Saturday, March 24, 2012


It's been one of those mornings, when Slave woke horny and desperate for Mistress.

I suppose it's my own fault. Late Thursday night we had some rather hot sex here in the executive suite, after Mistress recounted her encounter with the jack-ass downtown, and teased poor J with a variety of "threats" and promises about what might befall him here Sunday before and / or after our Mad Men watch dinner party with him.

So on Friday morning, when Mistress wanted to go for an early bike ride, I gave her a quick starter cum as she read the blog, then passed on my own window of opportunity to fuck her properly.

Last evening we had plans for a black tie event with some of Mistress's work colleagues. And since it began downtown at 6:30 pm, it made no sense to drive all the way home, change, then get back in the car again. So we carted our "dress up" cloths to work, and at around 5:30 pm, Mistress showed up at my office where we would both change.

Of course, changing has two stages to it: first, you take off the clothes you had been wearing. It was after that first stage that I suggested that Mistress sit in her "throne", the chair I pressed against my door (believe it or not there were still some over-achievers in my office on Friday evening at 6 pm). From there I let my questing tongue and suckling lips do what they are so well trained to do, coating my face with her addictive juices in the process.

Now I suppose I could have suggested that Mistress allow me some release of my own. But, as I mentioned, there were still some folks roaming the hallways, and the possibility of someone from the cleaning staff interrupting us as I pressed my advantage on the carpet also came to mind. While we've "made it" on my office carpet before, it was usually later at night.

So I again took a pass.

Our evening was surprisingly enjoyable. Some good company in a very stately old hotel. Great wine. And an extra-ordinary rendition of "Rhapsody in Blue" by a talented Chamber Orchestra, led by a Russian pianist with long flowing hair that would take any Slave's breath away. After, we adjourned to the beautiful bar downstairs for some Jazz -- the same place where the Irish Glee Club had regaled the St. Patrick's Day revelers last Saturday night.

By the time we made it home, both of us were a little tired and tipsy, and though I made sure Mistress was suitably pleasured before we fell asleep, Slave again did not take his opportunity.

Of course, I had not counted on waking up at around 5 am, my cock aching for her....and when that happens, the thought of not being able to reach for her (or even myself) to relieve that ache makes me all the hornier and more desperate.

She has a long day today, a trip up to visit our cute Co-Ed for some type of daughter / mom event. She may be driving home late. So I know she needs to sleep in.

Until 8 am, maybe.....

Not sure I can make it.... but the rules are the rules.

So J, this morning we may be in the same boat.

Friday, March 23, 2012


Mistress plans were hijacked a bit last night. We had scheduled a bike ride at the end of the day - at around 7 pm - after Mistress met briefly for drinks with a client.

You may remember some references to him a few weeks ago -- the guy who bit on a contract with Mistress's agency after she deployed her considerable domme-ish charms.  So he had suggested they meet for a drink after work last night to discuss how things were going.

I had a sense that this might be more than a casual business drink, based on the stories I had heard about their past encounter, but wished Mistress well.

At a little before seven, I got the first call.

"You better go for your ride yourself Slave.... this is taking longer than I thought. He's brought along his girlfriend (the guy's also married) and it's pretty strange...."

As it turns out Mistress made it home around 8 pm, slightly tipsy from "the expensive champagne this guy was buying".

As Mistress stripped away her wok cloths she was ranting about the crazy.

"So at some point the girlfriend fades away...."

"What was she like?"

"OK... maybe in her 20's."

"And how old is he?"

"Maybe 41.... and kind of short, Slave..... you know that's an issue for me."

"I kept saying I had to go.... he said don't waste the expensive bubbly...."

Was he coming onto you.....

"At this point he was insisting that I drink more and go to dinner with him..... after that, who knows?"

"And he wouldn't take no for an answer?"

"He even said if I didn't go to dinner with him he might pull the contract.... he said the only reason he signed with us was because he was so 'drawn' to me...."

See, Mistress is spewing pheromones all over.... creating chaos wherever she goes.

Hopefully that "threat" was just a reflection of this guy's desperation, rather than a real  promise of reprisal.

It got me thinking, "What would Don Draper Do?" -- Don is the anti-hero of the MadMen series, about 60's guys and gals in a Madison Ave. Ad Agency with their rather archiac mores about sexual harassment and transactional sex.

So if Don (or his female colleague Peggy for that matter) had been pressured for sex to keep a good customer relationship, would they have gone a long for the ride.  Oh wait.... it seems there have been several times when that's exactly what happened on the show. When it does, we all roll our eyes and comment on how antiquated those days were.

And yet here we are in 2012.... and Mistress is getting hit on by a client who would like nothing more than kneel at her feet and discover the intoxicating pleasures of her clean shaven folds.

After Mistress disrobed, she picked up the phone to check-in with J and describe her rather dumbfounding experience. I won't go into all the details of the events that ensued, but it did seem to leave J a little desperate back at his house, and Mistress with a few well deserved cums courtesy of my loving lips and tongue and fingers.

And we have an appointment to all get together here Sunday evening to watch the kick-off for the new season of MadMen. Mick will cook risotto, and Mistress had promised to introduce J to the pleasure of being bound to one of the sullen teen's empty beds as she demonstrates how she uses the power tool to pleasure herself.

Poor J..... I'm not sure he knows what he's gotten himself into.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Mistress Takes on a Familiar Role

As Slave languished in his cock cage yesterday, while tending to my normal work-a-day tasks, I traded a few text messages with Mistress.

"J's pretty fired up Slave.... he wants me to tie him up tonight."

Hmmm. So it seems J has been  paying attention to the blog and finds Molly in Mistress mode a little too hard to resist.

We had talked  a little about this last night.

"It seems every time I go out there looking for a Part Time Dom, I end up with another candidate for Slave instead, Slave."

"Maybe it's your natural role after all, Mistress...."

"I'm starting to think so".

As the day progressed, and I sat in an endless meeting, we played with the theme a bit via text.

"Did you suggest he stock up on rope, Mistress...."

"He says he has some old ties around...."

"Very Preppy, Mistress."

And I got a little push-back too.

"Don't worry, no matter what happens, you're still the lead Slave....."

"Good to hear that.... but be careful of leaving rope burns, Mistress."

Of course, all this had Slave increasingly uncomfortable in the unfriendly confines of my hard steel containment device. 

After work I headed home, did some chores, finished mowing the lawn, read the Times, listened to the folks at MSNBC rant.  At some point I probably nodded off. I awoke to Mistress coming up the stairs at the time she promised, around 11 pm.

She seemed surprisingly perky, if slightly disheveled.

"So how was your evening, Mistress..."

"Good, Slave..... a little wine.... a little sex .... a little ice cream.... a little more sex."

"Sounds productive....."

I felt a little sorry for Mistress.... she must be tired, and the morning promised another work day.  But when she graciously unlocked my cage .... well let's just say her cock was not exactly dormant."

"Do you think you have the energy for one more round, Mistress?"

"For you, Slave? .... of course I do. But put in your device (the aneros)..... it's a little late and I know that will put you in an even more desperate mood."

Of course, that would not be a problem here, but I dutifully complied, and soon found myself on my knees between her spread legs, savoring the flavors of her evening's pursuits as she recounted some of the smutty details.

"Yes... J certainly liked me tying him up, teasing him, riding his cock, Slave....."

"I'm sure he did, Mistress.....who wouldn't?"

"I told him next time I'm tying down his legs too...."

"That will give him something to think about...."

By the time I had delivered Mistress one more cum to pad her evening's totals with my hungry lips and tongue, my cock was more than primed to take matters to the next step.

Fortunately, Mistress had just enough energy left to accommodate her lead Slave.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Bullet Dodged.

Around 11 am yesterday I got the text from Mistress....

"spanking tonight, Slave.... after our bike ride."

Yes I had been a little cross with her via phone and text message. The "controversy" at issue was really irrelevant. Just Slave being a little petulant over one of those administrative duties that come up in navigating a marital household. But my tone was  something that clearly crossed the line, and Mistress is entitled to take it out on my hide when and how she sees fit.

Come to think of it, she doesn't really need an excuse at all, as exemplified by the preemptive cropping I got Saturday evening before I headed out for my St. Patrick's Day soiree and she headed over to J's house for her sleepover.

But, as you might imagine, I was not looking forward to the sting of the crop, so I did my best to (literally) suck up to Mistress when we got home .... I made sure to lavish those clean shaven folds with extra attention as she lay back on our bed, still transitioning from work cloths to biking wear.  After she was satisfied, we did out ride, with Mistress taking a second loop as Slave spent some time mowing the grass (yes.... our lawn needs mowing on the first day of spring..... but some say this whole global warming thing is just political science?)

When Mistress returned, I joined her inside, and she whipped up a lovely smoked salmon salad with fixings she acquired on her weekend outing with J to COSTCO. Then we sat down to watch another episode of Californication.

Mistress was attired in that lovely "tie-dyish" top and thong confection I got for her at Christmas, and nothing more. Another benefit of a warmer than normal March here in River City.  Remember this?

All in all, it was a perfect evening.... at least so far.

When our show was over, Mistress suggested we adjourn to the Executive Suite.

"Happily Mistress". I joined her there after taking care of the dinner dishes.

And to my relief, the crop was not on the bed.

Instead, Mistress required me to insert my "device" (the aneros), so that my cock would be of ample and sustained girth to please her.

That mission, I believe was fully accomplished.

As we snuggled later in post-coital bliss, Mistress explained her decision to "spare the rod".

"You've been a very good Slave of late.... so I figured I could let this one slide.... for a while."

I expressed my appreciation. It's nice to be in her good graces, and I do enjoy my status as pampered house slave.  (I felt a little sorry for Tammy when I read ALL Mine this morning and learned about his evening with that wooden spoon..... damn. And with Sherry watching too? )

But Mistress reminded me of my responsibility today....

"I want that cage on all day, Slave.... until I get home..... it should be by around 11pm."

Mistress will be calling on her "sex-toy", as she teasingly calls J after work this evening. I could tell she was pleased that he was out buying some Pistachio ice cream as a little treat for her this evening.

I wonder who will be licking it off of what body part before the night it done.

In any event,  Slave already has the ring to his cage firmly in place, and will let Mistress close the lock before we head off to work in separate cars this AM.  It could be a long day.