Thursday, September 6, 2012

HNT/ Another Abstinence Day?

Slave adhered to the "no touch" rule last night, letting "Slick Willy" lull me to sleep after an evening solo at the UCTMW World HQ.

When I woke, I texted Mistress who had slept over at her lover J's house, asking for some instructions for the day ahead:

"Morning, Mistress. Hope you are feeling better. Cage today?"

I didn't hear back until just before I was heading to work.

"Slept late, Slave. No cage required."

Ahhh. A respite from its unfriendly confines, that will make some of you mutter about my "pampered" status.  But I was more interested in when (or if) I might have a shot at some "action" with Mistress.

On the way to work, she did give me a call, reporting that she had gotten a good night's sleep, and that despite her aches and pains, she had indulged J with some action of his own.

And she was acutely aware of her Slave's own plight.

"Poor, Slave. Are you horny? At least I'm giving you some good blog material."

There was only a hint of sarcasm.

And I might still have a wait in store.  She's invited J to sleep over at our house tonight. I'll be fixing dinner. Then we will all get to watch the proceedings from Charlotte together.

But since J will be "in the house", Mistress, always the generous hostess, will likely be sharing his bed. And then we have to get up very early Friday morning for our flight to the Southwest. 

"Poor Slave.... you may actually have to wait until Friday afternoon before I allow you to get off the Abstinence train....."


But there is a little light in that long dark tunnel of denial.

J is coming over at 6:30 pm.

"If we can both get home by 6 pm, you might get a little treat, Slave."

I think I can arrange that.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Cage Day in River City

It's been a long day for the pampered Slave today. The last time I "got any" was Tuesday morning, our pre-work wake up sex. Lovely, of course.

But since then.... well, it's been a dry spell. When we got home last night, Mistress was feeling sickly. Flu like aches and pains. And although I gave her a little post bike ride worship, I could tell she was fading. She couldn't even handle the gnocchi with salmon, asparagus and fresh tomato sauce I prepared.

We spent the rest of the evening in bed, me watching the DNC, enjoying the speeches and commentary, poor Mistress trying to get some sleep.

She should have taken a sick day. But she had a meeting at 7:45 am she could not cancel, and work to do before we left town on Friday for a belated summer holiday. Needless to say, she had to get up too early for any wake-up sex here. Plus I would not have expected any considering her ill health.

But she did  make her wishes clear before the dust settled on Michelle Obama's amazingly impactful speech.

"I'm sure you're a little horny with all that political testosterone flowing, Slave. So you'd better be in your cage tomorrow."

"Of course, Mistress."

So we were up at 6:15 am. Mistress hit the shower, trying to shed her aches and queasy tummy, while I made some coffee and scrunched my cock and balls through that steel ring that seats my cock cage.

After she climbed out of the shower, Mistress closed the lock on the cage, and made a little show of taking possession of the key. I noted that she had a bag packed.

"If I feel up to it, I'll be over at J's house tonight Slave. It might be the last time we get to see one another before our trip.... I think he misses me...."

"I'm sure he does, Mistress.... but what if you don't feel well?"

We left our evening plans open, but at around 3 pm or so we had a chance to talk. She was still less than 100% but....

"He really wants me to come over... he says he wants to nurse me back to health, Slave...."

Well that's only fair. I had Mistress nursing duty last night. It wouldn't be fair to hog her, would it.

So here I am watching the DNC again, hoping Mistress is feeling better.

We did talk a little bit earlier. I got her attention by texting a photo of her Slave's caged up cock. She seemed to be feeling a little better. J's ministrations seemed to be having some positive effect. She even gave me the secret location of the key, so her slave would not have the discomfort of waking with the ugly sensation of my work-a-day cock acting out and banging into my cage's not so "friendly confines".

I'm already hearing Suzanne's sarcastic doubts about whether Slave will honor the "no touch" rule.

  Yee of little faith.

I'm just going to focus on the politics and patiently wait until after work tomorrow evening for my "reward". At least I'm out of that cage!

So, in the absence of any "action" here, I will simply share the attached video. Last night our First Lady did a great job of describing her role as Mom-in-Chief. But here's the first lady from another perspective, talking about how her staff and friends are reading "Fifty Shades of Grey". But not her of course.  Though she has some interesting if discrete comments on why the book has seemed to resonate:
Michelle on 50 Shades

Maybe after the election she will relax a bit and release her inner Domme?

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Rainy Labor Day

It had been a while since Mistress and Slave were home in River City for this wend of summer weekend. More frequently, we've been out west, or maybe at the beach in Michigan for a football game at my alma mater. And with the remnants of Isaac slowly rolling through the region it was a rather dark and rainy day here.

Not a bad day at all for chilling inside and having slow and leisurely sex. Of course, there was our traditional wake-up session, which I was able to initiate a little later than planned because the rain was going to interfere with our planned early morning bike ride.

After I made sure Mistress had her full compliment of orgasms, I was off on a little outing with my cute grandsons, and Mistress took our sorority girl and her friend out for a mid-day brunch.

Later, we took a little mid-afternoon nap in the executive suite, and about that time Slave got some good news, though I'm not sure how Mistress received it. Due to some unanticipated family developments, J had to defer their planned sleepover last night. Now Mistress may have missed her opportunity to test her abs with J's unique brand of aerobic fucking last night. But Slave did not have to worry about whether he'd been sleeping in that infernal cock cage.

Let's hope for her sake they can reschedule before we head off to the Southwest.

Plus there was a bonus in my future: After a very wet bike ride, and the Sorority Girl's departure back to campus, we pealed off our sodden shorts and tops and had  a long pre-dinner matinee back in the executive suite. Mistress even directed me to insert that clever aneros, assuring that her Slave's cock was more than ready once I had used some of my finest worship skills to deliver a starter cum.

Now I have a much better attitude about rainy labor days at home.

Monday, September 3, 2012

The Mystery of Mistress's Sore Abs

With our Sorority Girl asleep down the hall on Switch Day, it was hard to develop the sort of loud and gaudy Switch Day adventure that Mistress certainly deserved yesterday morning. But I did administer some discrete spanks, hopefully muffled by the sounds of our classical music station playing on the radio. And as a reward for her "suffering" Mistress got some attention from her favorite power tool. There is nothing like the sight of those tight ass muscles flexing and straining when I slide the Hitachi between her thighs from behind, and Mistress pumps against it to reach her hard worked for cum.

And she was even polite enough to ask permission!  Once she was done, Slave made sure to fully exercise his Switch Day privilege of fucking her to my heart's content, first from behind, then "straight on 'til morning".

Afterwords we had a nice morning bike ride, and a rather laid back balance of the day. But Mistress did have one complaint:

"My abs are really sore this morning, Slave....."


"Sounds like J's athletic sexual stylings got to you Mistress...."

"Maybe, Slave..... am I out of shape?"

Well, as you can see from today's illustration, Mistress's legs and ass are quite firm. But there must be something about the way she and J were fucking Saturday morning that betrayed a weakness in her "core".

"I wonder what it is Mistress.... the cock riding, or him pumping into you  with your legs up?"

"Not sure, Slave...."

She and J were talking about it over the phone yesterday evening as Slave was preparing dinner for the two of us.... salmon poached in a sauce of fresh late summer tomatoes and eggplant that I must say was pretty darn delicious.

"I'm not sure what it is you did to me J, but my abs are still feeling it today."

If any of you have thoughts to share with Mistress on how to better "prepare" her abs for these sessions with J, feel free to pass them on. My advice is sit-ups, but there may be something less painful to prescribe.

In any event, Mistress's attitude appears to be "no pain, no gain". She mentioned to me yesterday her plan to head over to J's "love shack" late this afternoon, after our Sorority girl heads back to campus. With the two of us heading off to our Southwest hideaway late this week, it seems only fair that she slip in a sleepover with her lover when she can.

"But I may make you wear the cage while I'm gone, Slave.... just to make sure you don't take advantage of my absence...."

Sleeping in that steel cage? 

Let's hope she shows a little mercy.