Thursday, June 28, 2012

UCTMW Merchandising?

Apparently our Senior Correspondent Donna was fixated  on the watch hanging from the lovely Molly's neck the other day in the photo taken for our "Drive By Cum" entry.  And with the magic of science she came up with this close up!  I suppose we could issue these to our far flung staff members on their retirement. On the other hand, maybe we need an official on-line UCTMW Store to sell some of our favorite products, sort of like the Romney campaign has official branded scissors to commemorate the candidate's prep school bully days.

I suppose we could get a cross-marketing arrangement with products used here frequently: my custom made steel cock cage, the Hitachi or aneros?  There are those bamboo canes I can harvest from our rental property in town. Certainly UCTMW logoed T-shirts and thongs. Maybe some oversized male undies to fit a WC style "special occasion cock"? Any other ideas, staff?

I did want to recommend an article (Lust in Alaska) from yesterday's Washington Post, written by two female reporters from DC who traveled to Alaska to see if reports on the better odds of finding men there were true. Apparently there are more guys there, but a lot seem to be missing teeth and good grooming habits. Ah well. You can't have it all, girls!

One part I thought was amusing was the guy who aspired to have his own Yurt some day. It reminded me of our "exile" days over at Mistress and Slave on the Lam , when we had to hide out in a tricked out Yurt in Mongolia until we made sure that our "Mick and Molly" cover had not been blown back in River City.

As it turns out, Mistress and slave are going on the Lam again later today, for about a week, to our little mountain hideaway in the southwest. We are hoping that the smoke from those horrific fires to the north and southwest are not going to murk up those beautiful azure skies we love.

The cute Co-Ed is staying home, so it will be just the two of us, getting some R & R. So don't be surprised if the posts get a little spotty and perfunctory over the next few days.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The TSA Wants the Key to Your Chastity Belt

Sometimes I wake up here at the UCTMW World HQ  without a clue on what I will write about. And this morning, with the need to wake Mistress by 6:30 am if I am to have my chance for wake-up glory, there was a little extra pressure to meet more morning deadline.

You're probably tired of me reciting the glories of wake-up sex, or the thrill of worshiping Mistress's clean shaven folds at the end of the day. There was no news on the J / Mistress front today - though he will be joining us for dinner tonight. (But alas, the cute C0-Ed will be here too.)

But then I noticed Suxanne's comments over at All Mine about a recent TSA Blog that notes the discovery of a chastity belt by an airport scanner. The writer notes that such devices are not specifically prohibited, but suggests it's not wise to travel with them without the key.

Of course, this raised Suzanne's eyebrow: as she noted, I've you've got the key, what's the point? (Unless you are traveling with your Mistress and she's got the key!)

And I also had to wonder what exactly the folks at TSA would want to do with the key.  WOuld this be like discovering a treasure that someone would want to convert for their own use?

Images of being pulled into a private viewing area by a well armed, long legged TSA inspectress come to my smutty mind.

"I need to perform a more complete inspection, Sir, before I can send you on your way...."

Back in the day when Slave was commuting to see Mistress on the weekends, there were some times when I was required to wear my CB 2000 on Delta. We had those little numbered plastic locks.  It was always a pleasure to have Mistress decide when (or potentially, whether ) to cut that little plastic lock and let me free for our re-union sex.

In those days there were no full body scanners that would detect something that was not metal.

But now that I have the hard steel cage, and rarely travel on my own, it's really not been an issue.

But I have speculated about what folks like tammy do when they are in a plastic cage and need to stand in that scanner, arms overhead, waiting for someone to titter or pull them aside.

Are there any reports that our readers can share?

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Mistress's Drive By Cum

Because her new work location is a bit farther from my office, Mistress's opportunities to stop by for some mid-day stress relief have been much fewer and far between.

So it was nice that yesterday she had a meeting in my building with a client. Unfortunately, she had to bring a colleague along, a junior member of her staff.

But that did not deter her.

She mentioned the possibility of a "drop by" at around 11:30 am, and she surprised me when she waltzed into my office at a around 11:20, clearly with mischief on her mind.

She entered closing the door behind her, but was in a bit of a rush.

"I told 'Karen' (her staffer)  to wait in the lobby for me, Slave.... that I had to see you about something...."

I was already up out of my seat, sliding the chair into place against the unlockable door.

In my haste, I forgot to place the absorbent maroon blanket I normally use on such occasions on the blue upholstery.  Ah well, a little Mistress juice won't do much harm, will it?

I did have a chance to take this photo with my I-Phone, if only to show you her nice summer frock. And those well exercised and tanned legs.

I was already on my knees to capture an alternative camera angle, so simply crawled to her pressing my face against those delicious thighs, and worming my tongue and lips to the cusp of her clean shaven folds.

In no time, Mistress was squirming as I poked and probed my way to the spot that took her over the top, her head gently bumping against the door as she stifled a moan of release.

I guess it's lucky that the intern delivering the mail this week had already made his rounds. I'm not sure he knows the protocol of not opening a closed door.

Her "business" concluded, Mistress wriggled back into her undies, now the picture of purposeful lady executive again. Total elapsed time?  Maybe 5 minutes.

"Thanks for the lick, Slave...."

"My pleasure, Mistress.  I hope Karen didn't mind the wait."

Monday, June 25, 2012

Color Co-Ordinated Mistress

Mistress had another challenging schedule yesterday, balancing time with the two men in her life.

I was told to wake her at 8 am, which gave us two hours together, which, as you can see, were used constructively.

After some newspaper reading, Mistress found herself with those red cuffs affixed to her wrists, arms locked behind her, and available for whatever her slave had in his devious mind for Switch Day.

Don't you like the way her nail polish matches those cuffs?

There was some spanking, much caressing, and, of course, the application of her favorite power tool. The churning Hitachi soon had those well exercised ass muscles flexing with purpose, and Mistress begging for permission to cum. 

As you can imagine, I was indulgent.

She did make some lovely mewling sounds as my anxious to please her cock took her from behind, her hands now fixed together above her head.

All in all it was a lovely switch day, made all the more pleasant by the fact that our cute Co-Ed had fled the nest to visit a friend for the weekend.  It was nice to ahve that empty nest back again.

But by 10 am, Mistress was off, for a long bike ride with J over in his more pastoral neck of the woods.

I had some chores to do, and a grumpy mother to visit.  I heard from her at about 2 pm, via text.

'Went for a 25 mile ride, Slave ... see you soon."

And I did, at around 3 pm.

"I showered over there Slave.... and there wasn't really sex...."

I raised an eyebrow.

"Well, he did insist on licking me down there Slave... he's like you about that...."

"I can't say as I blame him...."

Well, I was going to go on a little longer this morning, about our early dinner together, but Mistress is paging me, and I hardly want to miss that window of opportunity, do I? .  I'll close, with a shot of Mistress's color co-ordinated ass after our morning switch!