene"), Slave settled down with a certain anticipatory dread to watch what I anticipated to be the comeuppance of my so far undefeated Alma Mater at the hands of the much faster Sooners.

Somewhere into the first quarter, Mistress said that Matt had put his kids to bed, and wanted to call.

"You don't mind, do you, Slave."

Well, of course not. I was still in shock that my team had a 7-3 lead after the first quarter.

Mistress slid into the living room, the lights turned low, stretched out on the couch, talking to her wood be lover. During a commercial break, I poured her another glass of white, and served her there. She seemed content to be romanced. 

Later she joined me during the 2nd half 0n the couch, and I let my fingers linger in those moist clean shaven folds as my team, incredibly, built an insurmountable lead in the 4th quarter, stunning the assembled Red Necks in Norman, OK.  I bet they'll remember the sound of our "Victory March" at the end of the game for quite a long time!

"So how is Bachelor # 1, Mistress", I asked, as we headed up to bed.

"He's good Slave. He seems very anxious to meet me for dinner Monday. But he's already warning me that he hasn't had sex in 8 months."


"Let's hope he's taking care of his needs in other ways, Mistress."

"I didn't pry, Slave, but I did ask whether there's a chance he's forgotten how to do it."

She read me a text in which he ticked off Mistress's many charms - beauty, sex appeal, intelligent, accomplished, charm and a sense of humour too. All the things I know, and maybe don't complement her enough about after all these years together.

"It's all true, Mistress. But isn't it nice to get a 2nd opinion confirming the diagnosis every now and then?"

"It certainly is, Slave...."

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Cougar Week

Mistress and Slave played hookey Friday afternoon, as Mistress alluded to in her  posting filed last evening.

It had been a long week for both of us, and particularly Mistress who had worked hard and played late on two evenings with Nic (Last week will be dubbed "Out of Towner Week",  retroactively).

So Mistress arranged for me to pick her up at 1 pm at her office, and we lunched at a cute Vietnamese place on an older part of town, before heading straight home, offices be damned.

"Lunch, a nap, sex, and maybe a trip to the gym", was how Mistress laid out our plans.

But we got a little distracted.

We have both found that once you turn Mistress's profile to the "open" position on AM, well, the flood gates are open. And since Mistress is a curious and adventurous sort, it's hard for her not to filter through the applicants and discover a few that peak her interest, particularly when they are persistent in their "pick me" messaging.

By Thursday night, Mistress had moved on from her adventure with Nic, and was sorting through the latest stack of "profiles" and supplications. Of course, some self-disqualify, either by the photos in their "private showcase", or the way they present themselves.

"This one lost me with the Camo-suit, Slave."

No, Mistress does not go for large guys driving fishing boats in camouflage.

And questions about whether you've read "Fifty Shades" seems to be a disqualifier as well.  Too mundane.

There was one guy who used Mistress's alluring photo of her legs spread in the passenger seat of our car as inspiration for a little micro-smut:

We're too far apart so I won't waste your time or mine but I wanted you to know that I love your photo. On a night on the town, I absolutely demand that my date wear stockings and heels. Like most men, I am very visual and when driving, I'd love seeing your great pair of legs with your dress or skirt pulled up just like your photo. I can't help but touch and squeeze the inside of your leg, where your stocking top and skin meet. I'll tell you to slide down in the seat, pull your panties aside and show me what a hot bitch you are. If you're a good girl, I'll let you use the vibrator I keep in my car for such occasions. When we arrive, I always use valet as I will expect you to provide the man opening your door a good look at what I'm going to take later on. And yes, you will wear panties and there is a good reason why :)

Good try!

Some guys can't seem to read her requirement that they be at least 5' 10". Mistress does not want to lean over to kiss you, dudes.

By Friday morning, Mistress had offered her email address and/or phone number to the two gentlemen who had risen to the top of her latest pile. Though there was a little confusion.

As her social secretary I noted that she had sent an email to one applicant, thinking it was the other. "I'm not sure that's the guy who said he wants to Dom you, Mistress."

Oops. (As it turned out, apparently the recipient of that message didn't figure out it was intended for Bachelor #2 instead.)

By the time I picked Mistress up for lunch, she admitted a little sheepishly that the two lucky gentlemen had been vying for her attention via text message through the day. Both are 8-9 years younger.

"I've never been a cougar, Slave....."

"I suppose that might be another thing to check off your bucket list while you can, Mistress."

We got home, stripped off the work clothes and settled into bed. I had some emails to catch up with. She had a power point to review, But there was that constant little distracting buzz as the text messages continued to pore into her I-phone.

As you might expect, Mistress seemed to enjoy the attention. Though I was a little concerned she might get the two text message threads confused.

As it turns out, Bachelor  No. 1 (we'll call him Matt), 42,  lives just a few miles away. Recently divorced.  Sort of conventional, business owner and Dad, but with a sense of humour, and a look that seemed to peak Mistress's interest.Sounds like he's coming off a bad break-up and needs some hand holding. But Mistress seems intrigued.

"I'm having sushi with him Monday night, Slave.  He keeps joking that I'm not allowed to have any sushi until then."

On the other hand, Bachelor No. 2 , 40, is more of a free spirit, and clearly into the kink. He is not married, but does have a teenaged daughter. He's the one who is into the whole Dom thing, and his text messages started out Friday morning rather hard core - urging Mistress to slide into something naughty and follow some rather smutty instructions. But once he learned that Mistress was at work, and wanted to go slow and learn more about him first, he backed off suitably.

As we were preparing for that nap, Mistress saw a text from him and announced that he was going to call her. Slave got to listen into the rather lengthy conversation that ensued. It turns out he lives in the little college town where our cute Co-Ed goes to school, about an hour away. He's spent lots of time out west, snowboards, etc. Mistress likes the "outdoorsy" type (as long as it does not involve guns or camo). With me listening in,  Mistress was quite open in describing the nature of the "power structure" here at UCTMW, including the  whole cuckold thing, and why Mistress is interesting in exploring her Sub side. Dave, as we will call him, was quite intrigued and certainly understood the concepts, something that J had some difficulty with.

They agreed to meet for dinner somewhere near here on Tuesday night.

So this week, Mistress has two more back to back dates, but with considerably younger gentlemen.

When the call was done, we did take that delayed nap. And afterwards, Mistress made sure to ride her Slave's cock to a few bracing cums, before Slave had his opportunity to release all that accumulated sexual tension.

By then the sun was down, and we had to admit to ourselves that that trip to the gym was a mirage of good intentions unfulfilled. Maybe today!

Slave poured some wine, and we adjourned downstairs to watch an episode of "Boardwalk Empire".  But there was one further interruption. Mistress went upstairs to get a sweater, and came back down a little sheepishly.

"Dave called when I was upstairs, Slave.... he wants to know if I'd like to do a little phone sex with him....would you mind?"

Well, what standing would I have to object? And of course I didn't mind. I had been more than satisfied, and if Mistress had some extra sexual tension to discharge, why stand in her way?

So Mistress adjourned to her Executive Suite for about 30 minutes, and came down with a nice satisfied grin.

"How'd that go, Mistress?"

"Ummmm.... nice Slave.... he let me use the hitachi.....Does this make me a slut?"

"That term has no negative connotation in this household, Mistress."

"I'm glad you think so, Slave."


Friday, October 26, 2012

An Update from our CEO

And it goes on...

Hello Friends...what a week. This sort of activity is cutting into my more mundane physical fitness regime. Mick and I left work early, went for a great Vietnamese lunch and came home and hit the sack. Nick was interesting this week. No WC not a sub. I may see him from time-to-time -- I may not. There were some oddities for sure.

As per the life of our household. I have stayed out there. I had heard from two men through AM who both appear compelling as follows:

1) 42, divorced, up the street and interested (dinner scheduled for Monday.)
2) 40, bachelor and 40 min away and loves women my age (old.)

So, since I have not ever been a cougar..isn't it time? And where is our old friend Riff Dog when we need him? I am afraid that we have become AM junkies. I am learning lots --

As time passes tho -- a few things remain consistent for me:

1) This is all about what stimulates Mick and me (selfish -- I tend to think these guys get a good bargain too.)
2) variety is interesting....and interesting to bring home. I really only like to sleep in our own bed. There is no place like home.
3) Ladies -- men are fucked up creatures -- love them, need them, can't live without them -- but wow (need I say more?)
4) I have reaffirmed that I do NOT want to sleep with someone else's husband. Full disclosure -- Nick has his share of the married man guilt -- don't want to be part of that one.

Mick and I will rest up for what promises to be a new week in the saddle.



Thursday, October 25, 2012

Mistress Does the "Walk of Shame"

As it turned out, Mistress ended up spending the night with Nic at his downtown hotel on Tuesday evening, while Slave languished back at the UCTMW World HQ, alone in her Executive Suite bed, scrupulously following her "no touch" edict.

At around 8 pm, She gave me a heads up that she would be "out" for the night via text message, and even gave me a call from the room when Nic stepped out to collect them some dinner.

(Yes, I won that hypothetical wager that there would be pre-dinner sex, knowing that as a red blooded would be Dom, it would be impossible for Nic to resist Mistress as appetizer).

Mistress had let me know where I could find the key to the cage when I got home, allowing me some freedom at night. But I was under strict orders to re-cage in the morning.

As it turned out, that was particularly frustrating.  Because bfore heading to her office, Mistress walked the two blocks from the hotel to my office, making sure her over night bag was tucked into her car in the basement garage there.

"I was a little worried that someone we know might see me in the lobby Slave.... how would I explain over-nighting in a hotel just a few miles from our house?"

"An early meeting, Mistress?"

Maybe.... and just to be clear, this is a change of clothes!", referencing her outfit.

Sadly,  to me one black dress with black boots looks pretty much like another, but I took her word for it, as I was sliding her "throne" against the door for some 8:45 am worship.

"Strange coming to see you in the morning, Slave, after getting out of bed with someone else.... it's like we are the ones having the affair!"

True, it did feel like old times. And Mistress's folds (which were not clean shaven back in the 80's) tasted every bit as luscious yesterday morning after her marathon with Nic.

I only got a brief summary of their activities before walking her back to her car at the hotel.

"Four times, Slave. Before dinner. then after. Then in the middle of the night. Then again this morning.  He's got quite a sex drive."

"Butthen he's met his match, Mistress...."

Last evening, back at home, Mistress came in talking on our I - phone to  R, the neighbor who was a blog reader and figured out last fall that   "Molly and Mick" lived just down the street. Of course, he had been reading here about Mistress's new beau, and apparently could not wait patiently for an update when your editor got around to posting it today.

"I'm exhausted R..... all that sex.... and my nipples and breasts hurt!"

Poor dear. She says Nic has a fetich about squeezing and biting those sensitive little nubs. Who needs clothespins?

After a bike ride at dusk on a surprisingly balmy evening, Slave finally got to do a more detailed debriefing, while also getting the release I had been awaiting for nearly two days!

It seems that Nic does enjoy playing the Dom role, which had Mistress both excited and a little anxious.

"He's a little dark, and very directive, Slave.... a bit like Micky Rourke in 9 1/2 Weeks.... he knows what he wants."

"Sounds hot, Mistress. But.... "

"Oh... it's definitely hot.... he knows what he's doing.... but he clearly wants to get inside my head....and I'm not sure I want to really go there."

I had a little trouble understanding what she was getting at, but I tried to reassure.

"Maybe you just think of it as a chance to give up control every now and then, knowing that whatever happens you have your devoted husband here as your safety net."

Intriguing, huh?  He does live out of town, so this may be more like a once every month or so thing.  Maybe we can get Mistress to share a little more here in the days to come as she "processes' this experience.